HCB's Journal, 03 October 2012

Contemplating what changes I can make to push myself along the weight loss continuum. Yesterday, I mentioned the need to decrease my fat grams and a few people wrote me all about fats. I recognize there are healthy fats - but, I still need to be watchful about the quantity of fat I consume. I want my body to burn the stored fat for energy, not the fat I just consumed.

I also looked at my RDI - and still find it a mystery. Sometimes I think I need to eat more calories (protein), and other times I feel it is just fine as it stands. People often say we need more calories to fuel the exercise and I do exercise a little more intensely than I did earlier in the process, but I also am not sure about increasing. I did have a nice drop after my vacation when I had consumed higher calories for several days - but I also was not exercising and think I lost a little muscle - not fat.

I think it is more important to watch the carb intake and the quality of the carbs I consume - fruits, veggies and a little dairy seem fine. I avoid most everything else with a random sweet potato thrown in a couple times a week. And , maybe 1/3 cup bran buds at night with my fruit and yogurt for texture and fiber. I keep net carbs under 100g per day.

And, of course, drink about one gallon of fresh water daily and keep "butt-kicking" myself to exercise!

So, do my Buddies have any other ideas on things I am not seeing?

Still grateful for:

- The good health of my loved ones
- My FS Buddies who support and encourage me to continue
- "Butt-kicking" myself to a smaller size today
- My DH - who is my greatest "cheerleader"
- My Bengal cat companions named Bodhi and Ravi
- My work - which has meaning and worth to other human beings
- My connection to the Mother Earth and its entire splendor
- My physical health

Diet Calendar Entries for 03 October 2012:
1032 kcal Fat: 29.06g | Prot: 107.79g | Carb: 95.68g.   Breakfast: Pace Salsa, BabyBel light, cooking spray, Egg White, Eggland's Best large egg, water, 2% Fat Milk, Coffee (Brewed From Grounds). Lunch: water, Low Fat 2% Small Curd Cottage Cheese, bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna in water. Dinner: water, butter, Turkey Thigh, sweet potato, green beans. Snacks/Other: water, Splenda, pineapple, Strawberries, Fage 2% greek yogurt, All Bran Buds, red raspberries. more...
2799 kcal Activities & Exercise: Walking (moderate) - 3/mph - 50 minutes, Resting - 10 minutes, Desk Work - 6 hours, Sitting - 7 hours, Sleeping - 9 hours and 30 minutes, Driving - 30 minutes. more...


