Joined January 2017
Weight History

Start Weight
143.3 lb
Lost so far: 4.6 lb

Current Weight
138.7 lb
Performance: losing 0.8 lb a week

Goal Weight
99.2 lb
Still to go: 39.5 lb
I'm a young woman, as well as a cheerleader, and in the past two years I have been struggling with the weight I gained really quickly while recovering from my eating disorders. I want to lose weight healthily and through exercising and eating right.
I am a really fun and encouraging person. I do make terrible jokes but that's what makes them perfect :D

l_ou_ise's Weight History

l_ou_ise's Latest Member Challenges

  Core Building Challenge
status: Completed
ended: 28 Jan 17
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last weighin: losing 11.2 lb a week Down
last weighin: gaining 0.6 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 7.8 lb a week Down

l_ou_ise's Latest Posts

Well hello there
Hello everyone!

My name is Louise, I am 24 years old and I live in France, the country where food is literally an art. I do consider myself lucky to live in a country with such amazing fresh products and a tradition of good food, although it may not always be the healthiest (we eat a TON of bread compared to other countries but oh well, sometimes you NEED that bread).

I have a complicated relationship with food, and it has been so ever since I was 12. My mother is very thin and has always obsessed over her weight, causing me to obsess from a very young age. I then was independent pretty early (I graduated high school at 15 and moved out to go to university before I turned 16) and being left to my own devices when it came to eating made it all a lot worse. I mistreated my body, alternating restrictive phases and binging phases. As a consequence, my metabolism slowed down drastically. I went through depression and of course anorexia kicked in at the same time, leaving me a famished fainting mess, with peeling skin and falling hair. Not a very pretty picture on a 20 year old, I can promise you that much. But thankfully I fought back. I somehow found my will to live again. However recovery came with anorexia's best friend bulimia that struck while my guard was down, and although I ended up normalizing my eating pattern I did gain a lot of weight in the year I spent in England (around 15 kgs in a year, which is a lot especially considering my very short height).

I have been overweight for almost two years now. I am 151cm (I think it's about 4'11) and I weigh 65kgs (143lbs). In September 2015 I joined a cheerleading team and the intense practices and workouts helped me tone up even though I only lost 5kgs (around 10lbs) in a year. My weight is still a very sensitive topic but this year I have decided to give myself a chance and actually try to eat better and exercise more, which I always forbade myself to do because I thought it would push me back into my eating disorders. I think I am strong enough now, and if I feel myself slipping I know I have a good support system.

So what's the goal? The goal is to eat healthily (and less because honestly I eat a lot), to exercise a lot, and to feel at peace with my body. Of course I have a numeric goal, I would like to weigh 45kgs (100lbs). I have noticed how differently people talk to me and look at me ever since I have been overweight. It's incredibly distressing to notice there is an actual difference. I want to change that, but most importantly I will show them that overweight me and healthy me are the exact same person, still taking none of their crap.

How do I plan on making this happen?
I quit chocolate in 2017 which is a huge step for me because the only sweet things I eat contain chocolate, so this implies that I will have to broaden my taste or stop eating sweet things altogether.
I am trying to reintroduce breakfast in my life in order to have a better eating pattern. For now it's been hard but I know I will make it eventually, it just has to be progressive.
I have cheerleading practice twice a week: on Friday nights (2 hours) and on Sundays (2 hours minimum, but we generally stay longer). My ultimate goal is to be able to go for a run every morning before work (I work morning shifts to pay for rent and go to university or babysit in the afternoon)which would force me to also go to sleep earlier, which is a good thing. On the days where I couldn't wake up for my run I want to go to the gym and take a cardio class or lift weights.

This is a very ambitious program but I know I can do it and I will use FS as a way to track my eating, my workouts and my weightloss and hopefully find a supportive community and people I can talk to about all of those things.

Sorry for the length of this post I am notoriously bad at keeping things short Bad Grin
posted 11 Jan 2017, 04:58
How Often Do you weigh yourself?
Because I use to be obsessed with weighing myself, I now only weigh myself once a week, on Friday afternoons, right before I leave for practice. This way if I weigh more than I expected to I don't feel too horrible because I am about to go exercise it off anyway, and if it's a good surprise then I am even more motivated to go work out with my team (:
posted 11 Jan 2017, 01:43
l_ou_ise has submitted 2 posts
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