Joined January 2012
Weight History

Start Weight
220.0 lb
Lost so far: 18.0 lb

Current Weight
202.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.5 lb a week

Goal Weight
105.0 lb
Still to go: 97.0 lb

cnith2's Weight History

cnith2's Latest Posts

frustrated and quitting
After reading the other posts it does seem like you are eating very little but you're doing a lot of carbs in some days... induction is restricted to 20 net carbs... no phase of atkins is up in the 80s or 100s in carbs where some of your days are.

Following to a T like you said is about paying attention to what you're eating. Net carbs is about carbs minus fiber. You should eat more leafy veggies, zucchinis, that sort of thing, high fiber carbs.

If you focus only on calorie restriction and no veggies, you WILL NOT lose. My DF tried that route, he hates veggies. Atkins didnt work for him at all. You need the veggies, lord help me, I don't know why but you do.

Fritos is most likely not on the list in any phase of atkins BUT that doesn't mean you can't ever have any... just try to stick to one or two, not a whole bag.

I suggest that if you want to try atkins you start back at induction and stick to it like mad. I can help if you want, I did atkins for almost a year. I am unable to eat fake sugars though and I missed the carbs but I'm goign back on because it's the ONLY one that worked.

We can start over together if you want and I'll help you. Smile
posted 07 Nov 2012, 20:31
frustrated and quitting
I sent you a message via inbox, I hope you read it. Smile HUGS and hang in there! Very Happy
posted 07 Nov 2012, 20:25
Hey, I used to be on atkins and you know what I found? If I ate steak and eggs, I no longer wanted X (bad) food. When you're full, you don't want anything, even the bad things.

Have you tried the one minute muffins yet? OK so they aren't waffles but it helps the "bread" needing part. They're made with flaxseed meal not flour so it's OK to have them, even in induction I believe.

if it wasn't for the fake sugars I'd still be in atkins. Life is too boring when only eating savory. Anyway that's my story but I did lose quite a bit of weight on atkins so please stick to it! Smile For MOST people who stay on atkins, the cravings do subside to the point where you will no longer care about the waffle and syrup. Don't worry, you'll get there. Smile
posted 29 Aug 2012, 10:17
Chronic pain and weightloss
you can also hit me up if you need more info or whatever, I'm at
posted 29 Aug 2012, 10:08
Chronic pain and weightloss
I was on atkins and it's a good thing but it's kind of restrictive, I suppose, like all diets and way of life is. I was all good except for the fake sugars which made my body feel worse as I guess, I can't tolerate it.

I also missed my comfort foods. A steak is great and all but I needed comfort and protein just isn't the same. Anyway I fell off the wagon but I do still say it's a good diet. I lost 22 lbs from it.

(yeah, the introduction of carbs brought it back...Confused )

Anyway I hate that you're all taking crazy pharmaceutical chemicals. I was on cymbalta and it made me sick and dizzy. It didn't take my pain away.

One thing did. An all natural, made from nature's own ingredients, pill. It's supposed to be for arthritis and joint pain (back, neck, etc.) but everyone I know who's got fibromyalgia and has taken it, it's worked on. I had really bad tendinitis (to the point where my arm felt steam rolled and burnt) and it also took that away.

The product is called Cheia Relief. It can be found at, click on buy, then on one of the revvnrg products, which takes you to an order page but then on the left side you'll see "Retail Cheia Vida Pain Relief USA/CANADA ONLY" and that's where you can get it.

I've been taking it for years now and I am pain free. Smile And best part is no side effects. They used to have what was in it on the website but in case they don't, here's what's in it: (see? no crazy chemicals, I love it!)

