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13 January 2014

It's a beautiful, sunny, if slightly chilly day so far here in my corner of the woods. It was 49 when I got outta bed at 8, but it's 54 right now, so we're on our way into the 70s again today! YAY! Makes for some great hiking weather!

Dink is again so sore today...I blame his constantly wanting to play/wrestle with Val. :( I even have to separate them when they go into the yard, or he'll start running with her, then they collide into each other, and he's back on 3 legs again. Right now he's limping, but at least using all 4 today it's another morning pain pill for him, and he'll have to stay home when Val and I go for our morning constitutional. I feel really bad leaving him at home alone like this, but I HAVE to get my walk in or there's no living with me...and if Val doesn't burn off some excess energy my house won't survive a full day of her attentions. lol

Most of that excess weight has already come off, and I was bad yesterday in that I didn't get all my water into me. Definitely a "my bad" kinda thing...I have "silent" kidney stones, stones that aren't in the collection area of the kidney but instead are embedded in the walls of the kidneys. Which means STAY HYDRATED OR SUFFER! lol So today it's back to the "carry a bottle with me at all times" mentality. Winter gets me like this, I have no problem getting a ton of water into me in the summer, but once the weather cools off it's a chore to drink what I should. *deep sigh*

Guess I should get started on my day before my day passes me by, huh? LOL I'm off to one of the wildlife management sites today for our walk, the hog hunt is over until Friday, so we'll get some nice hikes in this week. AND it hasn't rained, so we can stay dry, too! lol While I love the rain, must admit I'm not fond of hiking with wet feet! ;)

And today is my last day of the first week of the 1 Minute a Day? Really? gotta get out on my gazelle and work it a bit today. THEN I have go get outside and pick up grapefruit...such a bummer, I have 3 mature grapefruit trees, each covered with delicious pink/red grapefruit...and I can't give them away! I'm on cholesterol meds so can't eat grapefruit (it intensifies the medication) and my neighbors either don't like 'em or are on other meds that don't mix well with grapefruit. Such a shame, grapefruit is SO good for you, but seems to be the only citrus fruit that simply doesn't play well with a lot of medications! So, every winter, for months I have to go out a few times a week with large garbage bags and pick up all the fallen fruit. You can't fill a bag, because let me tell ya, a bag of grapefruit is heavy enough that the trash men refuse to pick them up and dump 'em in the truck. And they HAVE to be bagged and placed in regular trash collection, they don't consider them to be yard waste (which CAN'T be bagged! lol) So today I'll end up with maybe 6 bags of grapefruit for tomorrow's trash pick up.

A few years ago I tried offering the fruit to local food pantries and charity kitchens...even THEY can't use them, said they have grapefruit coming out that their wazoo already! Two years ago I got house faces onto an 8 house cul de sac, but it backs onto a street that dead ends 1 mile down, but sees lot of traffic from people coming and going to their homes. So, I put boxes of beautiful fruit, freshly picked, on the easement by the road, with a large sign saying "Free To Good Home: Pink and Red Grapefruit: Organically Grown". Exactly ONE woman stopped and filled a bag (yes, I even left plastic grocery bags under the boxes of fruit so they could get them home easily) with fruit. I was working in the yard at the time and she thanked me profusely for allowing her to have free fruit. She came back two days later, with the bag of fruit, saying she had been to the doctor and he had put her on cholesterol meds...*deep sigh* So even the best laid plans of mice and men and women trying to get rid of excess grapefruit go oft' astray. :(

But wishing y'all a wonderful OP Monday! Stay active, eat well, and let's DO this thing! :)

12 January 2014

I'm late checking in today, but I'm here and I've logged everything, so that's what counts. ;)

All's well in my little corner of the world. Got a nice walk in today, just me and Val...poor Dink's hip is bothering him enough that he has a nasty limp, so the hubby stayed home with him today while Val and I got out for our walk. It was a bit cool today, 59 degrees (yeah, I can hear y'all right now, "what, is she kidding? cool???" but for us, yes, that's chilly! :D ), and we had to do Rails to Trails again, because of the hog hunts going on at our management areas. Rails to Trails is a nice walk, on a paved "trail" that used to be railroad tracks (rails to trails? LOL) and you get to see a lot of people this way...other people walking for exercise or to get to the stores, bicyclists, sometimes even a few people on horseback. But for that same reason, I prefer the wild life management areas. Rails to Trails, you see people...and I admit, almost everyone speaks to everyone, saying g'morning, hello, or often, in my case, oh what lovely dogs... lol But in the wildlife management areas, I get a nice quiet hike, I get to commune with nature (when Val isn't catching wild hogs by the snouts, that is), and I get to see a lot more houses, paved roads, cars, those annoying little bells they put on bikes... LOL.

