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06 October 2010

Fudgsicles and lollipops!

Dang it, I told ya'll it was coming and it's here...Im sick :( My throat and ears ache, nose is stuffy, head is stuff, stomach feels queasy...body feels drained,'s almost like Im coming down with the flu. That's not good....I realize I'd lose some weight but screw the weight.....I have two little kids that are home with me all the time and have NO ONE but me to turn to. Which means, if I'm sick, they'll most likely get sick too. Fudging great!

I really should find a word that will have the same effect as fuck without saying it but not be as yummy sounding as fudge either. Pickles? Fook?

I have not weighed at all this week and don't plan to until Saturday morning. The every two days thing got old fast!

The only thing I hate about being sick is that I feel like eating but don't. For example, my body told me it wanted turkey bacon for breakfast....but my throat threatened me with an even worse time than I am having now if I ate it. So I fixed myself a bowl of cereal instead. Boohooo.

I don't plan on working out today. I don't feel good and I am not going to make myself do something when I feel like this.

Oh, and I discovered something yesterday at lunch time! I am so cool with giving up ranch dip for my carrots and grapes.....cottage cheese is an amazing dip for that! Go ahead and preach but it is better than ranch dressing, is tasty, and I could be having a much worse option....say a huge plate of mayo?

HAHA! Anyway, not feeling myself today....thinking of curling back up on the couch after feeding the kids. Have a great Wednesday!

05 October 2010

Tuesday! Yay! Not!

Today I start back to class. Oh, didn't I tell you I was working on my bachelor's degree in business management? HAHA! My last two classes were statistics *thankfully those are done with* and today I start fresh with Finance for Business. Not anything I look forward to.

As for me, I think I went a tad bit overboard eating yesterday. Last night we grilled chicken (and bbq'd it) and it was so yummy! I only ate like a quarter of the breast, but I also thoroughly enjoyed some tasty broccoli and cheese. Yes I know...I could have left off the cheese and been in a much better place. Oh well, you live and you learn. Tonight, I will be making beef and vegetable stir fry. Probably some rice and something sort of unhealthy for Keith. He is still adjusting to the changes and not taking them all that well. He tries to be supportive but he has his own issues with eating. For instance, he has to be at work at 8 am. It's 6:47 and he is still in bed. Normally I don't get up either and he normally has just coffee with lots of creamer for breakfast. And most days he doesn't eat again until dinner......then after dinner he'll eat something sweet and then a whole pack of crackers. Yes I know he can't make me do anything but his habits do rub off on me and I have a hard time not giving in and having at least the sweet snack with him in the late evening. I am wanting some coffee this morning so may have to adjust my breakfast but not sure I want to. Coffee isn't very filling. yes I know I could do it without the creamer but it doesn't taste the same. Probably will skip the coffee.

I skipped working out yesterday and feel very guilty. Just felt bad all day long. And I am beginning to think it has to be PMS. I have never felt like sick to my stomach before but I guess signs and symptoms can change. If it had been a virus, I would have been on the toilet all day....but obviously I couldn't do that because I couldn't stay out of the kitchen!

Ok, off to get this cold Tuesday started. Think I might make Keith some Turkey Sausage sandwiches for breakfast this morning! maybe that will help him too! Yes, I know I can't make him change but maybe if his habits rub off on me, mine will do the same to him?

04 October 2010

I feel like death on crackers this morning! And it's not because of dieting. I actually feel better from eating fewer calories than I did before. However at this moment, I can't even eat breakfast...I feel like I am going to barf. Maybe I am getting a stomach flu. I hope not.

