GlennM's Journal, 13 May 2011

Well, I've found out a few things in the past couple of days - I was having severe back pain about the past eight weeks or so, finally I tried a heating pad then ice pack - alternating them and it has helped tremendously. I may start Atkins again in about a month, I have to get my cholesterol down and that is the only thing that did it well. Rain in the week ahead, we had a nice week here in W Massachusetts. Tomorrow I may see my aunt and dad. My mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer so hopefully they caught it early enough. She has to have a mastectomy at the least. I know people have survived much worse, like Lance Armstrong who had it throughout his body and he fought it off. I hope everyone is doing well, and I am hoping I have found a solution to this nagging back issue so I will be able to walk outside much more often. The western is coming along well, lots of great stuff to add from a journal of a traveler in 1849, vivid details that will help me write a much more realistic western than I ever expected... I hope to get on buddies' journals over the next few days, I'm working tonight...


hi do kno that in your food menu you can set it up so that cholesterol is one of the things you track...i to have back pain when im really i often get out my heating pad an lay on it for awhile an get up feeling like new again...well not new...but a greattttttttt day  
14 May 11 by member: loosinisfun
Hi loosin' - I'm off from work till June now. And so I think I will be able to get on here more. Believe it or not CARBS alone can cause high cholesterol, and I'm on a med that dramatically raises cholesterol. I did Atkins and it DOES lower cholesterol. Sometimes it may take 6 months like it did with me, the doctor said it was from Omega 3 - they don't want to believe it. As soon as I started eating carbs it went up again, and the anti-cholesterol meds make me weak so I can't tolerate them. My back was in bad shape at work, just had to work through it, heat then ice does work for back pain. It may be a short few months, but then I should have three books done in final draft form and I can even send all three out separately to different agents and see what sticks first, it is likely if one gets published the other two would get publishing deals quickly too. Cloudy day, mild; rain tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well, I will try to get on journals by tonight... 
14 May 11 by member: GlennM
My aunt lost 39 lbs. since September doing the 'Willow diet' I think it is called, I commented right away that she lost weight since I saw her last time in September, she said everyone is telling her she looks so much better too. I need to lose twenty again, we can all do it with support - I'm off to look up this diet... She doesn't exercise either because of a bad knee so the diet sounds promising... 
14 May 11 by member: GlennM
Glenn, so sorry to hear about your mom is in the recovery period post surgery. She had the surgery and radiation and she has been on Tamoxifen since. She is now into her 3rd year taking it and is doing fantastic. I will be praying for your mom. Glad to hear that you found something to help your back, and that you found some great research materials for the western. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend! 
14 May 11 by member: ctlss
Glenn I googled the Willow Diet and couldn't find anything....any other suggestions? 
14 May 11 by member: ctlss
Thanks ctlss - I am hoping my mom will be OK. Anyway, I googled the diet too and also found nothing, but she said she will send me the information soon. She eats only one kind of bread or cracker she told me. Portions also are smaller she said, but my aunt is doing well with it. Thanks for checking in... I will try to get on journals soon if I don't go to bed... 
14 May 11 by member: GlennM
Glen I hope your Mother's cancer is in the early stages as well and yes there is so much more hope for cancer patients then ever before. TOWANDA!!!! 
14 May 11 by member: Lisa Online
Hi Lisa - they think it is the earliest stages. I would rather see her go to a bigger hospital in the area than the local one; everyone knows the bigger the hospital the better it tends to be with things. As far as the diet my aunt is on I will email her tonight to see what she says tomorrow. She looks much younger and healthier with the weight loss. My friend Bruce told me he didn't like the effects of Melatonin for sleep, I have to use it every night now, bizarre dreams mainly, but now I get a sound, decent sleep. I am doing research for the western now, a journal by a traveler from 1849 makes it seem so real and will add the details of this journal to my book, set one year later. I am thinking of moving to S New Mexico, (the state, not the country of course, but some people get confused on that one). I will go most likely as soon as I have the money to do it, it is too damp and rainy here, rain is expected all week - the grass outside can't get any greener. Thanks Lisa - I will hopefully get on journals tomorrow... a little more research and then it's off to bed... 
15 May 11 by member: GlennM
The diet is called the Willough diet though I couldn't find much about it on the Internet. Basically it is just smaller portions and no sugar and lean protein for most meals. It is basically just a common sense diet... 
16 May 11 by member: GlennM
HI Glenn, so sorry to hear about our mom. Hope all goes well with her. Your book writing seems to be doing very well. Keep up the good work and have a great evening...........Bren 
16 May 11 by member: BHA
Yes Bren - thanks for checking in, my mom has a mammogram every year and it is really necessary sometimes even for young women who should find if they have the genetic marker if aunts or their mother or one of their grandmothers passed from this, it is unlikely my mom does as no one else in her family has ever had it and she had many aunts, one is still alive well into her mid 90s. The book writing is going well, so much interesting information to add from the journal, though of course I will not copy it word for word, I can reword it and then it sounds real and it's not copying it and it just adds to the reality factor of the book, so I am doing that research now. Tomorrow I will try to get on journals after I see my pain-management doctor, Thursday Bruce and I are going shopping at the nearby Super WalMart and Price Rite, some distance away and we'll eat out too, but save lots of money on groceries. Tomorrow I will definitely try to get on buddies' journals, I'm going to bed early tonight to get up early and hope to at least get a little research done tonight... 
16 May 11 by member: GlennM
Hi, Glenn - thanks for the note on my journal - glad to hear you have an organic solution to your back pain! I have been doing exercises and stretches to improve my posture and that helps my back so I can relate to finding relief! 
19 May 11 by member: abbadabba
Hi abba - I am doing OK - back shots on Monday again. I went shopping yesterday, enough food for the next two weeks - I am very tired, will go back to bed this a.m. and get up later and do writing and try to journal on here. Hope everyone is well. There are over-the-counter herbs that help too, but heat and ice are great for back pain. abba- as you know living in Massachusetts there has been cloudy, lousy weather for a week or so. MAYBE some sunlight today. I am transplanting my plants into bigger pots later this afternoon... Ate out last night - Bruce paid so I owe him a meal - it was a great place to go. It has been raining all week so I haven't got as much walking in as I would've liked to... 
20 May 11 by member: GlennM


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