Joined February 2008
Weight History

Start Weight
210.0 lb
Lost so far: 1.4 lb

Current Weight
208.6 lb
Performance: losing 0.9 lb a week

Goal Weight
150.0 lb
Still to go: 58.6 lb
Hello!! I'm Jaime, Friends call me Jay. I'm 23 years old and live in Spokane, Washington. I've always had a problem with my wieght since about my teenage years and I decided that this was it.. I was done. Earlier this summer I was out everyday for a couple of months and took off 30 pounds but ever since the cold hit I just haven't found my inspiration. I tried a gym but am sometimes so busy or it's really just lonely going by yourself, so here I am. I'm really excited as these coming years there are a couple of weddings, this summer theres a festival down in Oregon I will be going to as well as my family reunion so it would be nice to shed some pounds and drop some jaws. I also am going to be starting school full time this fall and well I wanna go in style. :lol: So, I had heard about Fatsecret through a talk show. I think it was Oprah and I decided to try it out. I'm surrently sticking with Weight watchers as I once tried atkins but that was a bit akward. Needless to say no luck. Anyway I love to hear about other people and their success stories so feel free to give me a jingle anytime. Nice to meet you all and I hope to talk to ya soon!

Coffeebeansartist's Weight History


last weighin: losing 1.4 lb a week Down
last weighin: gaining 0.5 lb a week Up
only visible to followers
last weighin: losing 0.1 lb a week Down

Coffeebeansartist's Latest Posts

Dairy Products.. Good Or bad????
ya know.. If you strayed away from dairy while on a diet it could be that your body is rejected it after much of not getting it. However, and this may not be likley for you, I don't know. I started that way as well and I turned out to be lactose intolerant. I was reading up on it and its not something you're born with, which I should've known cause I use to drink it like its going out of style, rather its something yu develope over time. It started as gas and well.. we'll just leave it as the symptoms got.. worse.. anyways, the best you can do for now is watch your intake, maybe don't deny yourself the product in general, just give yourself a little bit and see how you feel. Hope that helps at all.. Good luck!
posted 23 Feb 2008, 14:11
Dairy Products.. Good Or bad????
Okay.. so im a little confused.. Are Dairy products something you want to avoid during dieting??? i've heard mixed version.. One side says no.. It can actually help out the process.. othr side says yes.. It contains sugar and can slow the process... now its not like I eat HUGE quanities but I dont have things like Yogurt, cheese and milk during the day and I pray it that im still able to lose wieght. Any comments out there?
posted 20 Feb 2008, 18:12
New to fat secrets and weight watchers. Please help motivate me. Ihave started walking with a friend
Hey there!

Welcome!! Very Happy I'm here to movtivate you! WOO!!..Laughing okay so maybe that was cheesy more than anything but I think i'm on the same boat as you.. motivation is a bit harder to come by your own... so far I've taken off 30 but I still have a ways to go so if you need someone to get you going again or compare notes feel free to write anytime. Smile
posted 20 Feb 2008, 10:29
Coffeebeansartist has submitted 3 posts
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