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17 January 2014

BRRRR....cold day here today, we actually dropped to 27 degrees last night. In FLORIDA no less! lol Right now it's up to 45 so won't be TOO bad when I take Val out for our hike. Dink has to stay home again today...he did great yesterday, we did the short trail, only 1.2 miles, and he came through like a trooper...but then the hubby let both him AND Val out into the yard together, and they started chasing he's tender on that hip again today and can't handle a long hike. :( Poor baby.

Well, my weight loss is going well, I've gone from 190 to 183.6 since 1-2-14. Not too shabby. Last night though, was a MY BAD night. I would have been fine if I just ate that one serving of pretzels I had allowed for...but NOOOO, I had to go back for seconds. And while passing through the dining room to hit the ladies room, that huge box of chocolates left over from Christmas started to call my name...and 5, yes FIVE pieces later, I said ENOUGH! and threw the rest of the box in the trash. That, plus the short hike versus my normal long one, equates to a weight gain today. Well, I THINK it does, didn't get weighed today because of it. (chuckle) I'll try to be UBER good today, then WI again tomorrow morning, and hopefully at least be holding my own. But 1500 calories a day seems to be a good place for me right now, allowing me to slowly drop the pounds without feeling like I'm starving. In fact, I often have to force the last of my meals into my mouth, be make sure I get enough calories to be able to continue feeling so great every day! (I've noticed if I burn TOO many more than I take in, I begin to feel week, lethargic, no energy...hate feeling like that.)

And today is the last day of the working's FRIDAY Y'ALL! :D Bought my hubby a new desktop gaming rig because I was so tired of him always saying "gee, that game looks like fun! But it won't run on my laptop..." lol He has a nice gaming laptop, but he's right, the video card won't handle most of the really COOL games. Sooo...I surprised him wish him own gaming computer that WILL handle the best games out there. (Made sure he has the same video card that I have, because I know what mine can do! lol) It arrived yesterday, and tomorrow our cable company is coming out to direct wire it to our router. (Wifi slows down the game just enough to be a PITA.) Gonna be a hot time in the ol' house this weekend! lol Can't wait to see which game he picks first to try out...Bioshock:Infinity, Resident Evil 6, OR...dun dun DUNNNNN...Titan Quest! ROFL It's an oldie but goodie I've been playing that Steam is offering now, and his laptop didn't handle Steam well. lol Look out Diablo-clone, here comes GRIMSKULL!!! ROFL

ANYway, wishing everyone a healthy, happy and OP Friday! Now I'M out for my walk! :) Hoping for 5+ miles today, will be sweet in this cold! :) LATERZ!

16 January 2014

Ok, NOW we're talking! I'm past the "holiday surplus" and into the actual weight I'd gained since September! Now those numbers moving down mean a lot more to me than water weight! :D

It's chilly out again this morning. 37 degrees right now, which for Floridians is equal to 15 in NJ! Our blood really IS thinner and we DO feel the cold more! LOL But hey, it won't stop me from getting in my daily hike. Just wish I could find my old woven gloves...wearing LONG black driving gloves isn't the warmest thing for your hands, and kinda looks ridiculous down here! ;)

Dink is doing good, but still not up to a long hike cross country...but HE doesn't know that and is going to be heart broken when I take Val and leave him here. :( But he IS doing good, we did 1/2 mile yesterday (he was ready to keep going, but I didn't want to push a good thing) and he was BARELY sore by dinner time. He's only gotten one pain pill a day for the past 2 days, too, so that's a huge improvement. I think he'll be up to a nice, but shorter, walk at Rails To Trails this weekend. Which isn't just good for him, it's great for my hubby too, who has been using Dink's hip as an excuse to not walk on weekends. Yeah, MEN! ROFL

Tomorrow is my actual WI day, so I even went on holiday mode in my game, just so I'd be that much more active today! I'll be happy with another 1/2 pound loss for WI...but I'd be ECSTATIC if I could manage a .8 or greater loss...because that would put me into the 182 range. THEN I could work to hit the 170s next week, instead of still struggling through the 80s. See, I was 176 last September, which was the lowest I've weighed in about 3 years! (Which is why I've made 175 my first goal weight. ;) ) Kinda peeves me that the weight comes off in tiny portions of a pound increments, yet goes on in multiple pound gains! LOL I know, I know, EVERYONE'S favorite complaint.

Well, gonna get started on my day. Hope y'all are having a great OP Thursday! OH...and a few people had recommended that I Try Calorie Counter, another site like FS, but with an easier to use recipe builder. I tried it last night, and absolutely love it! It gives me the COMPLETE nutritional data on everything I eat, as well as my daily totals instead of just tracking 6 major data points. Haven't tried the recipe builder yet, but so far I'm mightily impressed with the site. :) Oh, no worries, I'm still a FS member...but it's great having multiple sites to work with. And hate to say it, but I think WW might just be losing a paying customer...I'm getting SO much more info, data, and life changing help via FS and CC! And I'm STILL not sure exactly what a "point" is? ROFL

Remember...we CAN do this! :)
Weigh-in: 183.6 lb lost so far: 6.4 lb still to go: 8.6 lb Diet followed 100%
   (1 comment) losing 2.8 lb a week

