acupofcoffeeandabook's Journal

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29 July 2011

Coffee with evaporated milk reminds me of Belize!!! Good memories!!! :-)

I tried to write out a well rounded meal plan to stick to. I also know I haven't been writing my calories down here.

Pretty much I have been slacking. I think part of it is that I'm not that comfortable being 137 or higher. Which today is 137.0

In a week is a friends birthday party and she is having everyone float down the river and then have a BBQ at her place with a hot tub. Which sounds great and I know I will be the thinnest out of everyone I just don't have a good perception of what "I" look like. Also, when I drink the "F" word comes out... Fat. I'm pretty sure I won't be drinking, I will offer to be my husbands DD.

For today I have everything planned out and written down. All I have to do is eat it and check it off in my actual calorie diary.

27 July 2011

Sorry I haven't been around.


Well, I know it's about ten times harder to lose weight without exercising. Duh. But, on the 21st of August I start classes and with that the Nursing building is right next to the gym!!! So exciting! And, because I will be a student I will get a free gym pass!!!

I think the truth is, I'm a gym rat.

On Sunday we went to church (yes... I wife has to do what a wife has to do and I bribed my husband with sex - tmi!), then we out shopping with a couple of friends. We are either very planned shoppers or we apparently don't shop much compared to other people. We went out with this other couple that CAN SHOP.

I took my friend over to Barnes and Noble while the guys were looking in this hunting store and I bought a NOOK. I had the money and I think they are cool. However the first night I had it I read a book on it and after I finished the book I went back to my good ol' paperback. Then the next night I brought it to work, on my downtime used it, and then I came home, slept, and went right back to Barnes and Noble and returned it. For $250 I had better be in love with what I bought, not just think its cool and okay.

I told my husband and he said, "You are to in love with your real books and that's okay". He is pretty much right and I didn't even think of it that way.

My vices in life... coffee, hardback books, jeans, and blankets. I am a creature of comfort.

Last night I got called off since our computer system was down. Some nights I love not having to work. For school I am taking 17 credits this fall so I am only going to work two 13 hour shifts a week. Finally, I got it approved through work. The downfall, I am working Friday and Saturday nights. Which, I have had the past year working Mon, Tues, and Wed nights without school or homework. Pretty much just being able to live. I can handle working weekends for awhile! Especially for the opportunity to go to Nursing School!

Let's see what more I can ramble about... I think that's it for now. Just wait a couple of more hours I will have more to say.

Oh, on Monday I went out to lunch with an old friend. You know when someone isn't in the most constructive relationship and after awhile (4 years later) you can see how that takes a toll on someone. My friend, he has been with this girl for 4 years and he seems not necessarily sad, just settled and has no opinion for himself. I knew him before the relationship and it's a world of difference. I told him he seems calm and unhappy. Apparently his girlfriend freaks if he doesn't email her or text her every couple of hours. I don't even know what that would be like. Knowing you are going to have a fight if you don't "check in", that's crazy. (in my humble opinion).

However, I don't think to many guys would appreciate my independence in a relationship other than my husband. I think if anything ever happened to my husband and I, I think I would stay single for a long while. I don't know and I'm glad I don't have to think of that now.

Now I will quit yapping.


24 July 2011

21 July 2011

20 July 2011

133 can you hear me? 132... are you home? 130... you exist right?

134... go away, I'm done with you.

Facebook is generally a good thing, however after your second night of a 13 hour shift and seeing pictures of 2 girls who used to be your best friends with the old group at one of the girls going away party... doesn't mix. I cried myself to sleep this morning. It's not even that I want to be close with them anymore, it's just the fact that I miss it. It's been like this for the past year and a half and I've tried everything I can to fix it, we just grew apart, plain and simple. Sometimes it's harder to have a friendship go dry gradually rather than with anger and quickly. Because, you still have hope and if that doesn't work, that still hurts.

I love old historic neighborhoods and my grandpa was from Detroit, so I was looking at houses there (not that I can actually move) and this mornning I came home and my husband was like, "I watched this show and it was based in Detroit... that is the craziest town and people are so rude, I never want to go there" I was thinking... bubble busted.

For weight loss, I need to drink more water and exercise. Yep.

For my health.. I need to not work nights.

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