Ms Elizabeth's Journal, 10 April 2015

Todays motivation is Snot. Everyone in the house has gone through a horrible cold but me. Because well.. I'm superwoman and no cold could possibly touch me. I'm just that fit and healthy.. germs run from me! Ok apparently not because between the scented woman at work and the kids wiping snot on various parts of my body I think I'm catching the horrible cold.. or I've been permanently damaged by the overly fragrant woman at work and this is the start of the end. Whatever it is I have that taste in the back of my throat that yells "OH CRAP"! Because well.. a sick mom is basically a sign of weakness to tiny humans and before you know it the 3 yr old is walking on the countertop in the kitchen yelling "Here cookie cookie!" Not that.. well.. that didn't happen last time I was sick. Not my angel. It was probably just a snot induced dream.

So in order to head off this cold before the house implodes, laundry magically triples, and kids develop odd chocolate mustaches from whatever junk they found while I was slowly dying on the couch.. I need to clean up my act asap if I have any hope of survival. Just another reason to eliminate the crap from my diet, take a walk at lunchtime, and drink plenty of water.. oh and develop a love affair with those little vitamin C drops. Which.. really don't go with coffee. Small fact I just discovered. Oh Ugh.. BLAH.. PLUEY PLUEY. ACK!!! Ok my love affair is delayed. The coffee is too important to allow it to get cold.

In other news.. Workouts are good, eating could use some tiny tweaking but it's not horrible, and I'm listening to a new podcast on being a self aware parent so the preteen may actually live to become a teen. Maybe.. It all depends on what she does next and my ability to feel empathy and put myself in her shoes. Which.. are my shoes because she keeps stealing them. Today she is supposed to come up with a list of things she thinks she can do for chores to earn an allowance after her prison sentance is up. So well.. she won't be a deadbeat and maybe she will learn to manage money that is hers instead of stealing money from her stepdad which results in barn chores and an upclose personal relationship with manure. On the bright side.. the calf pens have never looked cleaner and all my little babies are happy.. and cute.. and cuddly.. and running around with the cows because she keeps accidently setting them free.

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Oh Sweetie, you crack me up! But I been there/done that...I hear ya! Take care :) 
10 Apr 15 by member: iulani
I'm not sure if the memories you bring back are nostalgic or they are far enough in the past for me to forget how much I don't miss the manure covered milk cow's tail slapping me in the head while attaching the milking machine.  
10 Apr 15 by member: jparlett
Ease up on workouts that require a lot of recovery if you are getting sick. You body only needs to work to recover from one thing at a time and it sounds like you are busy enough as it is :)  
10 Apr 15 by member: jparlett
I sometimes gargle with warn salt water and the scratchy throat disappears. The woman at work should be told by her boss to lay off the perfume since some are allergic to chemicals. Where I live, they sometimes have policies in work places that say "scent-free" zone. 
10 Apr 15 by member: HCB
We've had the bad cold going around here and I'm not going to allow myself to get it, who has time to be sick? Kids do run over you when you're sick. My kids will always ask me for things when I'm sick, and I always say, "I don't care," because I really don't at that point. They know how that works, they're no dummies. My daughter has to write out a plan to keep her room picked up, so she's kind of on the same page as your daughter. Kids are hard, especially teenage girls. 
10 Apr 15 by member: mars2kids
Hah! Watch out, I said something similar aloud and have successfully caught every cold, virus, nastiness that has come down the pipes!  
10 Apr 15 by member: MightyFull
Hope you avoid the snot--that of the kids and your own. Then again, so could always find its way onto the stinky lady at work... but if her nose isn't working right, she might feel the need to wear MORE perfume. :P 
10 Apr 15 by member: izzypup68
LOL--good luck with the self aware parent podcast. About the only thing they do is tell me things I've already tried that never pan out. They make me feel like I'm a dysfunctional Mom because I my daughter who wants something and has to work for it (chore) rarely finishes or doesn't do it the way I would. I'm not supposed to give in, but then I get the sassiness, which I'm supposed to ignore, but after so long can't ignore. hmmmm...not good for a diet. LOL. I spent over 200 on three pairs of "I must have" shoes couple of weeks ago. Her and her friend decided to go for a walk and got chased by a Goose. The shoe came off and got stuck in the mud and she got walloped on the back of the head by the goose. Mom gets to clean these expensive shoes off (Thank God she went back for the other one) because she can't do it. I'm now doing chores for her. Did I mention that while she couldn't wear shoes from Payless (has to get them from Journey's), that while I am washing these shoes praying they will come clean, that I have a $5.00 pair of look-a-like pair of Croc's I bought from Five Below to wear with my scrubs? LOL. Home the colds in your house all dry up and go bye byes! This same sweet sassy teenager of mine just happened to bring home Strep twice. I ended up at the Med Center having them swab my throat. I have the worst gag reflex to begin with. Was once enough? No...the test came back negative and they thought since my daughter had Strep that they should swab my throat again and send this one out. Then they put me on Antibiotics meanwhile, "Just in case." Why didn't they just give them to me to begin with--or after the first swab? Why gag me again only to tell me they are going to make me take these pills? Who cares at that point if I have it...I'm taking the medicine anyway. Three/Four days later I get the call that I don't have it. LOL. Ahhhh...and you wonder how I put this much weight was cheaper than a therapist and meds. LOL.  
10 Apr 15 by member: Jillzee00
Too funny! Your preteen should do chores because she is part of the household - not to earn money. Everyone should chip in. Eventually Peanut will be able to help too! Especially in a household as busy as yours. As for an allowance, it can be given, but lost, just like her other privileges. I work in a school health office and deal with cooties all day long. Gargling with salt water will definitely help your throat, and you do need to remember to rest when needed, and not overdo it. 
11 Apr 15 by member: Bethlauren8


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