15 January 2014

Ah, another great activity day. Got in over 6 miles of hiking and walking. And my darlin' dog Val, SHE almost caught herself a deer today! I know, almost everyone says how fast their dog is...but this dog is something ELSE! Two deer broke from cover and crossed the trail at a full run at least 300 feet in front of us. Val took off after the second one. By the time they jumped the barbed wire fence maybe 300-400 feet away, Val almost had the trailing deer. If it hadn't been for that fence...which the deer easily cleared, and which Val ran directly into, yiped, scrambled through and then again began to give chase...well, I believe that deer would have been dog food. She didn't catch them, and she did return to me...8 minutes later, but she did come back without me needing to shimmy through the barbed wire, trek through the palmetto and chance getting lost in the wetlands. Someone had mentioned getting a dog whistle...I've never trained a dog to come to one of those, but I think Val is a prime candidate for the training, as my whistles are very weak and don't travel far, sound-wise! ROFL

And when I got home, I took Dink out for a walk down to visit with his favorite barnyard animals. 2 donkeys, 2 zebus, 2 tiny mini ponies and 5 sheep. He absolutely loves those animals, and they appear to feel the same...they run to the fence when they see him coming, sniff him through the rails, and let him lick their noses. lol It's really cute. Me? They put up with me petting them or scratching their forlocks...but him? They love him! Now Val on the other hand...they tried to be friendly with her and she tried to nip one of the ponies I don't allow her close contact with them. lol

Hoping that all the walking/hiking today will help keep the pounds melting. WI is Friday, and I really REALLY want to see another down turn on my chart. :) I've been bad for the past 5 months...and nothing makes you wanna stay good like seeing results! Doesn't have to be a huge loss, just a few ounces is enough for me to think "gee, I'm doing something right, this is WORKING!".

Wishing everyone a wonderful OP Wednesday night, and I'll talk at y'all again tomorrow! :)

15 January 2014

Well, one week into two challenges, and so far I'm doing well on both of them. 1 Minute a Day? Really?! is actually blowing my mind...that 30 second burst of high speed on the gazelle, 3 times in a 7-10 min total workout actually tires me out! Of course, I do this workout AFTER hiking 4-6 miles, but STILL! I think it actually is working me harder than just spending 15-20 minutes on the gazelle working at a moderate pace! So YAY, time saving and still helping to get healthier!

My second challenge is to lose 5 pounds this month...shame it didn't start on the 1st, I'd dropped 7 pounds total since then! lol But I'm still dropping, a bit slower now that the initial week is done (LOVE the first week of a diet when the weight seems to just MELT off the ol' body! lol) Can't wait to meet my first goal I can lower my goal weight and get in sight of my old clothes fitting me well again! Not to mention that "goal prize" of looking hot in that bathing suit I bought.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful OP Wednesday! The temps dropped a bit here last night, it's only 45 out right now (but going up to 65...I SO love FL! lol) which means WONDERFUL walking weather. Poor Dink is feeling better, and walking with barely a sign of a limp this morning...but still not well enough to go on a 4-5 mile hike through the barrens, so he's going to be upset to be left behind...again. And I'll feel guilty for the entire time, too. But he gets his walk when I get maybe we'll do the 'hood, so he gets some much needed exercise in, too, but still saves his joints by being onleash.

Well, overslept today (it's so nice to snuggle under the covers when it's chilly outside and your bedroom window is wide open... lol) so better get on with my day before it passes me by!

OH...and hey everyone, what day is it? Hmmm? What day is it??? Come on, I know you can hear me, WHAT DAY IS IT??? MIKE MIKE MIKE MIKE MIKE, WHAT DAY IS IT?????

THAT'S RIGHT! IT'S HUMPDAY!!! Happy Humpday y'all!!! :D
Weigh-in: 184.0 lb lost so far: 6.0 lb still to go: 9.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) losing 0.8 lb a week

13 January 2014

I saw a post by KingKeld, where he mentioned his "IIFYM" calculator, and I had NO idea what IIFYM I plugged it into my browser followed by .com...and found a really neat site! I tried running myself through their macro calculator, to see what my own macros should be...and I was like OMG I AM SO SCREWED! lmao

Going back and forth between my current food diary and the amounts of carbs vs everything else I SHOULD be eating if I was losing weight/building muscle/preparing for a show was simply mind boggling! And while I simply don't believe I could be happy with only eating 34G of carbs a day (my recommended amount) and I'm not sure I COULD eat 185G of protein a day, it did turn on a light in my brain warning me that my current diet is VERY off balance! WAY too many carbs, and not enough protein are going into my mouth right now.

So I'm going to try (with TRY being the operative word here) to change up my eating patterns a bit, at least while I'm actively trying to lose weight. One of the reasons I want to lose weight is for good health, and IIFYM states unequivocally that their diet is NOT to be used for improving health, be it heart or otherwise, it's for dropping fat and, with workouts, gaining muscle. Not necessarily bulking up, though that is an option, but also for substituting body fat for lean muscle mass. That's not saying that following their dietary guidelines would be UNhealthy... lol So anyway, as I said, I don't think I could eat the macros that they're saying I'd need to follow their plan. But I CAN try to balance out my diet more. Read that as cut back on the carbs, and increase the protein in my diet. And we'll see where that takes us! :D

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