dave22's Journal, 12 August 2008

Have been really feeling sorry for Tiernan, (Tinny) my youngest who is 8yrs, he's on the left in the pic. He found out in March that he was type one Diabetic and since then has conquered his fear of injections, lost any freedom at the candy store and has sometimes caused consternation if we have to leave him anywhere....people are terrified. What if this happens or that happens.. which means that he can be the only one to have his parents hanging about at a birthday pary, sports clubs etc

But my real sadness comes at home as I see him just trying to do ordinary things most especially with food... I see him scrutinize each label for carb content and reason it all out and he is BRILLIANT 95% of the time... its just that 5% that gets to ya when ya see him so TOTALLY fed up because of pure boredom of choice or if he forgets and becomes all excited about something sweet only to realize that he really can't have it. We always reason it out in the end and chivvy him along and the other two lads have been brilliant and have changed their habits too in order to help out.. Which brings me to my next project - I'm gonna learn how to bake!! low carb bake..just for options....Ohhhh I'm gonna crack eggs, stir 'n' mix and whip (in a non kinky manner!)...

Does anyone know any good recipes for bread or buns etc (to give him some sweet options that he is missing) that does not involve really fancy ingredients? I've seen a few recipes but some of them seem to require weired things

Eggs - check
Vanilla - check
water - check
Virgin ju ju flour from the husk of a rampant rhino - ya wha?
cream of gangi nectar from the inner santum of the fa fa plant - !!

Honest to jaysus some of my *wags finger* 'efforts' to date have been fairly ..... Interesting to the point where Conor has almost threatened to leave home iffin he has to be a guinea pig one more time! Anyway... we'll see.

Kim asked yesterday where the time is going to.... I think that time flies off to a great accelerater in the sky which in turn generates a vacuum which makes all other time move quicker and quicker... I'm off from after work tomorrow for a week...The family are off all summer and have had a couple of trips as ya know.. so I'm gonna take a week and hang out with them at home, catch up, play fight, bake!, walk the dogs and house hunt (we are looking for new a lil cottage or site on a few acres... our lil patch of the planet..

My god... ramblefest or what! sorry...

later guys..



Aw, I know it breaks your heart when you have to watch your children struggle. And when it's health issues, it's even more upsetting. But it sounds like you have everything well in hand and it's lovely to see that your other two boys are helping out as well. I'm not sure what the guidelines are for a diabetic friendly recipe - is it ok to have regular flour? I do know I've seen a lot of diabetic cookbooks out there so there must be some decent recipes around. But I know what you mean about the weird ingredients. And it's always better to try out a recipe that's been given the stamp of approval from someone else already. I have a few recipes for low cal desserts made with artificial sweetener that I use regularly so if it's ok for your son to have flour carbs, I can share a few with you to try (and I promise, no weird ingredients!). 
12 Aug 08 by member: evelyn64
I know what you mean, I've tried looking for a few ingredients in my cookbooks, only to feel like I'm out there with you in the boon-dockies! I have two low carb cookbooks, I'll check them out for recipes. Reading your journal about the poor little one's plight made me sad, I can't imagine how it must make you and Sarah (sp?) feel when you watch it everday. Poor thing. Hopefully, when he gets older, it won't be so hard and he'll probably be fit as a fiddle without all that sugar pumping through him like most kids, hmm...I'm thinking of my niece is only eats the icing off the cake. He'll be better off because of it but, he's so young. Ya'll are doing great by the way, as a family, you should be proud of your sons making sacrifices like they are so that he's not tempted. Hope you enjoy your week off, do ya'll have unlimited vacation time or what? Weren't you off for a week a month ago???? 
12 Aug 08 by member: kimbulie
There are some great diabetic cooking websites,... just google diabetic baking and you'll be swimming in recipes! :) If I can find some of the ones I've checked out before, I'll forward you a link or two. Applesauce is a great ingredient for baking, along with almond flour. I would also suggest dropping by a used book store for a recipe book for diabetics. There are some really good recipes. One of them is here on the site, search for flax bread. It's primarily eggs and flax seed, if I recall.. it can be used as a "nutty flavored" bread to go with dinner! I feel his pain... having had pregnancy diabeties with my 2nd daughter. Well now, it's down right mean and dangerous to tell a 6 month pregnant woman that sweets are no longer an option!!! It was NOT fun. I struggle now with being insulin intolerant, not quite diabetic, thus the continued determination with losing more weight. Giving up is not an option. Good luck to finding more harmony in the house,... with your great eating habits and mom following, it will become only natural for your whole family to be eating healthy and not thinking twice of it, soon. Tinny will struggle, but as you suggested finding other alternatives as the diabetic baking, will make it easier! :) *hugs* to Tinny. Good luck on the house hunt! 
12 Aug 08 by member: bullytrouble
More hugs for Tinny! (((((((Tinny))))))) There is a book on Amazon that looks like fun: Cooking up Fun for Kids with Diabetes by Patti Geil and Tami Ross. Maybe if Tinny can get involved in the baking and cooking he would be more excited about it - make YOU the guinea pig for his cooking! :) Your two other boys are absolute GEMS for helping him through this. They will ALL be healthier for it! Just tell them it's like being athletes in training - you gotta do what ya gotta do! Good luck! 
12 Aug 08 by member: amryk
also- there is 'Whey Protien Isolate' I've been using in place of flour- Just Google it and you'll find the types that are out there. Mine is natural or no flavor to it. More versital, but if yer uzin it fer sweets, maybe the mocha chocolate or vanilla flavors will be more appropriate. It's the 'NOW sports' brand- 1 carb per scoop-that ba$t*rd is a HUGE scoop-kinda happy surprise!JUst 1 sugar, and 25g protien....so....also flavor is NOT BAD AT ALL- WAY better than soy...that's fo sho. lots of good aminos...ok,ok..i'm done selling, now go find your self a nice starchy apron!!!;> 
12 Aug 08 by member: gearhead
good luck with this endeaver... 
12 Aug 08 by member: veggies yuk
SugarFreeSheila.com the recipe book for desserts is awesome. Mostly just uses almond and walnut flours for baking. That is a great idea to learn to bake low-carb for him. Maybe you can start with some low-carb shakes until you get the ingredients together for baking. I'll send you some favorites. 
12 Aug 08 by member: sararay


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