Joined May 2012
Weight History

Start Weight
225.2 lb
Lost so far: 48.2 lb

Current Weight
177.0 lb
Performance: losing 2.5 lb a week

Goal Weight
175.0 lb
Still to go: 2.0 lb
Restarted my health journey on January 14th 2022. During a dentist visit, I ended up visiting the ER department due to high BP (197/110-ish) on Sept 5th of 2021. Slow process, but I am dedicated to getting 60 lbs off before my 55th birthday in January. No diet followed.. just lots of protein.. LOTS of water To be continued :)

Sillycee2's Weight History

Sillycee2's Cookbook

cals: 169kcal | fat: 5.77g | carbs: 0.82g | prot: 26.68g
Parmesan Crusted Chicken Tenders
Sensational low carb chicken dish.
cals: 93kcal | fat: 3.37g | carbs: 2.30g | prot: 12.30g
Crockpot Carnitas
Pork roast prepared Mexican style.
cals: 427kcal | fat: 45.42g | carbs: 1.82g | prot: 4.66g
Olive Oil Chicken
A very delicious and low carb way to enjoy chicken.
cals: 253kcal | fat: 21.00g | carbs: 3.55g | prot: 12.82g
Cheese Blintz
A low carb, high protein cheese blintz.
cals: 313kcal | fat: 25.08g | carbs: 0.41g | prot: 20.21g
Breakfast Meatballs
Low carb meatballs with pork, beef, cheddar, egg and onion that are perfect for a meaty breakfast or any meal.
view complete cookbook

Sillycee2's Latest Posts

Is fruit a good option for breakfast?
Because I have a very physically demanding job, I eat carbs early in the morning (5am aprox). 2 pieces of buttered toast (Dave's bread) 3Hardboiled eggs,fruit, and coffee. This always varies depending on how late I'm running.I do drink ALOT of water using 15g protein packets in my water throughout the day. I eat lunch around 2:30 or 3pm 20-25g of protein light on the carbs.. eat a light dinner with 15g of protein about 6pm.. no carbs after 6:30pm. I do have "off" days where I eat what I want on a Friday/Sat night. Back to eating within the guidelines I have for myself on Sunday morning. Lost 35.6 lbs have 15# more to go.
posted 25 Aug 2022, 12:20
Transitioning from Atkins to Weight Watchers, Please help!
I also tried WW... did not work for me. I wish it did.. but nope. I'm still on the Induction Phase, and will probably be on it till I feel comfortable moving on. See for me, (lol)in the beginning I had sugar/carb withdrawl symptoms for 3 weeks.. not the 3-4 days.. yes 3 LONG weeks. Continuous headaches, overall crappiness, and tiredness that drove me nuts. I'm a field employee and have to drive 4-6 hours a day for work... well long story short I kept moving through it.. lost 10# and 5-1/2" around my waist.. As I'm writing this my husband is eating a piece of Lemon Meringue Pie.. what a beast! lol.. but it doesn't bother me, nor do I want a piece.. kinda weird actually.
I have no buddies either Sad so feel free to add me as well.
posted 18 Jun 2012, 22:21
SOOOO Frustrated
Yeah I'm a "I want it now" type of person... Don't like waiting for things to come in the mail. The day I bought the Atkins book, I was in a nasty mood and wanted resolution NOW! Haha... { my poor husband} the book has been well used... Pages are earmarked and major highlighting has taken place in it..
Last week my stepson graduated from school, and we went out and celebrated.... 4 tequila shots and a long island ice tea later .... Didn't go well for the rest of the week for following Atkins.
posted 17 Jun 2012, 18:10
SOOOO Frustrated
I bought the book here about a couple weeks ago (it sits on my computer desk right where I can see it). I was experiencing the most frustrating stall EVER known to man...almost threw in the towel.. I mean I was getting a little upset over it. Grabbed my Atkins book, and reread it. It talks about people might be experiencing a stall because of yeast problems... eliminating the foods that are created from mold: yellow cheese, mushrooms (my fav), and fermented foods etc... I stopped eating them here a coule days ago, and started losing again. I also bought nitrate free bacon (which is hella expensive - found it at WalMart), still eat one sausage patty instead of two. I'm still experimenting with foods and in the process found out several things that cause me problems: Atkins endulge yummies of any kind, artificial sugars,mushrooms, yellow cheese,vinegar, and every time I drink A cup of coffee with 2-Splenda and A TBSP of cream I experience a stall. The Atkins book is well worth the $14.95 found at Barnes & Noble. This really helps you get through those times where you wanna nerd rage against the scale, and quit the program. BUT... if you read the book, it encourages you to keep trying, and to keep solving the mystery of why you might be stalling. I've lost 5" and just a wee under the 10# mark...still moving forward.. one inch at a time..
posted 17 Jun 2012, 12:02
Spouse Not Supportive
LOL..! Wow.. and I thought I was the only one whose husband acted like that... It's funny, they would "like" us to look our best,and will do nothing to help the cause. My husband last Friday night bought Taco Bell, and a Fifth of Tequila home with him after he got off work, for "dinner". Let me say this: my husband weighs a whopping 168 lbs, and is 5' 7".. and has been that way for the 8 years we have been married! yeah... eats EVERYTHING in sight. He knows that I am dedicated to getting this weight off, and says to me sweetly, " but honey it won't hurt you to have some of this.. will it.. just one time??" I responded with a smart a$$ reply followed by something that cannot be posted on here. Sigh..... thats support for ya. lol.. but I stuck to my guns grumpily, and made it through. I also give my husband a choice of menu options for dinner.. if he doesn't like my suggestions, he can cook for himself. After about a week of disagreeing with me on food choices I gave him, and making his own dinner, he now magically likes what I offer him... hehe! It's like Husband 101 noob training all over again!
I'm not a big ice cream eater.. so I keep alot of that on hand, I also buy chips that I don't like(which he likes) and throw them in the cupboard.. theres other things I get him to keep him out of my hair, and away from the foods I buy for me. So far it's working, but then again.. it's only been 6 weeks for me... Smile
posted 05 Jun 2012, 17:26
Sillycee2 has submitted 5 posts

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