trumpeter26's Journal, 30 January 2013

So. Last week was a really stressful week. Been dealing with the leg injury, hip and back issues, got x-rays (I apparently have spondylolysis), dating someone thennnn not dating. I ended up binging on Friday night (almond butter, yogurt, steak, some of a sweet potato...nothing terrible). Saturday was my competition...had every intention of only eating what I packed, which probably wasn't enough, then somebody was selling home made paleo desserts...I pigged out on those. This weekend was prob the most carbs I have had in 9 months. Though the treats did keep my glucose levels up after each workout...I felt awful about the binging. And since then its been hard to bounce back, I think I've been a little bloated...and my body image is down the crapper.
My friend and I have both struggled with being overweight and we both have issues with body image, etc. We decided that on Monday we would start a 1 week no scale challenge. So I have not weighed since Sunday, it makes me anxious, but also not...mostly anxious though.
Oh my competition, I should be really proud of myself.
From my Fat to [cross] Fit page:
Lately I have been dealing with back issues, hip issues, emotional issues, eating issues..but today I competed in my first regional crossfit competition.
So I came in 61/118 (I think) competitors in the women's scaled division. At first I was kind of upset, I felt like I should have done better, then I realized...I'm nowhere near the bottom, I need to stop being upset with not being the best. So in terms of me competing with myself: 2 months ago I couldn't even do 1 real burpee let alone 10 in a row without stopping to die, last week I couldn't get through ANY workout without stopping, last week I couldn't do 36 squats without stopping, I've been doing crossfit less than 6 months and I finished in the middle of my division, I killed stone face, the WOD, and I didn't stop between movements for more than a few quick breaths, I kept going.

WOD #1 - "PVC Mania" 5 rounds (12 minute time cap): 5 shoot thrus, 10 lateral burpees, 20 dips. [[finished in 10:06]]
WOD #2 "Stone Face" - ascending ladder (1/1, 2/2, 3/3): push press 45lb, KB swing 35# AMRAP in 5 minutes. [[I did 10 rounds +5 push presses...AKA killed it, came in 20th in that workout]]
WOD #3 - "Doubles to Heaven" - 100 Double unders (200 singles I chose), 63 hand release pushups (from knees), 36 front squats, 50DU (100 singles), 42 hand release push ups, 24 front squats, then there was another round with less reps but I only got like 5 into the jump rope so I'm not even gonna bother posting the rest haha. Time cap was 8 minutes, people weren't finishing.

During stone face, I noticed some people staring at me and pointing, afterwards somebody I didn't rushed up to me to tell me how awesome I did, and the people who were staring at me told me basically they were trying to figure out how I was moving along so fast and making it look so easy and used good technique!
After doubles to heaven, another competitor came up to me and just told me wow you did awesome you did this and that so well.
Somebody later in the day asked if I was doing pulling fran in my oly lifting shoes - pulling fran was only for RX, I did scaled....but someone thought I looked like I could do the RX division!

So I guess: you know you're awesome if strangers stop you to tell you how awesome you are. After my week...that was pretty cool.

Moral of the story: I should stop being so hard on myself, and be proud of the amount of progress I have made.

<a href=""><img src="" title="Hosted by" alt="" /></a>
I feel like the picture top left does not portray me accurately...

Diet Calendar Entry for 30 January 2013:
1113 kcal Fat: 49.57g | Prot: 153.85g | Carb: 20.46g.   Breakfast: trader joe coconut oil, giving nature. Lunch: wegman organic romaine, vinegar, bertolli extra virgin olive oil, wegman chicken breast. Dinner: broccoli, Turkey Breast Filet, wegman chicken breast. Snacks/Other: Ultimate Omega Fish Oil Gels, trader joe almond butter, bison steak. more...


OH My Gosh, LADY !!!! Give yourself a BREAK!! you DO look like the woman in the upper left photo wearing red because That IS you. YOU have lost an incredible amount of weight quickly! Look at the side by side photos! PLEASE take it easy on yourself and your physical body - spondylolysis is stress fractures in th vertebra, right? I do not think you realize your accomplishment! Ask others you trsut for feedback - they will tell you the same I am saying! Total inspiration! 
02 Feb 13 by member: HCB


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