BuffyBear's Journal, 08 February 2013

Can any of you go "off plan" for one day a week and still have a loss at the end of the week?

Thursday night (when DH gets home from out of town work) just seems to be my "off plan" day. I'm still debating if I should fight it or just accept it as inevitable. BTW - next Thursday is Valentines Day. I don't have a snowball's chance in hell do I?

Other than that, things are going well. Don't think I mentioned that since DH discovered he had high blood pressure he lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks. On the 4th week he has hit a stall. Ladies - don't we all feel so badly for him?

Diet Calendar Entry for 08 February 2013:
2190 kcal Fat: 133.54g | Prot: 142.58g | Carb: 124.42g.   Breakfast: Cheese, deli ham, brewed coffee, half and half, brewed coffee, half and half. Lunch: Yogurt Ranch, cucumber, Dole Salad, chicken breast, cheese. Dinner: carrots, onion, broccoli, cream cheese, chicken breast. Snacks/Other: trail mix, brewed coffee, brewed coffee, almonds, half and half, half and half, yogurt. more...


LOL Buffy..No you don't dear..unless you get some horizontal exercise.. Good luck honey...:O)...Hugs... 
08 Feb 13 by member: BHA
P.S..oh yes my heart goes out to your DH's stall...:O) 
08 Feb 13 by member: BHA
Bren - You are too funny! Wishing you an early spring! 
08 Feb 13 by member: BuffyBear
Awe poor DH. I was just wondering if it would be wrong to tell a hubby that if he's going to get his wife chocolates then he should make sure they are sugar free. Can you exchange boxes of chocolates without a receipt?  
08 Feb 13 by member: Ms Elizabeth
DiaryFarmersWife - I'd hope our husbands would know that by now (but who am I kidding?). Re-gift the chocolate.  
08 Feb 13 by member: BuffyBear
I would think that if you know that is your "day", then try to plan around it...maybe make it the one day a week you have a little more and change your weigh in dy to Wednesday...that will give you a week between the one day and the weigh in. As for DH stall...poor fella..my DH has hit one as well...it's driving him buggy! Lol. As for Valentine's Day...nope. No chance so you may as well go with the flow. I can't eat the SF chocolates. The sugar alcohols make them run right through me! :( 
08 Feb 13 by member: ctlss
I know some people do lose weight with a "cheat" day. I've tried it in the past, but would find myself too eagerly awaiting it & going way (or should it be "weigh") overboard. You may be better at it, my friend, especially adding in the extra nightly exercise:)! 
08 Feb 13 by member: Ruhu
Buffy, when things go well, my "Cheat Day" is around my RDI. I try to eat pretty well under my RDI for a week or two, and if I go a little over my RDI for my splurge day, then I'm golden. Everybody does things a bit differently. I think the RDI's are typically calculated rather liberally for most of us. Some of us set starvation level RDI's. I have found that it takes some experimentation to find that happy medium, and then a "Cheat Day" isn't so bad.  
08 Feb 13 by member: DairyKing
I can't do a Cheat Day, as it too easily turns into Cheat Week. It's February and I'm still trying to get readjusted coming out of the holidays. Some folks do the splurge, or cheat day, and have great success with it, but not me. Another one of those YMMV type things. 
08 Feb 13 by member: Sandy701
Stef - I think you are right, and that little word "plan" is the key. I should plan a low carb meal & dessert for Thursday nights and ignore the calories.  
08 Feb 13 by member: BuffyBear
Ruth - I hate the thought of planning a cheat day, but given the circumstances, a planned one may be better than an unplanned one.  
08 Feb 13 by member: BuffyBear
DK - Thanks - interesting view of total calories for the week (instead of by the day). Will have to do some math.  
08 Feb 13 by member: BuffyBear
Sandy - Yes, this can cause trouble - like my cheat day that started on Thanksgiving and lasted over a month!  
08 Feb 13 by member: BuffyBear
I lose a pound usually if I go off a day. BUT, if I know I am going out (which i don't do much of LOL), I don't eat breakfast or lunch or just have a very light snack. Then I keep my calories under controll. I for sure do the total calories per week math. I figure out how much I need for 7 days, then figure the 3500 deficite per pound of loss, then figure all the exercise I might do then figure calories. Then divide by 7.... daily average. then I hope I stick to it Hehehe 
08 Feb 13 by member: Lizzygracemusic
I like that you came to the planning low carb "cheat-day" thing all by yourself...then, it is kind of not a total bust. Learning to deal with the curves life throws us, without enlarging our curves is hard to do, but sticking to "low-carb-cheats" is what I end up doing. 
08 Feb 13 by member: gg-girl
Oh, & that poor DH, bad thing is the blood pressure, sure thing, (I hope) the weight loss will really help with that. How DO they DO that so darn quick...totally jealous! 
08 Feb 13 by member: gg-girl
PS...snowballs are lasting a real long time in Wisconsin lately! 
08 Feb 13 by member: gg-girl
Wow, Buffy, good job on your DH's loss. He deserves some extra "congratulations". You've got this food thing down pat, Buffy. I don't worry about you through Valentines Day 
08 Feb 13 by member: Helewis
I have a day off and so far I have been losing just fine. I refuse to call it a cheat day because that implies guilt and for me when I think of certain foods as forbidden it just makes me want them even more. I try to teach my little girls that there are no "bad" foods but healthy & unhealthy. We don't get or need them at all, but on occasion its okay. When I was a child my parents never talked to me about making healthy choices or what makes certain foods good for you. They would just forbid it and restrict all my food so instead I would hide it. Anyway so I'm still trying to work against that. I still plan ahead for what I'm going to eat on my free day. And if you are really strict during the rest of the week, you'll be surprised how much less your body wants that stuff. The day after is not really hard for me to get back on plan because I can tell myself, if you really want it, you can have it next Saturday. Whatever you choose you have to commit to it. Choose your free day & plan. Don't wait until there is tempting food in the room, and then suddenly declare its a free day. That is how 1 free day turns into a month. Just like on any other day PLAN ahead! 
09 Feb 13 by member: tford1123


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