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16 January 2012

Weekends are a little more difficult for me and my weight loss goals because I spend the weekends with my best friend and her family. They have to make meals that will stretch to feed 7 people. Therefore, the meals always contain some sort of high carb "filler" such as pasta or mashed potatoes or both.

Knowing this, I made a point to take several meals worth of food with me as well as the normal stuff I take to help out. This way, I was able to maintain my eating plan without disrupting her plans for feeding 5 kids. I appreciated that she did not take offense that I brought my own meals rather than eating what she cooked for the family.

I am also very proud of myself. The only thing to drink in that house, ever, is soda and tap water. I took my tea pitcher with me and even with the Mt Dew all over the place, I did not even have so much as a sip. I drank my tea all weekend.

My son wanted to get something special on the way home tonight and I was seriously craving a cheeseburger from Sonic (my fav place to get burgers). We went to Sonic, but while he got an oreo blast, I had an unsweet iced tea with lemon.

So maybe this isn't major breaking news, but with all the temptations around me the last 2 days, yes, I am taking pride in my choices. I am also finding that except the occasional craving (like the burger), the more often I make good food choices, the easier they are to make the next time. I really want to make this a habit and not something that I have to work on every time I put something in my mouth.

I have decided that when I lose 30 lbs, I get to reward myself with either a new blouse or a dress or maybe a really cute pair of shoes. It will be something not too expensive, because I have no intentions of stopping at 30 lbs lost, and I don't want to spend a lot of money on something that I won't be able to wear for long. However, I think it is important that I learn to reward myself. All my life, it has been giving and giving and giving for others (especially my kids) that I always forgot to do something just for me. I've been told that being proud of yourself and rewarding yourself is a good and healthy thing, so I'm going to do my best to try that change out while I'm at this whole lifestyle makeover business.

I have a deal with T. She's trying to quit smoking and I'm trying to lose weight. My first weigh in is on Feb 7. If I have lost at least 10 lbs and she has stopped smoking, I am going to try to find some way that the two of us can reward ourselves together, that does not include food. For undisclosable reasons, our choices are limited, but I think between us, we can think of something.

T has been a great support for me on this journey so far, and I know that will not change. I really appreciate her support and encouragement, it makes this journey so much easier than it has been in the past.

14 January 2012

13 January 2012

OMG, someone shoot me now... lol... I knew that I'd been using my limited mobility as the reason I didn't exercise but wow. Ok, so I can't do what I've always been told is exercise, ie: treadmill, stair stepper, walking, running, etc. I still can't afford the gym so I haven't been able to do bicycles or ellipticals. Ok, so today, I decide some movement is better than none, right? If there are programs called sit and be fit, there has to be a way to exercise with the very limited resources that I have. Well, I picked up a little home exercise kit thingie at a yard sale a while back (couple lb dumbells, exercise band, spring loaded thigh trainer thingie, hand exercisers) and had planned at that time to use the exercise band and dumbells at a gym, as soon as someone showed me what to do with the band. Well, this season is "no excuses" right? So even though I'm the type of person that I need structure in a workout routine (I seriously lack the creativity to make things up as I go along), I decided to try it for the short term and even if what I do makes no sense to anyone else, at least it's movement and hey, nobody else can see what I do in the privacy of my own home anyway.

All that background to say: I cannot stop doing this. If I felt as weak, tired, and painful after just 20 short minutes of lifting the dumbells in various poses (10 mins) and doing leg lifts (straightening the leg completely from a seated position without losing control for 10 mins), then the only sane thing I can do is try to do it every single day and try to get where it doesn't hurt so much and doesn't wear me out so bad. I'm not going to say that I AM going to do it every day, because with the fibromyalgia there are just some days that.. sorry dude, it ain't gonna happen.

I don't know if anyone reads these besides me, but if you do.. please tell me that at least it's a start and I'm on the right track? It is so hard to do this alone but I do have someone encouraging me that's not on FS, but that means she can't read my journals and make comments or call me on it if I have a bad food day until I see her once a week.

