Joined January 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
242.5 lb
Lost so far: 38.6 lb

Current Weight
203.9 lb
Performance: losing 0.2 lb a week

Goal Weight
209.4 lb
Still to go: 5.5 lb
Hi there. I live in Melbourne, Australia so find the fact that you guys all use pounds and ounces on the website very difficult!

Ive never had much success losing weight in the past but really need to do so now because I have prediabetes ...

Im a single parent, work part-time and am 45 years old

Ingridm64's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 0.2 lb a week Up

Ingridm64's Cookbook

cals: 608kcal | fat: 17.21g | carbs: 77.06g | prot: 39.89g
Lentil Soup with Spinach
A soup that's a real comfort food without being heavy on the calories.
cals: 286kcal | fat: 4.28g | carbs: 42.97g | prot: 18.38g
Bean & Sausage Soup
An incredibly hearty and delicious bean soup.
cals: 260kcal | fat: 5.71g | carbs: 39.39g | prot: 13.49g
Green Lentils and Vegetables
A light work and tasty lentil recipe.
cals: 505kcal | fat: 16.65g | carbs: 76.24g | prot: 13.78g
Bacon Rice
Tasty, filling rice dish with bacon, onions and mushrooms.
cals: 290kcal | fat: 4.65g | carbs: 42.05g | prot: 22.49g
Bavarian Red Cabbage
A hearty and delicious meal.
view complete cookbook

Ingridm64's Latest Posts

What was the 'lightbulb moment' that made you realize you needed to lose weight?
Well I am still new to all of this but my aha moment is the fact at about 42 a doctor I went to see ordered a whole heap of blood test because I was over 40. I got those results and they showed that my fasting blood glucose was 6.2 which put me in the prediabetic range or just past normal. My triglycerides have been high for quite some time but that is a familial thing and neither of my parents have heart problems - plenty other problems (lungs, psychiatric) but not heart health problems. I remember I was 110 point something back then.

It was the fasting blood glucose reading that got me thinking. I did some reading and managed to lose 3 kilos and kept those 3 kilos off. Then I had further tests and found the FBG reading was steadily going up over the next 2-3 years until it got to 7.2 recently! I had a further diabetes test earlier this month (I'm now 45) and again I have no diabetes - thank god!

So I have now reached 104 and loving feeling my clothes getting looser. I have given away some of them and bought a couple of new ones. LOVE my new jeans and the way I feel in them and of course two morons go past and comment on my HUGE ARSE! Mind you they had a whole carton of beer in their arms when they said it...

I have just had surgery which has been a bit of a knockback to my fitness regime but come 1st April I will be back out there at the gym full power. In the meantime I can walk and next week I return to the gym and I might do some gentle swimming. Doctor says NO vigorous activity - including the ballroom dancing I LOVE. Ive been doing yoga too up until the op. I have basically just been trying to eat less and helthier (which doesnt help when there are cakes, biscuits and chocolates at work all the time) and increasing the amount of activity i do. I used to LOVE the feeling of a full tummy and been learning to enjoy not feeling quite so full after eating. Last FBG reading was 6.8
posted 11 Mar 2010, 16:21
Ingridm64 has submitted 1 post

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Yes... I have Diabetes
This group is for anyone who is in some way affected by Diabetes. Past, Present, or Future... You or a loved one! Come join!

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