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08 June 2008

Weigh-in: 120.2 lb lost so far: 17.8 lb still to go: 0.2 lb Diet followed poorly
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05 June 2008

I went to the doctor today to see what this tongue problem I have is, and they said it wasn't yeast, but a viral infection, and prescribed an antibiotic. It looks better today, and I am starting to get my taste back although it is not fully back to normal. The doctor said to go ahead and keep my sugar down for a while until it cleared up to let my immune system recover, but that I don't have to go low carb(thank God!) Still pretty low on energy and blah feeling, but hopefully I will be over this soon now that I have meds.
My weight was up a little today, to 119.6, but I am going to wait a couple days before recording it, I should be able to get it back down. I haven't been getting much exercise, but hopefully I can get back on track with my workouts soon. It's too hard right now with feeling this way. I hope everyone is doing well, I am finally moved in and things are settling down, so I will be on here more.
Have a great day all, chat later!

02 June 2008

Sorry I haven't journaled in as while,,I've been busy and stressed with all this moving crap. I gained a little during my "experiment" to see how many calories I could get away with..mainly because I kept gradually increasing them, and then got really stressed one day and ate a ton of junk, more than I even recorded.
Although my weight is already back to normal, I have developed a nasty thrush infection on my tongue which showed up after several days of eating rather high levels of sugar. It hurts a lot and my taste buds are all out of whack. I am having a lot of other symptoms too, stuffy head, headaches, dizzy, sick at my stomach, no energy, just generally miserable.
Because it is a form of yeast infection I am supposed to be staying away from sugar and refined carbs, anything with yeast in it or mold(peanut butter, even cheese). It sucks. I did really good for three days then I went nuts yesterday and ate not only way too much sugar and carbs but too much calories in general. I think I am going to have to meet somewhere in the middle with this anti-yeast diet. The actual candida diet allows no grains at all.
Well I am keeping my Fiber one and oatmeal thank you very much.
I am going to shoot for about 150 or so carbs a day which is about 100 grams less than my normal intake. I noticed it was going away when I was eating less carbs, and this morning, after having a bunch of sugar, it is visibly worse and painful. I am calling the doctor to make an appointment today, this is miserable.
The worst is not being able to taste right. It takes all the fun out of life to me! Sad but true.
Well, the scale was up today from yesterday, of course, but I will have down again soon with this evil diet HAVE to try to follow. I may not be able to be as strict as I should be, but I will do my best. After seeing how much worse my tongue looks this morning I am more motivated to do better.

01 June 2008

Weigh-in: 118.4 lb lost so far: 19.6 lb still to go: 0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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26 May 2008

Weigh-in: 118.6 lb lost so far: 19.4 lb still to go: 0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment steady weight

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