redgirl1974's Journal, 16 March 2016

I have something super serious to post.. First the good then the bad.. the good part of my post is I went and did my bio screening today and all my result were great. Cholesterol is below level, glucose is perfect and blood pressure is down..All down from last years screening.. big time.. Im 100% healthy as we speak.
Here's the bad part.. I dont weight what I though I weighted all this time.. either my scale is broke or calibrated wrong or whatever but the weight Ive been recording is wrong.. If it were a few pounds, I would even waste any time on this but its significant and I have to be honest with myself and my buddies. So ive been noting 155-160 all this time and it could be 180-185.. what this means is my starting weight was prolly wrong too, so it prolly wasn't 250-255 but maybe almost 280-290??. Let me say, I feel like a f@cking fraud... I would never lie about my weight on this site, yet I did,no fault of my own..I know the weight I got at the screening is right bc I went to the gym and double checked.. two scales cant be wrong. Then I went to the super market and used that blood pressure scale machine too.. So my scale is a piece of sh!t. My apologies to all my buddies bc like I said, this is the one place I would never lie about my weight and I feel like I might have let some of ya'll down with this.. but not as much as I let myself down.. Maybe it was in front of my face and I didn't want to see it.. or couldn't. Ive strayed off plan a lot and Im sure that's also why I refused to look at another scale.. Whatever the reason, Im extremely disappointed with myself and really at a all time low today bc this makes me look bad... or at least I feel like it does.. I guess Im just that much more further away from my goal of being at a healthy weight.. It feels like I have to start all over now.. Ill record the correct weight when I get a new scale bc Im done with this piece of crap in my bathroom.. :(

Diet Calendar Entry for 16 March 2016:
1269 kcal Fat: 68.89g | Prot: 95.72g | Carb: 72.98g.   Breakfast: Tomatoes, Iceberg Lettuce (Includes Crisphead Types), Beef Inside Skirt Steak (Lean Only, Trimmed to 1/4" Fat), Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Tortillas (28g), Part Skim Mozzarella Cheese, Albertsons Heavy Whipping Cream, Sugar in the Raw Stevia in The Raw (Packet), Coffee, Vega Protein Smoothie Choc-A-Lot, Silk Pure Almond Milk - Unsweetened Original. Lunch: Great Value Medium Black Olives, Goya Non-Parelis Capers, Mezzetta Golden Greek Deli Sliced Peperoncini, HEB Italian Chopped Salad Kit. Dinner: Feta Cheese, Chicken Breast, Cooked Summer Squash (from Fresh). Snacks/Other: low carb bar. more...