Cheia Relief
• Natural Inflammation Support
• Sustained Joint Pain Relief
• Especially useful for Arm, Knee, Back and Neck Pain
What do we mean by “Relief”?
Cheia Relief is a truly amazing product. Studies have shown that most all conditions that cause any form of discomfort are likely caused by inflammation. Many medical experts agree that any form of pain is a result of inflammation and a large body of experts agree that inflammation is the leading cause of chronic diseases.
The more you read about the ingredients in Cheia Relief the more you will be in awe.
Our patented formula combines 4 incredible ingredients in a “sustained released” formula.
To ensure that the healing nutrients are released over time in therapeutically efficacious amounts, to support managing inflammation and pain all through the day.
To diminish the effects of first pass metabolism and break down of orally administered Glucosamine sulfate in the GI tract.
To counteract the relatively short pharmacokinetic half life (t1/2) of Curcumin and Boswellic acids.
In finished dosage form, Cheia Relief provides a slow release profile of 90% active ingredient release, in an 8 hour period.
The beneficial effects of a dose taken just before retiring for the night would still be available on waking up in the morning when symptoms of arthritis are most pronounced.
1. Glucosamine Sulfate - Supplementation potentially helps to replenish the building blocks of connective tissues, restoring impaired joint functions.1-3
2. Boswellin® - Anti-inflammatory Applications of Boswellic acids is supported by promising clinical trials.
3. Curcumin C 3 Complex® - Anti-inflammatory applications of Curcuminoids is supported by promising clinical trials.
4. Bioperine - Clinical studies with Curcumin showed that Bioperine® enhanced its bioavailability of other ingredients by several hundred fold in human subjects.
Joint inflammation
Joint inflammation is the body’s reaction to various diseases or conditions.
The body responds to these conditions by increasing blood flow to the area.
The increased blood flow brings white blood cells and body chemicals to combat the condition.
The result is joint inflammation. The most common cause of joint inflammation is

The aminosugar Glucosamine sulfate is the building block of glycosaminoglycans that form the ground substance of connective tissues.
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are complex carbohydrate molecules, which compose much of the body's connective tissue and are also found in the fluid within the joints.
GAGs are a major component of joint cartilage, joint fluid, and other soft connective tissue.
Inflammation and its Relationship to Glycosaminoglycans
When chronic inflammation of connective tissue sets in, one of the first casualties of the destructive process of inflammation is……… the wasting away of the GAGs which form an integral element of the connective tissue.

Source: Boswelliaserrata
Synonyms:Indian frankincense, Olibanum
Active components:Boswellic Acids
Related Medicinal Uses:Traditionally used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions, in Ayurveda.
Plant part used:Exudate(gum resin) (Salaiguggal)
Anti-inflammatory Applications of Boswellic acids is supported by promising clinical trials.
It has proved useful in various inflammatory disorders such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Chronic colitis, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, Bronchial asthma and peri-tumoral brain edemas.
Boswellin and Inflammation Blocks
Boswellin 2 pro-inflammatory enzymes
5-lipoxygenase :the enzyme which catalyzes conversion of arachidonicacid to inflammatory leukotrienes.
Human Leukocyte Elastase (HLE):the enzyme which catalyzes connective tissue breakdown.
This dual inhibitory action on the inflammatory process is unique to boswellic acids.


Source: Curcuma longa (Turmeric)
Active components:Curcuminoids
Related Medicinal Uses: Traditionally used to treat inflammatory conditions, and to support immune functions, in Ayurveda.
Plant part used: Roots
Curcuminoids and Inflammation
Anti-inflammatory applications of Curcuminoids is supported by promising clinical trials.
It has proved beneficial in inflammatory disorders such as Rheumatoid arthritis,
postoperative inflammation, colorectal cancer, bladder cancer, oral eucoplakia,
chronic anterior uveitis, biliarydyskinesia.
Curcumin C3 ComplexÒis an effective "Bioprotectant”, quenching free radicals and also preventing their formation.
Curcumin has been shown to be a balanced COX-2 (Cyclooxygenase-2) inhibitor as well.
Curcuminoids support a healthy immune system1.
Prevent tissue break down through inhibiting matrix metalloproteinase enzymes.
Anti-inflammatory Activity
• Bioperine®is a patented standardized extract obtained from black pepper, containing not less than 95% piperine.
• A clinically proven natural bioavailability enhancer for nutrients.
• A clinical study with Curcumin showed that Bioperine®enhanced its bioavailability by several hundred foldin human subjects.
posted 29 Aug 2012, 10:08
cnith2 has submitted 5 posts

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