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26 May 2010

Weigh-in: 168.0 lb lost so far: 10.0 lb still to go: 20.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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25 May 2010

22 May 2010

Day # 3 of P90X in the books and I really like it. I don't love it yet, but I like the way the dvds are structured. I know what I'm working on and that helps motivate me. Day #1 was Chest and Back. I really want a nice scuplted back, so that makes me 'bring it' during my workouts so I can get the full results. I was really feeling Ab Ripper X this morning as I had to do that dvd along with Plyometrics which is literally called 'the beast' workout. It's a lot of jumping and leg work, but I love lunges and squats. My legs are pretty strong and in my mind the more lunges/squats I do the bigger/better butt I get. i have nothing back there so anything that'll work the legs/backside I'll do. Day #3 was shoulders and arms. What lady doesn't want sexy shoulders and arms going into the summer season?!? tomorrow is 90minutes of Yoga, which doesn't excite me, but we'll see, maybe it will surprise me.

According to the plan, you do 3 weeks of the workouts and then you have a recovery week before moving into the next phase. So I don't think I'll get bored as easily as I feared. I'll only have to do each workout 3 times before I move onto a whole new schedule. Come week #5 I'm going to be adding an additional cardio workout to get better results. I think I'm going to add in 3 days of Insanity workouts until I get my Turbo Fire Dvds, should be interesting to see what results I come up with.

My eating was kind of all over the place. I didn't eat too bad, but a little more 'junk' food than I'd have liked. I brought these sugar free cookies, which are just too good to be true. I have to stop buying them. I have my brother following a low carb/low sugar plan so I keep them for his lunches, but I think now I'm going to have to buy flavors that I don't ilke. Yesterday, I had a few too many oatmeal cookies and today the short bread ones were just calling my name. I think I'm going to go back to Shakeology for the weekend, just so I'm not craving them. I find that whenever I indulge in sugar I crave sugar and that's rare for me. My good friend just invited me to the Hamptons for his bday weekend, and it's 3 weeks away so I have to be super strict. I have a great workout plan, so I need to continue my good eating so I can look good on the beach. Didn't expect this to be soo long, but Happy Friday!

19 May 2010

I'm happy to report P90X was a smashing success. It wasn't as brutal as I imagined, so I guess Insanity prepared me well. I did a lot more pushups than I thought I could and that excites me a lot. I was able to life 15lbs with no problem for the exercises that needed heavy weights, so I look forward to increasing my weight throughout the next phases. My eating was great as well. I had my gallon of water, peanuts, shakeology, ham and cheese omelet and some chicken breasts for dinner. I'm really excited my brother is set to do the program with me so it'll be fun to have a diet/fitness buddy. I've been really concerned about the diseases that I've been reading about in this book, so I got him on board since heart disease runs in my dad's side of the family. None of my uncles/father lived to see 50, so I'm going to try my hardest to make sure my brother doesn't fall into that category. I've been helping him eat low carb, so I'm excited to see how far we both come along.

18 May 2010

I ate a lot today, and I didn't even have my shake, definitely will get back to that tomorrow. I think this batch I'm going to try it with Almond milk. I got some on sale last week, but I have yet to use it. I got to see a play with my friend tonight and it was a good time. It forced me to go into the city which is always fun, but I never realized how many food places there are. It's weird I never eat/crave McDonald's, but for some reason I always want it when I'm in the city, so very bizarre. My coach was talking about Food associations the other day, like how we go to the movies and have to have popcorn; its more of an experience than actual craving or hunger, so very very true. I'm making progress with m book and I'm continuously learning about food and what truly is/isn't a healthy diet. I can't wait to get to the section on diets and what is supposedly the best way to lose weight if everything we think we know now is kind off unreliable. until tomorrow, night kids.

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