Joined September 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
204.0 lb
Lost so far: 58.0 lb

Current Weight
146.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.9 lb a week

Goal Weight
130.0 lb
Still to go: 16.0 lb

moula21's Weight History

moula21's Latest Member Challenges

  Lose 20lbs by May 1
status: Completed
ended: 24 Apr 11
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last weighin: gaining 0.2 lb a week Up
last weighin: gaining 0.0 lb a week Up
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moula21's Cookbook

cals: 147kcal | fat: 3.05g | carbs: 5.27g | prot: 24.12g
Garlic Lime Chicken
Garlic lime boneless chicken breast you can grill, broil or sauté.
cals: 151kcal | fat: 10.60g | carbs: 13.38g | prot: 4.19g
Oven Roasted Vegetables
Zucchini, squash, bell peppers, asparagus and onion with olive oil seasoning.
view complete cookbook

moula21's Latest Posts

Dinner Dilemma
As others already said, you can eat the same food your family does, but you should control your portions! If necessary, use scales and measuring cups to make sure you're not exceeding the amount of calories you want to eat for dinner. Instead, you can make yourself a salad as a side dish with your meal (Or share with your family). I recently discovered a delicious salad dressing at my local grocery store that only had 3 calories/tbps. So look around for low calorie dressing and find one you really like. Also drink water with your meal, it really helps.
posted 17 Oct 2010, 00:49
Does Birth Control=Weight Gain? Opinions (sorry guys)
I haven't read all of the replies, but here's the deal: You have your own reasons for going on the pill, don't let others scare you. Some people have bad experiences, doesn't mean you will. If you're following up with your doctor, and monitoring your health, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

As for weight gain, there is no scientific proof that the pill causes weight gain. Some people notice a little bit of weight gain, but it's all water retention, not fat. Personally, I've been on it for a long time, and I was able to lose 25lbs, no problem. Good luck.
posted 16 Oct 2010, 00:37
Diet Buddy, Anyone?
Hey Bella, sounds like we have similar goals! I'll add you Smile
posted 14 Oct 2010, 00:48
Great Idea From Yahoo
Haha, that's a good idea.

I just pictured myself dropping the container, breaking it, and spending a whole afternoon vacuuming salt though. :S
posted 12 Oct 2010, 13:29
Stop running!!????
Well, the fact that she told you to stop running without explaining her reasoning is a little weird. But I've read a few articles regarding how exercising can actually make you fat.

This is one of them:

This article is 5 pages long, so I'll try to summarize it. Basically, every time you exercise, your body releases hormones which will make you feel very hungry. This will cause you to go home and eat more than you usually do. So a lot of people who will rely on exercise alone to lose weight (or lost weight then rely on exercise alone to maintain their weight) will fail. A change in diet is necessary for a person to lose weight, and exercise should compliment that diet.

So I don't know what your diet is like, but as long as you watch what you eat, count your calories, watch your carbs etc etc.. I don't see why running is bad! Specially since it's a stress reliever.

posted 12 Oct 2010, 13:19
moula21 has submitted 5 posts

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