Joined March 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
112.0 lb
Lost so far: 7.0 lb

Current Weight
105.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
105.0 lb
Still to go: 0 lb
I'm a 25 year old vegan trying to lose a few inches around the waist, butt, & thighs. I recently moved to Florida from Ohio and finding it MUCH easier to fit in work outs outside in the nice weather and using the Xbox Kinect for strength training. Fighting to get the body I've always dreamed and now it's finally starting to seem possible. I am hoping I can make the change before beach season - shooting for my 26th birthday on June 13th as a present to myself, and for something to show my family and friends when I go up for a visit.

MrsB629's Weight History

MrsB629's Latest Member Challenges

  Back On The Wagon
status: Completed
ended: 11 Jul 11
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  The Most Important Meal of the Day
status: Completed
ended: 29 Apr 11
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last weighin: gaining 0.2 lb a week Up
Kate GB
last weighin: losing 0.5 lb a week Down
last weighin: gaining 0.1 lb a week Up
last weighin: steady Steady

MrsB629's Latest Posts

Vegan Ah Hah Moment
I have always loved animals, but I had never heard of vegetarians until one day I came across the peta website (at least that's how I THINK it happened. So long ago I barley remember!). I was veg for a few years before I learned about veganism and why it was so important not to consumer animals products. Being constantly busy and never cooking a meal in my life, I found the idea of veganism too hard and just stuck with being veg. The more I surfed Peta's website and their emails being sent to me I thought about going vegan more and more and kept telling myself I was going to do it on New Years as I had become a vegetarian - cold turkey. Two years straight I failed after giving up not finding things to eat as easily as I liked.

I had a nice at length conversation with a friend of mine who also went vegetarian shorly after me and we had talked about some real eye opening documentaries that I needed to watch and we said this was going to be the year we would both go vegan.

I moved to Florida in October, changed jobs and my schedule majorly, and started feeling better overall health wise (up in Ohio I had numerous issues with numbness and insomia) and decided to start cooking!

I already had some vegan books mixed in with my veg ones and started cooking with them and found out it was much easier than I had imagined! Then I FINALLY got to watching those documentaries my friend had suggested (King Corn, Food Inc, and Food Matters) and then I REALLY I HAD to do it. So I started researching everything I could about veganism. On New Years Eve I ate my last IHoP pancake and from then on I have been vegan and loving every minute of it!

posted 09 Mar 2011, 18:41
Raising a Vegan Child
I feel the same way you do @magikellydelish. My husband and I have been married 2½yrs but been together for over 8. We are not planning for children anytime soon, but I know when we do I want them to be raised as healthy vegan children.

Throughout my husband's and my relationship I decided to go vegetarian and then vegan. Seeing how I felt about it, and that I cook for him vegetarian/vegan meals, he slowly started to follow in my footsteps. Last year he went pescatarian, and this year vegetarian, but eats vegan whenever I cook for him.

Have you ever talked with your fiance in depth about why you chose the vegan lifestyle and why it is so important to you that your children be vegan? I think some people hear our resoning, but do not let it sink in until they get something to really make them think. We had a free trial of NetFlix and my husband watched King Corn, Food Inc, and Food Matters with me and that was what really got him thinking about those things and he decided to make the change on his own.

Hope that helps at least some what and at least you have a few years to go to talk it out with him. Good luck!
posted 09 Mar 2011, 18:27
Would gladly help! Just went from veg to vegan 2 months ago and have already noticed some changes.

Do you eat a lot of processed foods and food meant to taste like the old cheeses and meats you once enjoyed?

I try to track everything I eat on this website (I even found a site to track nutrition info of home-cooked meals based on ingredients - and I noticed the biggest flaws in my diet are the fake cheeses and meats.

I am slowly cutting them out and plan to eat more whole foods. I feel so much better after eating good foods and I think it really makes a difference in my energy levels.

Feel free to message me if you'd like to chat, swap recipies, or just need encouragement. I am finding it hard to find people who want to connect on this website and I'm always up for making new friends. Smile
posted 09 Mar 2011, 18:11
To those who get up early and workout before work...
When I was working my old job in Ohio, I found it impossible to get out of bed any earlier than 8am. I was tired all the time even if I went to bed at 10pm and nothing was working.

Fast forward I moved to Florida, got a new job that starts around 11am, yet I was still finding it hard to get out of bed before 9:00am and was always running late even giving myself extra time.

I took the "Snooze to Lose" challenge and have been training my body to go to bed earlier each night and now I rest around 12:30am, with a goal of midnight. Having a bed time routine has been great! I drink a herbal Sleepy Time tea around 11pm, get myself in bed by 11:30pm and read for a little while to get my body rested and my mind relaxed. It really has been helping.

Today, even with going to bed at 12:45am last night, my body woke up on it's own at 7:30am. I laid in bed, not letting myself fall back asleep, and got out of bed at 8am, ate breakfast, and fit in 23 minutes of Biggest Loser Kinnect work out. Hope to get up to a full hour work out before I get ready for work.

I think the quality of sleep is one of the most important things in being able to get up early. I have on and off cut caffiene (minus Green Tea) out of my life and have noticed HUGE changes when I do. Removing caffiene helped me stay asleep (something I was having a lot of trouble with prior) and the Sleepy Time Tea really seems to put me into a deep sleep and I feel more refreshed when I wake the FIRST time. I also notice a huge energy killer is the snooze button. Those small bouts of interrupted sleep leave you feeling groggy and wanting more. If you get up with your first alarm, you will feel much better. Just some tips.

Good luck and make sure you get in that work out tomorrow morning! Smile

posted 09 Mar 2011, 18:01
MrsB629 has submitted 4 posts

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