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23 January 2010

Still haven't been able to weigh myself, hoping I can convince Hubby to use some of the rent money for groceries. If we made it to walmart, I could use one of the scales there to weigh myself. I may be getting a bathroom scale on freecycle, I'll be so happy if it works out. I'd be able to more accurately track my progress and less likely to give up on myself. Lately I've really been watching what I eat, but I haven't done much in the way of exercise. It hasn't been even a week yet, (I don't think), but I'm already starting to feel discouraged that I'm not noticing any difference. I wear a size 18 pants right now and have a pair of 16s hanging in the closet. My short term goal is to be able to fit comfortably into the 16s. I'm just wondering how long it's going to take. In my health tracker I have it programed to lose 20 pounds in ten weeks, which should break down to 2 pounds a week. I hope I start noticing a difference soon, I'm afraid I'll give up on myself again.

23 January 2010

I just had a major victory and a fantastic idea to share! I was sitting on the couch with the Hubby and got a sudden attack of the sweet tooth. I was weak, and it caught me off guard. I didn't succumb to it and instead did a bing search for "low calorie healthy sweets." It directed me to a link on caloriecount that was a forum of people talking about which treats they use for the late night sweet tooth. After scanning through a bunch of ideas, (none were useful since im poor and don't have any of the stuff they listed), one person suggested sugar free popsicles. That sounded really yummy to me but I can't get any. I thought, "If I only had some juice I could freeze then and make my own pops." I didn't have any juice, but what I did have was those little flavor packets to add to a bottle of water. I had several different flavors, (my favorite is the peach iced tea), and the best thing of all is that they have NO calories. I mixed a packet with a bottle of tap water, shook it till all the powder dissolved and poured it into little plastic condiment cups. I didn't have any toothpicks to use for mini popsicle sticks, so I got a couple straws and cut them in half. I stuck them in the cups and placed them into the freezer. They are a guilt free sweet treat, and take a while to eat so they are perfect for when you feel munchie or like snacking. They also take the place of dessert and ice cream for me. One little packet made enough to fill about 10 cups. I hope this helps someone conquer the "Munchie-Monster" like it helped me! Happy Shrinking!

23 January 2010

Did so much better in my eating choices today! Happy dance for me! Healthtracker has really made me aware of all the stuff I'm shoving in my face. I get to see every single little calorie, every gram of fat, every bit of sugar and other nastiness add up. Today the only thing I went over on was sugar, but I was below my calorie allowance by about 300 cals. I ate all day, and was stuffed, just made smarter choices. The only problem im having is that fruit and veggies are so expensive and Im finding that I can't really afford to keep buying them. I'm really worried how that's going to affect my success when I run out. I'm already out of fruit and the only veggies I have are some celery and a can of mushrooms. I hate being poor, It's going to be several weeks before I can afford to even buy a head of lettuce. :( For those of you that can, Please pray for me.

22 January 2010

22 January 2010

Still loving my health tracker! I stuck to my guns and made my morning coffee a little healthier. Instead of using 2 tbsp of half and half, I used 1 tbsp half and half and 1 tbsp soy milk. Its a small victory, but it's the little changes that make a big difference. I went to the local Dollar tree and since they have a frozen food section, stocked up on boneless, skinless chicken breasts and 3 oz ribeye steaks. The steaks are only 110 calories each and each package of chicken makes 2 servings. The chicken is fantastic because its always tender, no matter how you cook it. I've been making dinner by serving each protein with one cooked veggie and one raw veggie. I may have to make 2 cooked veggies tonight since I can't afford to buy any more veggies and Im running low on fresh ones. I also can't afford a bathroom scale so my goal for today is to weigh myself somewhere. Maybe even just try out a scale at walmart. I also need to take my puppy for a walk for some exercise. I'd be thrilled if I weigh less than what my current weight shows. Its been sooo long since I hopped on a scale!

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