When we lose after a vacation I think it has more to do with the concept of calorie cycling (following high days with low days, etc.) than just "eating more". So, since you seem to find success in that manner, maybe it would be a good idea to try calorie cycling on a regular basis. There are lots of different "plans" out there, some that cycle daily, others that alternate over longer periods of time. I just found this site http: //www. bodybuilding. com/fun/hugo19. htm (I added spaces so it wouldn't get edited out by fatsecret so copy, paste, and take out the spaces and it should work). It recommends cycling between higher and lower RDI's every two weeks and takes your weight and body fat percentage into account and tells you how much carbs, fat and protein you should take in. I have been considering doing something like this myself and the approach here sounds intriguing. Other than that, keep doing what you're doing and remember that weight training is a girl's best friend ;) 
03 Oct 12 by member: evelyn64
Wish I had the answers - sometimes there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to weight loss. And I am 100% sure there is no "one size fits all" plan. Just keep experimenting until you hit the magic formula! And best of luck.  
03 Oct 12 by member: BuffyBear
There's a "fat flush" approach that's used sometimes to get a jumpstart on a weight-loss stall. As the name implies, it's just a sharp decrease in your typical intake amount of fat and prioritizing protein. I know when I do this coupled with my low-carb approach, I can see a visible change within a day or two. This is what I did when I first started this journey and it yielded very optimal results :) In fact, I need to do this again soon. I've gained a little chubb back. D'oh! 
03 Oct 12 by member: CJT1217
HCB, once again thanks for your recommendation of the book WHEAT BELLY! Great Book, who knew that I was already following this without knowing the science behind it....Anyway, the plateau can occur but look at your weight chart, look to the peaks (weight gain or loss stoppage), how long do they last? Is there a discernible pattern? For me, I hit plateaus for 1-3 days at a time and then i lose again. Just remember, keep grains at a minimum, keep a low carb count and trust good protein to get you to your goal. Once again, thank you for your journals and the book rec!  
03 Oct 12 by member: Hildi72
Take a look at books by Michael Pollan. MY cousing saw I was going low carb and sent me 3 books that he said changed his life (and no he's not a vegitarian or any extreme eater lol. He's military actually) He sent me In Defense of Food, Food Rules and The Omnivoire's Dilemma. Had some valid information and things that I have certainly applied to my life that have helped. Education is power :-) 
03 Oct 12 by member: thynes
@ Clifford - yup, I think I instinctively know to cut the fats and bump the protein for a while. @Evelyn - that is a great link! I tried it for a few different body fat ratios and see I am eating on the "low" end of the cycling! This means I could spike a bit now and then to see what happens. And it also uses a decrease the fat and bump the protein concept. @Thynes, yes, education is POWERFUL, and @Hildi - you are doing great and keep reading stuff as the process keeps changing! SO, my feeling to reduce fats, bump proteins and maybe have a couple higher calorie days in a row might kick start the metabolic function for me! Who knew that I knew without even looking at the charts!  
03 Oct 12 by member: HCB
HCB I would say.... you won't like this ... but, skip the night snack of your bran cereal, yogurt and fruit. Do not eat after 7 PM. Night snacking is a big no no and will keep you on a plateau. I drink almond milk now at night. I have to have something. It helps me. That's all I can think of. Just eliminating that alone will get you going again. 
03 Oct 12 by member: Mom2Boxers
No new ideas but watching closely to see what works for you! :-) 
03 Oct 12 by member: jessabridge4444
Thanks MOM2B - that could work except I work from 11:00am until 7:30pm most days. So dinnertime is typically at 7:30pm to start with - But I also do not eat breakfast until 10:00am and lunch at 2:00 or 3:00pm. My body seems used to that cycle. I would cut out the bran all together - but it adds the necessary fiber.  
03 Oct 12 by member: HCB
OR - maybe I could eat the fruit/yogurt in the morning - and eat nothing after my evening meal - I will take a look at it. Thanks! 
03 Oct 12 by member: HCB
Plateaus happen. Are you feeling good? Are your clothes fitting well, or looser than before? Sometimes all the tweaking is just coincidental to a drop that might have happened anyway. If you are comfortable with your current food/exercise regimine, I would stay with it for now. Personally, I have found low carb, high fat has caused me to be able to comfortably eat two meals a day without cravings or hunger in between meals....but we all know how variable that can be from person to person. And my net carbs are way lower than 100g, so a comparison would not be valid. You are doing great HCB. I would say keep on keeping on. 
03 Oct 12 by member: yduj57
HCB I am so with you on this. I am in a nasty plateau and it's now been 5 WEEKS since I've lost any weight. I am mixing up the exercise, and trying my best with the fats. I feel I can't go below 1300 calories a day due to my diabetes. I am just as perplexed as you are. 
03 Oct 12 by member: kmartdollie
Plateau's are hard and we all hit them. But something that really gets me is if I am not regular in the bathroom. Just something to think about. But overall you are doing great and you will figure it out I have faith in you! 
03 Oct 12 by member: skwhite
Have you tried mixing up your exercise? Are you getting enough variety? I had to adjust my RDI several times to break through plateaus. 
04 Oct 12 by member: kimjinxie
You will no doubt find the best combination for yourself.. you are doing an amazing job so far.  
04 Oct 12 by member: pam-u-la
Thanks for being so vocal with your journey. It certainly is helping with mine...as I just polished off a piece of turkey jerky! :) 
04 Oct 12 by member: Neptunebch


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