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02 May 2014

Weigh-in: 167.8 lb lost so far: 11.2 lb still to go: 12.8 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) losing 1.2 lb a week

23 April 2014

Weigh-in: 169.4 lb lost so far: 9.6 lb still to go: 14.4 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment losing 0.7 lb a week

17 April 2014

OMG, I KNEW I could do it, but I'm still surprised when another drop on the scale occurs! lol I've hit a new low...and that's a GOOD thing! Hoping to drop into the 160s before Sunday...because that day will be Diet Armageddon! I have enough Easter candy in the house right now to fill at least 8-10 baskets (depending on how full I make 'em). Did I mention it's just my hubby and me in the house??? ROFLMAO Ya, that candy aisle at Wally World kinda called my name...7 weeks in a row! BUT, this week I actually walked down that aisle...and didn't buy any candy! Ok, Ok, so I'll 'fess up, I was looking for another bag of salt water taffy 'cause my hubby found the first bag, and I wanted a replacement. But they didn't have any left, so I walked out of the aisle without a single item hitting my basket! YAY ME! ROFL

But I'm only 12 pounds from my goal weight. Once I hit it (OH yeah, I'll hit it, no worries!) I'll probably celebrate with dinner out, and then set a new, lower goal. Most sites say I should be at 158, and I know I look decent at the weight...but I want to get lower, so I won't have to panic if I gain 2 pounds! lol I know my weight will ALWAYS fluctuate, everyone's does, but for those upward trends I'd like to still be in safe territory! :-)

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week, and remember...we CAN do this!
Weigh-in: 170.0 lb lost so far: 9.0 lb still to go: 15.0 lb Diet followed 100%
   (4 comments) losing 0.7 lb a week

11 April 2014

Weigh-in: 170.6 lb lost so far: 8.4 lb still to go: 15.6 lb Diet followed 100%
   (1 comment) losing 2.8 lb a week

10 April 2014

LOVIN' IT! The scale kinda stalled there for a week or two...ok, OK, SO I'LL 'FESS UP!!! For the past 6 or so weeks, every time I go food shopping, I have to go down one aisle at Wally World where one side of the aisle is Easter Candy. And I haven't made Easter Baskets for my hubby or myself in years. And that candy just looked SOOO GOOD! Stuff I've never seen or tried before, like Reese's peanut butter eggs, KitKat bunny ears, and Hershey's chocolate covered caramel bunnies...Hey, they didn't put this stuff in MY baskets when I was a kid! And that's not even mentioning the Cadbury eggs...the original, the chocolate cream and the caramel eggs. Believe it or not, even though these things have been around a LOOOONNNG time, I've never tried a Cadbury egg! Long story short, every stinking week now I've been going down that aisle and picking things up for baskets. Heck, I even picked up 2 baskets to display my dangerous collection!

Right now, all of this candy is stashed in the middle bedroom, which doesn't see much use. But about 3 weeks ago, the hubby found it. First he got into the jelly beans, which didn't faze me, I'm not a jelly bean fanatic, I'm a chocoholic. But then he hit the KitKats. Again, while I might have felt a short chocolate pang, it didn't bother me that much, KitKats aren't bad, but they're not my forever favorites, either. But next he got into the small pastel foil wrapped Rollo's. Now caramel and chocolate? That IS right up my alley. I tried desperately to be good and control myself, but I did start to enjoy a few pieces a day. Then he found the Reese's has been SOOO long since I've had anything peanut butter flavored that wasn't a powder (I use PB2) that I simply freaked on that rich, sweet, oh so good taste! THEN...THAT MONSTER FOUND THE CADBURY CARAMEL EGGS!!!!! 170 calories in one tiny flavor filled piece of irresistible delectability! And THAT is what has stalled my weight loss a little bit. I'd lose a pound, gain 4 over the weekend, lose it again only to find it's the weekend again (that's what he gets into that bedroom on me!). BUT...this weekend I had better control. Actually, I've only had one of those eggs, but it was so good that it has been calling my name for over a week now. lol ANYway, I've managed to drop over 1 1/2 pounds, to weigh in at my lowest weight in YEARS! YAY ME!!! lol

What's so good about these sites though, is that I know EXACTLY what I'm doing wrong now. No wondering, no thinking, oh, that one piece of candy won't hurt, I was good the rest of the day....cause now I know that one piece of candy puts me almost 200 calories over my daily goal, which puts me into either maintenance (no loss) country, or will cause me to retain fluids which means weight gain!

OH, and it's official, I quit Weight Watchers last month. I don't need it anymore, and counting points no longer makes any sense to me because I have no idea what nutrients I'm getting a day. I found that while I was getting my 3 helpings of dairy every day, I wasn't actually getting the minimum calcium requirement from those helpings. WHAT??? Hey, sad but true. Now, I know exactly what I'm eating, what I still need to eat to be healthy, and by working towards good health, I'm losing weight. WIN-WIN! lol

Wishing y'all a wonderful day, and hope y'all are finding your way through all the weight loss problems. Just remember one CAN do this!!! :-)
Weigh-in: 171.0 lb lost so far: 8.0 lb still to go: 16.0 lb Diet followed 100%
   add comment losing 0.5 lb a week

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