Klynn82's Journal, 05 March 2018

I didnt realize how many people followed my journey, cared about what I had to say and wanted to see me reach my goals. I had no idea that so many of you found inspiration and motivation in my words. You all have no idea how much that touched me, made me cry and made me realize that if I walked away from this place, I was letting myself and all of you down. I cannot do that. I cannot let you down, if my weight loss journey helps just one person see that being fat isnt a life sentence, than I have accomplished something.

I wanted to quit, I walked away all weekend. I didnt "heart" anyones posts, I didnt comment, I didnt write my own. I logged my food and exercise and left it at that. I prayed about it, prayed that God would lead me where I needed to be. He led me back here, back to the people who needed to hear my story. Needed to see that if a girl who weighs over 400lbs can commit and really lose it, then they can too. If I can save one life, by being here and showing people that it can be done, then I have accomplished more in my life than many people have. I wont quit, I wont give up on me, and I wont give up on any of you. I believe in all of you, if you put your mind to it, and really want it, you can do this! We can all do this!! But, I realized, we cannot do it alone. We need other people, others who understand, and know what we are feeling, what we are going through, to lift us out of the pit when we fall. We will fall, thats what people do, and we will learn from it, because there will be kind souls here to help pick us back up.

There are going to be mean, rude, unkind people no matter where you go, and the internet is no different. The worst part of the internet is it give people a curtain to hide behind. It gives them anonymity. I wont know that person that called me stupid if I happen across them at the market. It gives them the freedom to say whatever they want to me, knowing I will never know who they really are. What they dont see, though, is that who they really are is showing, loud and clear, when you are rude, unkind, and hateful to people who are struggling. It shows that you are a small minded, uncaring, selfish person who doesnt deserve my time of day. You dont deserve my pain, my struggle, my hurt, because you are no one to me. I dont hate trolls, I just dont care about them.

The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference, because hate involves, at one time, having cared. I dont care about people who are here just to hurt others. I care about the ones who are hurting, the ones who are struggling, the ones who had a non-scale victory, the ones who lost 3lbs, the ones who gained 4 but are trying. Those are the ones I care about, not the jerks who are ripping people apart because they are so insecure about themselves that the only way they feel better is to drag others down to their level. You will not take my time from me, you will not garner my attention, and I will not play into your games. If you have nothing encouraging, uplifting, or helpful to say, your comment will be deleted.

I thought about going private, many people are, but how would that help people who are just joining the site. How would I be a beacon of hope to them, if they cannot see that I am human and struggle too. I need to keep my site open, because I want people to come and see that they arent alone. We are not alone. You are not alone.

I am here to stay, and no troll will chase me away. I love you all, I care about your journey, your highs and lows, your victories and your struggles. Message me, comment on me, if you need I will give you my number and you can call me when that box of oreos is calling your name and you feel like no one in the world cares, I do. I care.

Thank you all for caring about me. I appreciate it more than you know.

**On a brighter note, I got a fitness watch this weekend. I love it!! It tracks me sleep, my steps, and will tell me when I have a call or text on my phone. And a little non-scale victory, the color is coming back in my legs where the lymphedema had made them grey...I am getting the peachy soft skin back!!! And, unfortunately, the hair is coming back as well! HaHa!!**

Diet Calendar Entries for 05 March 2018:
1338 kcal Fat: 98.37g | Prot: 87.24g | Carb: 18.74g.   Lunch: Fried Egg, Waffle House Bacon, Waffle House Sausage Patties (2), Waffle House Bacon (3). Dinner: Wholly Guacamole Wholly Guacamole Minis, Great Value Shredded Mild Cheddar Cheese, Lettuce, Pace Picante Medium Salsa, Tomatoes, Ground Beef (80% Lean / 20% Fat, Crumbles, Cooked, Pan-Browned). more...
5701 kcal Activities & Exercise: Walking (slow) - 2/mph - 1 hour, Desk Work - 8 hours, Driving - 30 minutes, Resting - 6 hours and 30 minutes, Sleeping - 8 hours. more...

