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30 May 2012

Day 3: Interval Running at 6:30AM with the Triathlon Team

Kudos to all Runners - It's Hard Work!

Running is the hardest of all the training and I've been too intimidated to run laps with the team even though they've insisted every one runs at their own pace. I am not a runner and I'm not sure why I say that. Do I think it's too hard, too much potential injury, boring, or am I just plain not interested?

People in my WW meetings, who have lost the most amount of weight, did it with running or on the treadmill. That's enough to motivate me and hence the triathlon training sign up. If a little is good then a lot should be better. Right? That's probably the kind of thinking that got me in trouble in the first place.

Last night, the schedule offered a bike clinic, which I passed on, to get a good night sleep for this morning's run. The coach, who seemed surprised to see me, hung back with me, and gave me valuable pointers. He pushed me to run more and faster. It didn't take long before I started feeling a bit elated, was it a possible runner's high, and it clicked that as a kid I loved running and ran fast.

Where along the way did I forget how much fun it was to run as fast as I could? When I was a kid, I enjoyed relay races, team spirit, and healthy competitive sprints.

I didn't mind being the slowest runner this morning because I was keeping up. We did walking around the corners and then fast sprints down the length of the track. I wasn't the first one to slow down and just start walking.

This I know. I won't always be the slowest. I haven't forgotten how to be competitive and that will help me to improve.

29 May 2012

Day 2: Are All Systems Ready to Go?

What Would A Kid Do?

Back on track with my healthy eating, it's time to up the game with carving out more time for exercising. It's Memorial Day and after setting up the deck furniture and sweeping out the porch, this sweaty body wants to run under the sprinkler like I did when I was a kid and hope the kids will join me. One is not interested, the other is delighted. We declare it "5 Year Old Day" and we rejoice in behaving like five year olds. It lasted 5 minutes and it was a good idea at the time, perhaps to be revisited at another time.

I'm in a multi-tasking, see something, clean something mood, and I eye a 30 day Planner on my son's wall. It hasn't been touched in years so I know he won't miss it. I tack it to my bathroom wall, on the 30 day and 60 day side, and fill in exercise classes that I can do for the month. I'll have to see it frequently (with all the water I'm drinking) and see if it motivates me to follow the plan.

We'll see. Making it fun makes it better. Being a kid makes it the best.

28 May 2012

Day 1: A Serious Set Back after 21 days Feels Terrible

I want a Do Over

I was doing great! Watching what I was eating, good planning and meal preparation, tracking, adding more cardio to my exercising, motivated, pumped, losing weight,and feeling energized in all areas of my life and then kaboom.

It happens and it is so frustrating. Each time I start again, I hope this time will be different, I will stick to it and push through to the finish line. I disappoint and embarrass myself especially when I've been writing about it.

This is an internal job for me. My head needs to be on straight and the focus on making sure I fuel my body with the right foods. If I don't, I lose all the good habits and feelings that come along with being in control of myself and my success.

Today is day one, again, since I am recording a new journal entry and my plan is to keep going, with all the trials and tribulations along the way, knowing that I am not alone. I am a part of the human race and we all make mistakes. It's how we pick ourselves up that matters and what we learn moving forward. It's not the end goal but the journey.

17 May 2012

15 May 2012

Day 20: Restless heart

Killer Swimmer

Dragging my butt to the gym, to run and swim, instantly shifted my focus, and got me out of my funk. The track was crowded with people of all ages and some ran past me, stood on the track or stretched. My earphones and playlist helped me zone out and I was running with a bit of something to prove. It felt good to go the distance.

After rewarding my tired muscles in the hot tub, I put on my new prescription goggles and jumped into lane #1, the lane closest to coach Bill, who set out my course. At the end of each challenge, I thought he'd say that was good for tonight, but he kept piling on more. He pushed me and I was amazed that I could do it.

At one point, I got into a zone, that I hadn't been in since I was a child. My family (with my brother and sister) swam competitively while my mother coached our swim team. She was an avid swimmer, swimming laps without a rest, effortlessly, or so it seemed. My awkwardness in the water shifted back to the swift racer of my youth. I was on fire.

The coach noticed I liked to swim fast and noted that for the triathlon I need to slow my pace or I would tire too easily. By the end of the session, I swam about 400 yards more than I did the first night, and about 3/4 mile. Not too shabby.

I must remember to keep moving and keep going forward. It's worth it.

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