HCB's Journal, 03 June 2017

Happy Saturday my Fabulous Followers:

Once again, people want to dictate how I should eat...I am laughing!
Here is a quote from the recent TIME magazine article dated June 5, 2017:

"What scientists are uncovering now should bring fresh hope to 155 million Americans who are overweight, according to US Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Leading researchers finally agree, for instance, that exercise, while critical for good health, is not a reliable way to keep off bodyfat over the long term. And the overly simplistic arithmetic of calorie in vs. calories out has given way to a more nuanced understanding that it's the composition of a person's diet - rather than how much of it they can burn off working out - that sustains weight loss."

"They also know that the best diet for you is very likely not the best diet for your next-door neighbor. Individual responses to different diets - from low fat and vegan to low carb and paleo - vary enormously. Some people may lose 60lb. and keep it off for two years, and other people follow the same program religiously, and they gain 5 lbs....Hall, Sachs and other scientists at the Harvard School for Public Health are showing that the key to weight loss appears to be highly personalized rather than trendy diets."And later in the article: "Why weight loss can vary so much for people on the same diet still eludes scientists."

SO, THE POINT is what works for me may not work for you, and what works for you may not work for me. Again, people can have opinions different from mine but I dislike posters telling me I am wrong and should do what they do! Ridiculous idea!

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle - Tom Venuto

Short Range Goals:
* Macros 60%-70% fat, 20-30% protein, 10% carbs - better under 10%!
* Back in the "Blue" on Idiot Boxes while retaining muscle - July/Aug?
* Bodyfat % reading with trainer for June 23
* Drink at least 12 - 16 cups of fresh water daily - especially on gym days
* Continue HIIT mixed in with weight lifting four to five days a week
* Keep up the training notebook to achieve progressive overload

Long Range Goals: 2017
*Bodyfat at 22% or less (Current 24.5%) by year end 2017
*Maintain Idiot Boxes around 152-158lbs staying under goal weight
*Increased strength, endurance and flexibility during workouts
NEW Words of the Week:"Anything is possible, but you have to believe and you have to fight."
I am dedicated, determined and diligent!

Diet Calendar Entries for 03 June 2017:
1130 kcal Fat: 60.66g | Prot: 36.15g | Carb: 86.47g.   Breakfast: Water, Silk Pure Almond Milk - Unsweetened Vanilla, Viva Labs MCT Oil, Trader Joe's Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Coffee (Brewed From Grounds). Lunch: Water, Full Circle Organic Green Tea. Dinner: Water, Manchu Wok Vegetable Egg Roll, Fried Rice, General Tso (General Gau) Chicken. Snacks/Other: Alamos Malbec. more...
2324 kcal Activities & Exercise: Driving - 15 minutes, Desk Work - 6 hours, Sitting - 7 hours, Sleeping - 9 hours, Resting - 1 hour and 45 minutes. more...

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I'm so glad you posted this. So many times I've let other people's opinions get in my head, totally derailing what was working for me. Trying hard to not do that. 
03 Jun 17 by member: brinella
Amen, sister! You do what is best for Helen and I promise I will do what is best for Gwen. Our goals may be similar but the paths are many. I'm in your corner! 
03 Jun 17 by member: 2227Gwen
if we all could have one way of releasing the weight...all the food, health, info commercials, and any others that i forgot would be out of business..an they all know that..they all know everyone releases weight differently..if only it was that easy..one plan works for everyone... 
03 Jun 17 by member: wannabhealthier
I totally agree. While I like suggestions and advice I really don't like it when someone starts preaching to me.  
03 Jun 17 by member: fatoldlady
I fully agree with you on this. 
03 Jun 17 by member: CandissTC
HCB, love it!! You and I have been saying the same thing for the past few years on post after post after post. My plan is totally different from yours and both of us are succeeding in our own ways. You have to find a way that works for you and fits your life, or it's not going to work for you.  
03 Jun 17 by member: wholefoodnut
And sometimes the body gets adapted and refuses to continue fat loss - so maybe from time to time, we need to switch it up. Even within an individuals progress, the approach may need to evolve. What worked before may not work the same now. It's a constant process of self-observation, research and trial. 
03 Jun 17 by member: erikahollister
I've been saying that for years: There's no such thing as a One-size-fits-all diet. To me, another component is what people actually like to eat. The biggest problem I have with "diet plans" from other people is that they tend to include foods I DON'T like, and cut out completely the foods I DO like. Nobody will stick with a diet they hate! 
03 Jun 17 by member: Toni Bourlon
In a nutshell, it's up to us to try and try again and find out what works for us.  
04 Jun 17 by member: ClassicRocker
I went to a class yesterday on ACE"s (adverse childhood experiences) and they talked a lot about how children who have high ACE's scores tend to end up with diabetes, overweight. heart disease, asthma, etc as adults if they don't learn how to care for themselves. It was very interesting. 
04 Jun 17 by member: skwhite
Yes! Sherry - I am well familiar with ACE and how they score, It IS interesting! 
04 Jun 17 by member: HCB
I work with incarcerated youth. They are by definition stressed. There's a lot of self-comforting with food. And the programs feed them a lot of high carb foods -including lots of sweets, juice, chocolate milk, candy and of course pasta bread etc. I don't think anyone is making the connection that these foods are conducive to mood swings, depression, anxiety etc. It's frustrating to watch this. It looks like child abuse to me! This are unhappy kids, and their food isn't helping the situation. 
04 Jun 17 by member: erikahollister
Great post, and great comments! I love this. 
05 Jun 17 by member: mskestrela
Love love LOVE!!! Thanks for posting <3 
05 Jun 17 by member: Sharons Victory
@erikahollister - THAT is so true...if only they could read "Grain Brain" which is all about gluten free and moods. 
05 Jun 17 by member: HCB
<3 I can already hear the contrarians, "but but but but but but"... blah!  
05 Jun 17 by member: @philrmcknight
Absolutely! We're meant to be supporting each other here, not preaching and putting people down. By all means a person should share what works for them (if they want to) but to say it's the only way forward is madness. 
05 Jun 17 by member: Phooka
You might want to google "the smoke and mirrors behind wheat belly and grain brain". An interesting article (based on research from another doctor) that questions the book Grain Brain. I have found that often people distort facts to serve their own purposes. While I am sure there is much truth in both books, I just caution people not to blindly accept what the current diet trend tells them. Either way, the more we read, the more likely we are to learn. Good luck!! And I agree, we all need to do what is right for our own bodies. 
05 Jun 17 by member: catherineshelton
Cathineshelton - In my life getting off gluten saved me. My mental and physical health have improved immeasurably. The mood regulation is a huge positive factor in my grain free lifestyle. The weight loss is just a bonus. Thank goodness that the mental health aspect of gluten and grains is being researched. For some of us it is a total game changer - not a passing fad. 10% of Celiacs have only psychiatric symptoms, as gluten crosses the blood/brain barrier. This is life altering and life saving research. 
05 Jun 17 by member: erikahollister
I'm also finding out more and more that many of the things that might have been affecting me, the more I research, might be linked to things like magnesium shortages, etc that aren't being tested for correctly. Am in the middle of a few good books now and it's linking in many of my health problems back to mineral shortages from childhood on. Which is irritating 😠 as I've always eaten pretty healthy, but it's hard to eat what is no longer in our food. 🤷🏻‍♀️Then to discover that flouride and calcium made it worse? 🤦🏻‍♀️ 
05 Jun 17 by member: smprowett


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