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1 to 20 of 45
05 Mar 18 by member: kpwcalories
Thanks for being brave and sticking around. You really do inspire others to keep going. Victory for the kind and gentle people! Yay!  
05 Mar 18 by member: teskandar
Awww, yay! What a sweet and heartfelt post. So glad you are here and that's wonderful news about your skin. Love you! 
05 Mar 18 by member: Peasy3
<3 <3 <3  
05 Mar 18 by member: chrisemchris
Now THAT'S the attitude to have! You've got this, if you want it. It's truly a journey, but your FS family will be here to assist! 
05 Mar 18 by member: crankybuzzard
Congratulations. I'm looking forward to reading your sweet words of encouragement. My first thought was Who?Who is misusing this space to build themselves up by tearing others down. I'll read back and find out and . . ". Then my higher nature suggested I'm not the FS police. I do have to keep reminding myself that I'm not responsible for others behavior. I'm only responsible for my response. A spiritual advisor once advised me to pray for the person I was obsessing about. It was the hardest thing I ever did. It didn't happen overnight but eventually I was relieved of the desire to see them sufficiently punished and realized being them was punishment enough. 🤣 Make this a really good day. Today I will turn my thoughts to what I can do fulfil God's plan for me; drink more water and work on the bunny I'm painting.  
05 Mar 18 by member: JackieSpahr
I'm glad you have the strength and courage to stay on this site and stay public. I checked out the profile and journal of the person who left that nasty message and it looks like his account was hacked and someone came in under his name and left a bunch of nasty messages.  
05 Mar 18 by member: fatoldlady
I love the fitness trackers! I have a fitbit and a myzone belt from my gym. 
05 Mar 18 by member: abbadabba
Nice!! So happy that you were able to find it within yourself to stay! 
05 Mar 18 by member: RiverRes
Eyes wide open sweetheart ....you are so loved..everything else doesn't matter...thank God your staying my Good Morning Vietnam journal was wrote this weekend because of people like you going through tough enough times and then you get... well stupid crap from others...don't take it sweetie.... ignore the ignorant.... I was told thisyears back...love you xoxoxox thanks for staying...this is for you;) 
05 Mar 18 by member: maxie4
Thank you for a beautiful post. Sounds like you have found your "why". I'm new to fitbit too! Sometimes it takes me awhile to get on the bandwagon! I have the one with the heart rate monitor and I just love it! I like all the little motivational things it does, and it helps me so much when I need that little push. 
05 Mar 18 by member: sbw1987
Oh, honey you soooo got this. More so than I think you realize now. If ever you feel like you have taken a step backwards or have had a "failure", I want you to read the words you wrote today, breathe, pray and come right back to life. Proud of you for choosing your health and your happiness above all. XOXO 
05 Mar 18 by member: LuluLimes
AWESOME!!! What type watch did you get? I have a Garmin - use Garmin Connect app as MLAKHATCH - connect to me IF you use the same app :) 
05 Mar 18 by member: lakjhatch
Way to go! You are inspiring. Hey do you know how I can add a profile picture? Today is my first day. 
05 Mar 18 by member: Trina47
You go, woman! I have had trolls in the past - NEVER let them chase you away dear! They eventually give up. 
05 Mar 18 by member: HCB
You should be very proud of yourself...... and that is what matters. Fitbits and that kinda of thing are great because it reminds us to move our Arses.....  
05 Mar 18 by member: clay pot baker
I loved reading your post. It was very uplifting. I am glad you are staying too. I have found my motivation slipping a little at times but I have been able to bring myself back to my goal. My grandchildren that live close to me are ages 4 and 6. it was so hard for me to go outside and play with them. I started my weight loss at 316 pounds. That is the most I have ever weighed. That was in December. I am now 264 and it sure makes a difference. I have bone spurs and arthritis in my feet and ankles. But I keep on. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes recently and I am on medication for this. I hope with my weight loss it will not become necessary to take meds again. I also have degenerative disk disease in my lower back. That gets painful at times. But Heads up. Keep marching on to tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day to make things right. Wishing you love hugs whatever you need for your journey. sandra 
05 Mar 18 by member: SandraDenton
Love, love, love your attitude, commitment, honesty, and generosity. You are so right on, with already helping people by sharing your story. I'm not very involved on this site, but I have read your posts and you have inspired and encouraged me. Sending you love.❤ 
05 Mar 18 by member: Becc@
I'm very glad u stayed. 
05 Mar 18 by member: tweetledee
You are young, strong, and determined; and the pride in yourself that you will have when you have accomplished your goal will keep you where you want to be! Keep it up! Don't let anyone or anything sway your course!  
05 Mar 18 by member: MereSess


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