acupofcoffeeandabook's Journal

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08 August 2011

08 August 2011


Goals for today... (baby steps)

1 - Stay at my calorie goal.
2 - Drink at least 4 cups of water (I'm saying this since it is 3pm and I haven't had any yet and I know that if I start now and aim for 8 I will be so water logged and will be in the restroom every 15 min).

In two weeks I will be going back to school for my second Bachelors to become an RN. It's crazy how little aid there is for people who are going back for another Bachelors. It's like saying, great you had your chance and getting aid during the first go around... good luck, you're on your own for the second. And from my point of view it's like... I sucked it up at life and can't even use my first Bachelor's for much of anything so ... help! I'm going back.

Anyways, I'm excited!!! My career goal is to work as a Life Flight RN!!! I will get there! I don't care if it takes most of my career but I LOVE ACUTE CARE!!! There is just something different about it than outpatient care.

This weekend was good...

Friday I hung out with my best friend and her two kids. We drove around town since she didn't have the car and ran errands. It's crazy how much busier life is with children. Without having them being around a 6 month old and a 5 year old is quite busy! Then I hung out with my sister but I was so worn out from my best friend that it wasn't that exciting of a time. However, my sister is coming over this week on Thursday!!! I loved hanging out with those two and truthfully, I was completely happy with my social life this weekend with just them. Well... my husband wanted to go out on Sat and Sunday

Saturday we went to Beerfest. I offered to be the driver since I don't really care for beer. When I do have it I get drunk and kind of catty/mean and I don't like being that way. Then for next two days I feel sick. They had delicious food there!!! Let's just say I'm lucky to have my weight still at 135. There were fried corn dogs, Ben and Jerrys and spicy buffalo wings. Yum!!! We went with this couple that is very "prissy" and very "upscale" I was so hot so I jumped in the river with my $100 pair of jeans (that i got for $25) and it was so nice!!! All I could think of was, "Damn girl, just jump in"... but she didn't and she was quite adamant about not. Afterwards (of 5 hours of Beerfest) I was ready to go home... but they wanted us to come over to their place. So we did and my Collie got beat up by a Shitzu... so I gave it an excuse to go home. After 7 hours of hanging out I was done. They were like... are you leaving? You don't have to leave so soon. When is 7 hours not enough? My husband stayed.

Sunday we went floating the river and then had prime rib with a friend for her Birthday. Floating the river was awesome!!! It did make me realize that yes, I have stomach chub. And, yes I need to actually work out. The river was great but afterwards everyone was so tired that the dinner part of it wasn't very "exuberant".

I am now offically socially completely worn out. Today I put dinner in the Crock-Pot (amazing!) and am cleaning the house. After this weekend I probably won't be doing many social things. Especially since I am going back to school. Which, crazy enough, is just fine with me. I want to be able to focus on my school work and my husband.

If you are still reading this... thanks! I am rambling. Later.

03 August 2011

03 August 2011

30 July 2011

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