I need to find buddies on here with similar issues, concerns, limitations or something, people that can keep me on track and be supportive for the long haul. I have a LOT of weight to lose and it took 16 years to put it on, it's not going to come off in 6 months.. I'm not really on The Biggest Loser or Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition. Do I use these success stories for motivation and inspiration, yes, but I don't have the benefits of actually being there so no, it's not going to be a short journey but I'm committed to changing my life. Like I told T (the lady that is encouraging me), this is NOT a diet, it is a revised eating plan, a new lifestyle. They say it takes 21 days to form or break a habit. 7 down, 14 to go to the new me. I want making better food choices to be habit, not something I have to seriously work on every single day of my life.

I've never been very good at journaling before, but even if nobody ever sees these but me, I'm finding it rather therapeutic.

13 January 2012

So, I cut out sodas, right? (I haven't had so much as a sip in a week) and I'm drinking tea instead. I hate water, it tastes nasty, even with the water filter I have on my sink. Yay, good for me on making a healthier choice but I swear to all that is Holy that I walk at least a mile a day just going to the bathroom at least once an hour. I have bladder problems anyway and am on medication for it, but I swear I didn't have to go this much when I was drinking Dr Pepper like it was going out of style. I've always had a problem with being constantly thirsty, so I have something to drink with me at all times but I think I'm thirstier now than ever before. Ok, so my meds cause a lot of the dry mouth, nothing I can do about that, but I have got to find a way around this whole.. living in the bathroom.. thing.

I'm still looking for an exercise program that I can do. I wish I had a brace for my knee again (the last one broke, then I outgrew it) to help stabilize my knee so I would quit falling so much. In physical therapy again, this time for a back injury after a fall. There's just so many moves you can do when you require a walker to keep you on your feet instead of on the ground.

I started watching the new season of Biggest Loser and this season is "no excuses". I'm tired of my bad joints being the "excuse" for me not working out. I go to the pool almost every day during the summer but that's not an option when there's snow on the ground. The local fitness club has bicycles and elliptical machines, which I hear are good for those that are on dr restricted mobility regimines but seriously, I'm a single mom trying to get disability. With the miniscule amount of money that I bring in from public assistance there is absolutely NO money left over after paying the bills for a gym membership. Everyone says walk, dr says no. Everyone says aerobics, dr says no. What's a desperate girl to do?

Every tv show on the planet, it seems like, is available to stream online. I don't get television but I can still watch tv over the internet. However, the ONE show that I'd give my eye teeth (if I had them) to be able to stream is not available unless you buy the DVDs. I once had a gym membership for a month and went to a class called silver sneakers, where the vast majority of the exercises were done sitting down. Believe you me, it was still a workout. Therefore I thought I had a great idea, I'll watch Sit and Be Fit, surely that's better than no regular workout routine. Big surprise, gotta buy them, can't stream them. Remember the reason I don't go to the gym? Well, that holds true for buying workout videos too. I have a set of two pound dumbells but without guidance, I really suck at trying to "work out" with them by myself. I could follow someone else, like on a workout show, but without it, I am at such a loss.

Oh well, I've increased my activity a little bit just with my bathroom trips, so there's an upside to this rant. LOL

12 January 2012

Ok, so one of my biggest weight loss problems has always been not eating often enough. Even with keeping my calories lower, I was sabotaging myself by only eating once or twice a day because I just wasn't hungry most of the time. I've discovered since going on this low carb eating plan (I refuse to call it a diet) that I can finally eat 5-6 times a day because I am constantly hungry.

Now, this may sound like a bad thing to most people, but for me, it is a plus, as long as I keep my choices appropriate for my goals. I'm also starting to have carb cravings. What I wouldn't give right now for a bowl of pasta or a baked potato. But the upside is that I found out that cheese, fruit, and meat are not the enemy. The downside is that most snack foods available in my area seem to be carb heavy. So where someone on a strictly low calorie eating plan can budget in a couple of 100 calorie snack cakes or crackers into their daily food allotment, those foods just kill my carb percentage. Those foods are easily available, conveniently packaged, and highly advertised. Where's my low carb, easy to grab, snack ideas??

Ok, so maybe I'm whining, but changing the way you've eaten for the last 40 years is hard. I think I'm entitled to a little temper tantrum occasionally.

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