Well I finally cooked my salmon last night and it looked beautiful and tasted even better than it looked! Even KEITH ate it without too much trouble.....he did not too much care for asparagus though, even though I sauteed it instead of steaming hoping to retain some flavor he might enjoy. Oh well. And to make matters worse, we went grocery shopping on Friday, bought a lot of good for you foods and snacks and he blew that last night...he went and bought chips and dip, chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. He even got ice cream just for me. At least he got sandwiches that are only 160 calories each...but I am trying to resist them. I don't want to eat them. I know they are fine but they are small and that is a lot of calories to waste on a small portion when I could have a nice big cup of yogurt with fruit for fewer calories!

I can tell my time of the month is coming on. I craze chocolate like a baby whines for a bottle. It's bad. I think it was yesterday I ate like 3 or 4 special k protein bars. They are yummy and low in calories but I seriously cannot be eating that many in one day...they are much too expensive! And once again, I could be eating things that would keep me fuller longer.

I have moved away from the diet dr. peppers and am back to drinking diet white tea (I also have sugar problems and diet is only thing I've drank over the last about 10 years) and LOTS of water. I realize diet tea and diet sodas aren't any better for me than regular....but I enjoy them and I want them and I am not going to deprive myself of things I enjoy.....that's when I'll fail cause I always do.

It's been almost a month since I started fat secret and I've never made it this long without giving up. I have cheated this time YES but not given up! And I don't plan on it. I want the energy to play with my kids and to actually be able to comfortably bend over and tie my shoes.

Anyone, once this queasiness in my stomach passes, I am going to make some turkey bacon, an egg, a slice of wheat toast and have some cottage cheese. I am hungry and can't believe that whole breakfast is less than 400 calories LMAO!~

Have a wonderful MOnday! I know I intend to!

P.S. I WILL work out today....even if I don't walk...I will at least turn the video on demand on and work out with Jillian LOL!

03 October 2010

Weigh-in: 212.0 lb lost so far: 1.0 lb still to go: 82.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) gaining 1.4 lb a week

02 October 2010

Good morning everyone!

Yesterday was not a good day! Not only did I have to work last but I got up late yesterday morning, did not eat breakfast and went grocery shopping! I stayed within my calorie limit but still missing breakfast just threw me off. I really have started enjoying cooking myself a beautiful breakfast of wheat toast, one egg (fried or scrambled but always with 0 calorie evoo spray!) and 2 slices of delicious turkey bacon. I thought I was doomed to eating yogurt and toast for breakfast every morning for the rest of my life but Im not. This morning I even added a little bit of cottage cheese in. I don't think I ate a whole 1/4 cup of a serving though. Either way, I feel better this I actually got a good start on the day by eating. Hoping I can find the time to work out this morning....have to be at the stadium at noon today so probably not. However I do have two healthy choice meals in the freezer to take with me. yes, I realize they have more sodium and preservatives than a home cooked meal, but they are better for me than eating concession stand food!

Grocery shopping yesterday was an experience. I bought things I've never bought before...more turkey bacon, turkey sausage, turkey burgers, ground turkey, asparagus and more than a few servings of chicken breasts (boneless and skinless! Also got talapia and salmon fillets. I am bound and determined that I am going to learn to cook healthier foods! Being from the south and having grown up eating biscuits and gravy, sausage, pot roasts and other assorted comfort foods that really stick to your ribs (and your ass!), I am having a hard time. But I know I can do this and I want to do this!

My fiance likes foods that are really quick to cook...things like hamburger, chicken, and tuna helper. All of which are ok but contain a lot of sodium and preservatives. I have tried explaining to him that even though I am counting calories, I also have to watch sodium intake because it does cause me to retain water. He of course is 6'2 and less than 200 pounds....SKINNNY guy with just a small pot belly so he doesn't get it...thinks that just reducing what I eat will help...And he is probably right. I probably could JUST reduce my calories and still eat all the foods I was eating, but I want to make changes that I can keep and not just lose weight, but get to a healthier place.

And then, I want to quit smoking. However, I am not strong enough to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time. Im already bitchy and cranky enough.....going to leave the smokes until I am sure I can maintain the changes in my eating habits on a long term basis.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!

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