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25 October 2012

Well, I finished my second day of my running training. It was the same working as yesterday being a 1/1 x 10 twice over, so, it's not a long workout, about 40 minutes with warm up and cool down... burns just under 300 calories.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a "rest" day. I'm going to try to do a step aerobics workout, maybe coupled with a short ab workout and then walk on the treadmill for an hour or so, but I probably won't run.

Have no idea what Day 4 will hold... but anyway. I'm proud of myself tonight, yesterday on Day 1 I got a side stitch pretty quickly into the running - today, I had a small twinge of one, but it never actually cramped up, so it felt a lot easier... even though it's just two days.

Feel good that I motivated myself to do it, we had mini pies (low calorie though, I think I made them under 150 calories a piece) and a mini cake for my boyfriends birthday. Found a great recipe on the back of a can of green beans for like a homemade hamburger helper type dish, it was freakin' delicious. I'm trying to resist eating the rest of it now...

I feel like I've been pretty good about food, just as usual I'm struggling to get protein... I feel like if I dedicated my diet to Special K that I could get enough protein... like Protein cereal for breakfast, a protein shake for lunch, some greek yogurt as a snack and then dinner... but quite honestly, those protein shakes do not fill me up (though I do love that cereal... need to eat the rest of the open box I have...) so, probably should make up some egg salad or... buy some peanut butter or almonds.

Hope I can get the protein up. If all else fails, I know they have these protein shots in the diet department, that taste like liquid jello, that have a ton of protein in them that I drink after a workout... that usually boosts it, but again - it's not really "food".

REALLY trying to resist weighing myself because I know the progress isn't that fast, I've only been good so far this week - so, three days. I will weigh myself probably on Sunday... just need to resist cheating and peeking and getting disappointed if I don't see results...


24 October 2012

I'm back! Started this a while ago but had a different program on my phone that I was trying to use... I just lost it, never saw results, actually ended up gaining while using it, so now I'm back on FS. I was on under a different name, but I have a lot of shame that I gained weight back after hitting my goal, and so, I had to make a new account so I can "start over".

I am really hoping that I can find some friends on here that will chat and comment and talk me through this and I can do the exact same thing for them... I like to have community but I don't personally know anyone dieting... everyone I know seems to have a perfect little body and never has to worry about what they eat or drink or anything... I let myself be like that for a week and I pay for it dearly on the scale.

I was watching the Real Housewives of New Jersey (and yes, people, I'm addicted to those shows, but I'm so far the opposite of those people, don't be scared, I'm not like that!) - and one of the husbands was talking about how his daughter was getting the Lap Band because she was so heavy, and he said, "I speak for all fat people when I say this, there's a demon inside us saying 'eat that pasta', and the demon always wins." I feel that way. I need an angel to keep my demons away.

So, I got really bored with my workouts. I lost all my initial weight using the Wii Active and More Active systems. I started using Wii Active 2, then got about 2/3 of the way through like a 9 week workout, and lost the game due to a reset... then it was just too stale to do it again. So, I got a treadmill and today I started this "start a running habit in 30 days". Today was Day 1, and I'm a horrible runner. I've never had endurance, but I'm also a smoker... don't get me started... I'm trying to get healthy in one way, once I can get my weight under control, then I work on getting healthy in other ways, so don't bombard me please I know it's a bad habit... so I have asthma too. Running is hard, but it's good for you... and I ran a 5k (Warrior Dash) that had obstacles last year and it took me 40 minutes so I know I can work back up to being able to run a 5k. I don't care about the time, I just want to be able to do the distance...

So, if anyone wants to friend me... and chat,... my background is I'm a 28yo female PhD student who works with fish, and I struggle with weight and I want to lose at least 15lbs... 20 if I was super lucky. I have foot problems which hinders me from doing some workouts, but I usually push through it. So yeah... :)

31 July 2012

31 July 2012

Weigh-in: 177.3 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 32.3 lb Diet followed reasonably well

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