The rest of the day was quiet, it's Sunday so I played my computer games, did a little housework, cooked dinner, played some more games...and when I'm done here, I'll be playing some MORE games. LOL Did I mention I love Sundays because I get to... play games? ROFL

Hope everyone had a nice, warm OP Sunday. :) OH...and I blew it yesterday, did good all day, but then had some delish black eye pea soup last night that I made using some lean leftover ham. The soup wasn't where I blew it, it was the 3, yes THREE, corn muffins I had with the soup! Got on the scale today to see I was up 3 POUNDS over yesterday's weight! And I know it's gonna take me most of the week to drop that again, so that one night might have blown the chances of me seeing a drop on the scale this week at my official weigh in. :( And I know what y'all are gonna say, it takes 3000+ calories to cause me to gain 1 pound of fat...well, that might be so, but while I didn't eat an extra 9K calories, my weight DID increase by 3 pounds, and it WILL take me 3-4 days to drop that excess weight, be it water weight or fat, so same difference in the end. :( But hey, life is STILL good. ;) So I'll C y'all tomorrow, have a great night, and hang in there, together we CAN do this! :)

11 January 2014

I SOO slipped up yesterday!lol Kind of knew I would, I usually do after a good weekly weigh in. My bad!

But those cookies, still left over from Christmas and still tasting OH so good just got the best of me. Not to mention 4 or 5 pieces of that huge box of chocolate sitting out on my dining room table that I just couldn't bring myself to throw in the trash.

So today I'm doing a partial purge. All the uneaten chocolate goes bye bye. Eh, it's the left overs anyway, I ate all the good stuff last month! ROFL The pizzelles, however, stay. I do eat a few a day, but 6 cookies are 140 calories, and they've got 3g protein...and it's a nice little splurge for those mid day doldrums. lol

Weekend are always my hardest time, too...the hubby is home and drinks his beer and munches all day long. I don't like beer, so avoiding that is no problem, but the munching starts to wear down my resolve to be good and stay op! But today is going to be a strange's another rainy day. I'll still get my walk in (weather doesn't slow me down) but I'm also making bean soup for dinner, to use up the last of the ham...well, black eyed pea soup, actually. And bean soups can definitely be a big higher caloried than I would like. BUT they're sooo very good for you...extremely high in fiber and protein, and very filling. So we're going for it, and we'll see where it leaves me come Monday. As long as I can manage a loss by my weekly WI (though I weigh myself daily, I consider my true WI day to be Friday) I'm a happy camper! :)

Hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend! Today should be a calm day...Val can't catch a wild hog like she did last Saturday, or go off on a cross country hunt like she did on Thursday, simply because they're wild hog hunting at our game preserves this weekend, so she's limited to walking the Rails to Trails ON LEASH! lol

Here's wishing one and all a happy, warm and OP Saturday! Kick the can, but not the plan! (Omg, did I really just SAY that? ROFL)

10 January 2014

YEE HAW! Got my mojo working double time right now, sticking to the plan, staying active, and it all comes together as a working way of life! Funny how much difference logging my food choices makes though. I'm eating the same things I was eating the past 5 months (when the weight I had lost began to reappear), but by planning my meals and logging them, I can see where my portions had grown ENORMOUSLY and I was overdoing it from start (breakfast) to finish (my evening snack).

I'm not sure if I can honestly say I'm still doing the WW routine though...I don't count points, though I do use points to decide if something should be purchased in the first place. But it seems that by simply watching my diet (calories in, calories out, intake of fiber, fat, and carbs) I'm doing the same thing I did with WW...and it's all making sense to me now. Yes, just adding food to your log and accepting the points they give you is easy, but it only works if you intend to always use their system. And you're left wondering why you shouldn't eat certain things.

For instance, I simply love pasta and potatoes (not in the same meal though). While on WW, I didn't touch either of these for over 8 months. Yeah, I lost weight, but not in enormous amounts, maybe 4-5 pounds a month average. And I'm not knocking it, that's not a bad average for losing weight. BUT...I was SOOOO craving potatoes and pastas! When I moved over to their Simply Filling technique, I began to incorporate both items back into my diet. With that method, you only have to log non power food items, for a total of 7 "points" per day. And both potatoes and pastas (whole grain only though) are considered power foods. But because I hadn't eaten them while counting all points, and because I had SOOO missed them for 8-9 months...I overate on them. Two pasta servings instead of one. Two small baked potatoes because HEY, they're SMALL! And I believe this is what led to my slow regaining of weight lost.

