Joined September 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
272.0 lb
Lost so far: 58.0 lb

Current Weight
214.0 lb
Performance: gaining 0.3 lb a week

Goal Weight
130.0 lb
Still to go: 84.0 lb
Hello, I am a woman age 50+ and have been battling my weight since I was 30 years old. My goal is to weight of 130 lbs and be off most of my medications. I have tried several diets prior with little or no success. I would loose about 30 pounds then plateau and wasn't able to get any further. I have now seen a dietitian and have learned how to read labels and stay away from foods that are high in sugar and fat. That has worked better for me than any of the fad diets. I want to GET HEALTHY!

I started on January 1, 2011 at 272 with extremely high blood sugar. I was on two medications for Type 2 Diabetes, two medications for Cholesterol, three medications for blood pressure, three medications for allergies, one medication for acid reflux, and a CPAP machine. I have already lost 78 lbs and still have a long way to go. I am off all Diabetes and Cholesterol, two allergy, and one blood pressure medications so far. YEA!!! I am proud of what I have accomplished so far but need to keep up the hard work to reach my goal.

I am exercising daily which is mostly walking 3-5 miles per day. I do have some floor exercises and use my health rider a couple days per week. I finally got into a pair of jeans that I have not worn since 1991 and they are comfortable. My husband, my two daughters and one son-in-law has joined my on this journey and have all lost weight too. We are feeding my grandson health foods which hopefully will teach him the right way to eat so he is better equipped to handle his weigh as he grows up.

We have all learned to stay away from restaurants as much as possible and cook at home. We do not eat fast foods at all, no carbonated drinks, tea or coffee. We really limit or try to stay away from eating pasta, potatoes, breads, and sweets of any kid. We rarely eat red meat and are using more chicken, fish, sea food, and pork. Tea and coffee were the hardest for me to give up but now I do not miss them at all.

pmggolly's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 0.9 lb a week Up
only visible to followers
last weighin: losing 1.8 lb a week Down

pmggolly's Cookbook

cals: 135kcal | fat: 8.17g | carbs: 12.61g | prot: 4.36g
All Natural Breakfast Bars
Breakfast bars made of natural ingredients for health minded people on the go.
cals: 172kcal | fat: 6.75g | carbs: 1.58g | prot: 24.96g
Slow Cooker Lemon Garlic Chicken
A wonderful fix and forget recipe.
cals: 92kcal | fat: 1.78g | carbs: 13.72g | prot: 6.11g
Baked Zucchini Chips
A quick, healthy way to use some zucchini from your garden (or pantry).
cals: 54kcal | fat: 2.38g | carbs: 7.94g | prot: 1.58g
Chinese Style Green Beans in Garlic Sauce
A simple and tasty re-creation of a favorite Chinese restaurant side dish with fresh green beans and oyster, garlic and soy sauce.
cals: 289kcal | fat: 7.30g | carbs: 31.17g | prot: 28.46g
General Tso Chicken
Enjoy this Asian classic by sautéing the chicken instead of frying.
view complete cookbook

pmggolly's Latest Posts

16 Healthiest Foods Ever
Try Manderine Orange Salad as a sweet treat. I also eat it for Breakfast sometime. Has good protein and is low fat, low sugar. Here is how you make it:
1 large box Sugar Free Orange Jello
1 small tub of Cool whip
1 large can of Manderine oranges in their own juice with no sugar added (drain the juice off as you only want the oranges slices)
1 large tub of Low Fat Cottage Cheese
Mix all the items together and it is great. Has 143 Cals for 1 cup, 10 grams of protein, less than 1 gram of fat, 20 carbs.
posted 09 May 2012, 10:04
Why do I look FATTER?
I agree 100% with this statement made by paperiniko
"The only sustainable solution long term is changing gradually the lifestyle by increasing activity level, controlling portions (logging calories is helpful) and eating healthier food.
If you do so in 6 months or 1 year you will look and feel better, using shortcuts on the contrary the results will not be lasting."
I have totally changed what I eat over the past 1 1/2 years and I have enjoyed the different foods and my new favorites. I now read labels and do not by products that are not within the ranges explained to me by a dietitian. This has been my method to success in losing weight. I do not follow any of the diets on the market as I cannot stick to them. Reading labels and changing the foods I eat has helped me more than anything I have every tried. I also make sure I get 65+ protein per day and keep my calories to a level that allows for weight loss. This has been the easiest diet I have every done.
posted 09 May 2012, 06:31
accepting body changes
I have struggled with my changes as I have lost weight with included, hair loss, dry skin, loose skin, etc. I started taking a Hair, Skin, and Nail vits and I believe it has helped at least the hair and skin dryness. I have also been doing more strengthing exercises and I have noticed the combination is even helping some with the loose skin. I'm 58 and they say at this age the skin doesn't go back into shape but I think these two things are helping and it makes me feel better about myself.
posted 09 May 2012, 06:22
snacking after diner
I agree 100% with Daymon74. I eat what I want but make sure I don't go over my daily calorie limit of 1200. I do go over it sometimes more than others but when I stay at 1200 calories for a women I loose weight. When I go over it some by not every day, I maintain my weight. If I go over it several days in a row, I gain weight.
posted 09 May 2012, 06:16
Body image
I am 58 and feel better now than I did 20 years ago but weigh a lot less. I will have to go back to my old school picture and see what I think. I have always look at other pretty older women and wish I looked so good at my I to do not think positively about myself until this past 1 1/2 years when I ready made up my mind to lose weight. I feel much better now but I still don't think I'm pretty. My husband says I am so that helps.
posted 09 May 2012, 06:01
pmggolly has submitted 5 posts
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