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Technology has let down many a person. The good're pissed off and ready to get to work, that's all that counts. At work I bought two of these several years ago, and through several Biggest Loser Contests they were always accurate and still work:Taylor Precision Products The Biggest Loser Glass Digital Scale on Amazon $25 with a 400lb weight load...not that you need it. 
16 Mar 16 by member: mahjohn
It seems that the big difference in weights when changing scales is something that happens to probably 75% or more of the people here. I took the same approach you did....the difference just meant that I probably had a higher start weight than I thought I did. Not particularly great news....but it didn't change my progress. FWIW, the idea of anyone here lying about their weight never really crosses my mind...and I doubt it does to anyone else. And you did NOT lie. You put down the # you believed it was. You haven't worked as hard as you have and been as meticulous as you have to pull #s out of the air. I don't believe you've let ANYone down. You just started your journey a few miles farther back than you thought.  
16 Mar 16 by member: Vickie 5966
but on the plus side you have lost some weight -- the numbers werent what you thought they where through not fault of your own but it appears from you message you have lost some. refocus and move on dont let it bring you down. 
16 Mar 16 by member: doniag
You're still an inspiration to me :) You still have come a long way girl.  
16 Mar 16 by member: Ashley Sewards
Bottom line is you still lost the weight reported by what you perceived your scale telling you and its only a number. All your effort is still amazing, mentally the higher weight can be depressing number wise but the inches and actual poundage you have lost is to be applauded. Your body tells you different with inches lost, victory once again. So that being said I believe your buddies here are still your buddies , no one would probably even think of what the start and end weight is but the victory and the postings being successful in effort. You are Victorious get it in your mind that you have succeeded in change in many areas. Bravo!  
16 Mar 16 by member: pattychaney
Imma order one now Majohn, and what ever it says I weight, so be it, Im logging it, even if it says 200 lbs .. The scale is just one of many tools to measure success and Im no quitter.. Its just going to push me to work that much harder.. the ef'ed part is that I dont feel like I weight that much. It could be bc Im short or the way I carry it, who knows and I dont care.. Time to regroup, refocus and kick some more a$$.. tomorrow, bc today I will surely spend the rest of the afternoon feeling like crap..  
16 Mar 16 by member: redgirl1974
Keep keeping on :) 
16 Mar 16 by member: SteelerMummeh
Oh, please don't feel so bad. You should never look back, only forward. I hope your comment made you feel better because it should have, but move on now. You will do it.  
16 Mar 16 by member: islandmoma
Ok, you do realize you've lost 95 FREAKIN POUNDS. That's a 12-13 year old child. You are healthy, fit, and happier than you've been in a long time. I know you aren't "done" yet but please take a minute and FEEL the accomplishment you have already won. You are not your weight. You aren't different just because the number is different than you thought it was. The measurements and your endurance have not changed and you were PROUD of them before you found out a number changed. You should still be proud. We are. 
16 Mar 16 by member: newnormal
also to double check....head to the gym, the locker room should have a classic old style weighted scale....make sure it is zeroed and balanced first before using. 
16 Mar 16 by member: mahjohn
NN,, thank you.. I need that... (insert warm feeling here)  
16 Mar 16 by member: redgirl1974
What you lost is what you lost, where you started/are isn't really relevant. No apologies needed!!! Take a step back from the shock of a higher number and remember how hard you worked to get here and how much progress you've made. You are still such an inspiration and your hard work has certainly paid off. :) You're awesome, and that's all there is to it.  
16 Mar 16 by member: Annabelle3117
<3 You got this chickie... 
16 Mar 16 by member: newnormal
It can also be different scales as well. I weighed in for my weight loss class last night at 191.0. Stepped on my scale this morning and weighed in at 185.2. I seriously doubt I dropped 5 pounds in one night. That's why it's important to weigh on the same scale, at consistent times of the day (and not daily due to fluctuations,) so you can see your loss. That's the most important piece. Don't let the number mess with your head. You're doing great. 
16 Mar 16 by member: tempest_spirit
Oh so sorry to hear!! BUT at this point it's really just a number! You love how you look, you love how you feel, stay excited with your progress and all you overcame! Regardless of what the actual weight is. You still lost the same amount! Isn't that amazing ! 30 lbs is understandable how you might have been shocked that's how off your scale was... but that doesn't take away from the fact of how much you did lose! 
16 Mar 16 by member: kitten75
OK. let's look at the upside - you ARE healthy! You are overweight and working on that so you don't have health concerns later, but right now? You're HEALTHY! Also, you've been sticking to your program and you've been working towards your goal and you've lost A LOT of weight! Good for you. So the numbers stink, but the progress you've made does not and you should not feel let down. I'll give you "disappointed" that the numbers aren't what you thought they were but you do not get to dismiss all the good you've done!  
16 Mar 16 by member: cmlynn
You didn't lie; you were mistaken. You didn't do anything "wrong," intentionally or unintentionally. You posted inaccurate information, because you were provided with inaccurate information. That's all. No one here would blame you for this, and you shouldn't blame yourself, either. Weigh at the gym until you can budget for a good quality scale, and just keep on keepin' on. We're here for you, and you can do this! 
16 Mar 16 by member: CandissTC
You are an inspiration to me! Don't let the scales get you down ( I should practice what I preach,lol) You should be as proud of yourself for your progress as we all are of you!!! 
16 Mar 16 by member: JoanneLM
Not sure why you're beating yourself up RedG. Like Suzy said above, that starting number is not as important as the final one. What really matters is that you committed yourself to lose weight and you did that in a large way. Now the finish line is a bit further out of reach, but you've come a very long way. Yay for you RedG. Keep us posted on your good work. Cheers !  
16 Mar 16 by member: Slip72
WEIGHT is just a number - ATTITUDE is your life. 
16 Mar 16 by member: catzz2


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