Wednesday night I again had my pasta...I made a nice mess of Crabs and Spaghetti, all homemade, no added fats, and whole wheat pasta. AND I religiously measured out both my spaghetti and my sauce. The crabs? Nah, I just had to count how many I ate, so that part was easy. lol And the results? I left the table nicely satisfied but not overly stuffed...and it didn't interfere with my my weight loss plans! (AND I STILL HAD MY PASTA! lol)

So right now, I'm in the midst of the thrill of the loss. I know I won't continue to lose at this rate, and I don't WANT to lose at this rate...too easy off means even easier on! It honestly took me 6-10 years to gain the extra 60+ pounds I was carrying around when I started my new life style changes this time last year...I can't expect to lose it in 1 and KEEP it off. BUT...I'm jazzed right now! lol And I'm setting goals for this time NEXT year. Which are to be lighter by a least 25 pounds (and I'm figuring that loss AFTER the 10 pounds I'll probably regain over the holiday season! rofl), be in better physical shape, and to be fitting nicely into some clothes I bought as "inspiration" pieces. lol Can't wait until I look good in that "inspirational" bathing suit! :D

Until tomorrow (unless something exciting happens today, too) I wish you all a wonderful, safe, warm and OP Friday! And remember...we CAN do this! :)
Weigh-in: 184.6 lb lost so far: 5.4 lb still to go: 9.6 lb Diet followed 100%
   (6 comments) losing 7.0 lb a week

09 January 2014

Well, guess I could have edited my earlier entry, but decided to write a new one. Because I've been INSPIRED! :)

I was reading Kingkeld's journal this morning, and saw that he had gotten in 30K steps yesterday. That's not 3000, or even 13000...that's 30,000 one DAY!

So when I took Val out for our walk today, those 30K steps were in the back of my mind. And when we got to the 1/2 Moon Wildlife Management park (9995 acres of fields, forests and wetlands) I was ready! It was raining lightly when we arrived, so I pulled on the waterproof wind breaker over my flannel shirt, and off we went. 1 mile into the walk, the heavens opened up on us. So we ducked under some dense live oaks to avoid the worst of the downpour, and waited it out. Only took a few minutes before it was back to a nice light shower again, and we were back on our way. A bit damper, but still in excellent spirits. :)

Since I wanted to get in a few more steps than usual, I decided to take a side trail, hoping to add about 2 miles to our usual walk. Unfortunately, about 3/4 of a mile into the trail, we came to a spot where management had recently cultivated the path itself to create a fire break...and an ankle turner! So rather than twisting an ankle or blowing out a knee, we retraced our steps to the main trail and continued on our way, with an extra 1 1/2 miles under our belt thanks to that side trail!.

The main trail (The Yellow Loop) is our normal path, and again, they've cultivated about 1/8 of a mile of it for fire break purposes...and that's about 2 miles into the 3 1/2 mile trail, so normally we turn around and start back at that point. And that's what we did today. All this time, Val was being an excellent dog, staying next to me or a step or three in front of me, watchful for my directions in case I took a side trail, the perfect off leash dog.

UNTIL she caught sight of something wild. What I don't know (last Saturday she caught a wild hog!), but I'm figuring a rabbit or something small...and she took off into the bush, with me screaming "VAL COME!" at the top of my lungs and running after her. When she went crashing into the palmettos, I couldn't follow, and was afraid of losing track of the trail, so I ran up and down the trail in both directions, whistling and calling to her. 30 minutes later, when I had just given up and was going to hike to the ranger station to report a missing dog, I decided to back track ONE more time...and here came Val, slowly, panting, tongue almost touching the ground...but she had returned. I SO wanted to scream and spank her, but #1. I don't discipline my animals by hitting them, and #2. if I did do that, if she ever gets loose again she won't come back as easily. So, I leashed her up and we continued on back to the truck. What an exciting, wet, and bloody hike it had turned into. OH, Val didn't have a drop of blood on her, but I had worn below the knee tights for our walk, and my legs had caught on every wild blackberry bush that was out there. Back at the truck it took me a good 5 minutes just to pull out all the tiny thorns still embedded in my skin!

So I was not the happiest of hikers when I finally got Val dried off and in the back of the truck and had climbed in myself...UNTIL I looked at my pedometer! 6.15 new miles on that baby! Almost 13K steps in just one 2 hour hike! OH yeah, GO BABY!

My day isn't over yet, though I'm hoping the most exciting part is behind me...I still have to go grocery shopping, which means more walking. Maybe...just MAYBE, I'll make it to 18K steps today, which would be wonderful! If I get close enough, I might even try for 20K today! (And would probably help my OH so sore thighs from doing my kettle bell/burpee circuit yesterday, too!)

So a quick "thank you" to Kingkeld for being today's inspiration for my journey! And another thank you to ALL of you, because you all inspire me with your own journeys, to keep working for what I desire to make of myself and my life. Today Kingkeld was my major inspiration...tomorrow it might be you. And for that I simply can't thank y'all enough! :)

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