debbra's Journal, 25 February 2009

CORE DIET, DAY 1 OF WEEK 2: Yesterday was another backtracking day. My body seems to really want me to stay in the 160's. I'll lose weight with very little effort until I reach around the 160 mark, and then when I start going lower than that, I get attacked by a strong feeling of weakening resolve. And it will come in several different forms. I'll feel more hungry than usual. Or I'll even feel sick, and the only thing that will make me feel better is eating. Or I'll get a temporary amnesia and forget that I'm even dieting. It really feels like the fat is fighting to stay and is sending all kinds of messages to my body to eat. That's my experience. I just have to figure out how to fight through it, and without getting the amnesia that accompanies many of my food indulgence episodes, because that's tough.

Okay. So week 2, I'm starting again. I'm lower than I was a week ago, which is good. And I threw away some food that was getting in my way, like the little peanut butter crackers I bought for my son. He didn't eat one, but I went through half the box. I also asked my hubby to remove the honey from the pantry. Up until now it hasn't been a problem because I'm allergic to it. But I realized that, if I take an antihistamine before I eat honey, I don't get as allergic. So that needs to be out of the house. I'm also going to remove the double fiber bread. I'm the only one who eats it.

My alternative bagels are the only bread I can eat in moderation because I keep them in the freezer and, in order to eat them, I have to toast them. So they're not an easy carb fix. I think that should do it for right now, I hope. Also, no more pudding. Even though it's pretty low cal, low point, I just eat too many of them.

UPDATE: treadmill 90 minutes, 45 of which was 3.6 at level 6, and 45 of which was 3.7 at level 7.

alt. bagel-------------------1 non core point
2 tsp olive oil
2 double fiber bread------------2 non core point
1 tangelo fruit
1 cup nonfat milk
4 slices foster farms turkey

3/35 non core points used this week

water XXX
fruit/veggies X
oil XX
milk X
exercise X

Diet Calendar Entries for 25 February 2009:
1185 kcal Fat: 21.04g | Prot: 126.38g | Carb: 146.16g.   Breakfast: fat free milk, tangelo, olive oil, alternative bagel, double fiber bread. Lunch: fat free cottage cheese knudsen, newman's own honey, chicken breast, double fiber bread, foster farms. more...
2101 kcal Activities & Exercise: Walking (exercise) - 3.5/mph - 1 hour and 30 minutes, Resting - 14 hours and 30 minutes, Sleeping - 8 hours. more...


try not to think of it as a diet and you might to better with it?? i looked at your diet calendar, i think it looks good, maybe too high sodium though? do you watch your sodium?  
25 Feb 09 by member: cindyshine
Thanks, Cindy. My diet calendar only reflects my good eating days. I tend to stop calendaring when I overeat. I know that's not good, but it's the truth, unfortunately. So my food log is probably not worth looking at on an unsuccessful day.  
25 Feb 09 by member: debbra
thats alot of work to put in and not even complete it! lol if you are eating the right stuff, you should not be hungry. we all get the food cravings, once you flush it out of the system its so much easier to not cave in. grab water, put your mind on somehting else, a walk, a step outside, something to get you mind off that craving. it gets easier.  
25 Feb 09 by member: cindyshine
Keep plugging away and look at the long term. When I am hungry and fixing dinner and water just won't cut it, I have a cup of decaf. I don't know why but it satisfies my hunger and munchies. Wonder if it will work for you? When I go for the peanutbutter crackers or honey, its because there is nothing else to snack on and I just want SOMETHING to munch. 
26 Feb 09 by member: bethru
You don't need to "start over". I think you should just keep going. It seems like you keep giving yourself all these "starting over" days when you should just keep on going and pick up where you left off. So you backtracked a little. Who cares? Dust yourself off and keep on doing it the right way. We all have our slips. I'm not sure about Core but with the Flex Plan the beauty of it is that you can just keep going after a screw up. Good idea getting rid of the food in the house that's getting in your way. I served up the chips in my house for dinner yesterday, except I didn't have any. I just wanted to be rid of them. 
26 Feb 09 by member: FakePlasticLala
We have all talked about the certain "barrier weight" many of us have fought. It's the weight that is hard to get to, and once we do, it's very hard to get below it. I think something in our heads too makes us not work toward getting past it. It's like we get either nervous that we are there or get excited and we go back to thinking we can eat whatever we want and sabotauge it. I really think you need to not stress about things so much with this. It is all about lifestyle. Eating slowly and consciously go a very long way. And like Cindy said, fill yourself up with filling foods so you are not hungry. Vegetables, salad, high fiber items, fruits all go a long way in satisifying. I had forgotten to add in a salad most nights with dinner for a while and now am back that again and it does seem to help. Again, your workouts are great, so just substitue healthy foods and eat enough of them. Here's a trick I have done before when I want to eat something unhealthy for a snack- I have said, "you can have this, but first you have to eat an apple (or whatever fruit) first." That can help your realize that was just a passing craving and it will most likely be satisfied with the healthier choice you made.  
26 Feb 09 by member: livelifefully


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