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08 September 2014

Greetings, my FS Friends!
Wow! I'm down another 1.7 lbs over the last ten days. I think it's all the extra running I've been doing that's making these last few pounds drop off so easily. Well, that and what I like to call my "Carby Carb-Carb diet" lately. My daily goal is at least 10 servings of veggies and fruits a day (at least 6-7 different veggies and 3-4 fruits), and it's working wonders! By brain and body are getting the micro-nutrients they need and are loving life!

This was a pretty interesting weekend for me!
Saturday, I woke up early and ran in a 5K race in Mifflinville, PA. I finished 18th overall and 4th in my age group, and only 37 seconds shy of getting a medal, so it was a fairly successful event for me, finishing in 30:31. It's a PR (personal record) for me at this distance so, all in all, I'm quite satisfied with my performance! It definitely helped give me a few things to consider for the half-marathon in 6 weeks on my 40th birthday weekend! I ran the first mile a little (OK, a LOT) faster than I usually do, which means I can't let my adrenaline get the better of me. Being able to sustain that pace (an average of 9:54) for 3.1 miles isn't the same as sustaining it for 13.1 miles! Also, I really need to get more hills into my training runs, because I was secretly dreading even the smallest hill during the run.

Then after the race, I shoveled in my after-run snack and headed out to go jean shopping. The only pair of jeans I currently own are a size 12 and they're way too large for me to wear this winter. I started out last November as a size 22, and I had no idea what size I am now, so I grabbed a variety of sizes, ranging from 12's to 8's, thinking there was no way I'd fit into the size 8's, and I was floored to find out all of the size 8's FIT ME! Holy moly, Batman! As much as I try to place the focus on eating the way I do and the exercise I do for my sustained and improved health, it does feel good when something as minor/superficial as smaller-sized jeans can still make me pretty proud of how far I've come! Going from a size 22 to a size 8 in less than 10 months feels pretty damn good!

Sunday was a fairly relaxing day that started out with a trip to the art supply store for some frames for my oil pastel drawings. The weather was fantastic and such a great day to be out-and-about town! Then, it was back to the house and I hopped on the basement treadmill for another 5-mile run to round out this week's half-marathon training plan. I've become kind of obsessed with watching episodes of BoJack Horseman on Netflix while I run on the treadmill. That show is hysterical, bizarre and I highly recommend it! Then, I framed my drawings and hung them in the living room. They look awesome! I think I'm going to work on a new set of drawings with a weight loss/exercise theme to them, since it seems to be permeating a large segment of my life/thoughts at the moment.

Anyway, I hope you all had an amazing weekend! Make this week extraordinary! You can do it! :D
Weigh-in: 138.9 lb lost so far: 67.1 lb still to go: 13.9 lb Diet followed 100%
   (27 comments) losing 1.2 lb a week

04 September 2014

03 September 2014

Today's run went really well! I just watched some fun sitcoms on Netflix while I ran to get myself used to running without music. And unfortunately, now my legs feel like they each weigh 400 lbs! I'm really excited about this weekend's 5K race in Mifflinville, PA. It's just a fun, short distance to boost my racing confidence and get my adrenaline under control so when I run the half-marathon in 6 more weeks, I don't shoot off the starting line like a greyhound on a racetrack and burn out before mile #6! Only 6 more weeks until my half-marathon! Eeeek! I'm so excited and a little terrified at the same time! At least I'll (probably) be the youngest person in my age category of 40-49 because my 40th B-day is only two days before race day!

I'm also starting to get a little bored with my lentil soup and beet salad combo The Sig-O and I have been eating since Saturday. Maybe I'll whip up something different for tomorrow's dinner if I can find some extra time.

Oh well, I simply must stretch out my hamstrings if I'm going to be able to walk tomorrow!

Ciao for now, Folks! :D

03 September 2014

Yes, yes, yes, I know. Another long journal entry. Read it anyway. I have something I need to get off my chest...

Ugh! I love summer and I hate summer. I really do enjoy summer, most of the time, at least. Who doesn't love the sunshine, the birds chirping, the woodland creatures frolicking in the grass? I certainly do! I love the produce that's locally available. I ADORE my CSA delivery! It's a bounty of local organic produce delivered to my doorstep every week from a wonderful organic farm! But this time of year also brings in a bounty of *dun, dun, dun!!!*... nightshades - a member of the Solanaceae family, also known as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes and eggplants (among a ton of others delicious relatives!). These plants, for most people dealing with an inflammatory autoimmune disease such as Yours Truly, mean bad news.

I inherited (thanks, Mom!) a sensitivity to nightshades. They cause all sorts of havoc on my body, from arthritis to hives to migraines to insomnia to... well, you name it, and nightshades cause it. Up until VERY recently in human history (1800), a lot of cultures considered these nightshades poisonous, and for good reason! They contain a various assortment of compounds which are quite toxic to some populations (and some non-edible nightshades are downright lethal!). Unfortunately, it's a rather common problem for people of Anglo-Saxon (English) and Asian descent, and I'm about as British as they come, kids.

Why am I telling you all of this, my good readers? Well, this is just my way of pouting about the large sacks of delicious, still-warm-from-the-sun peppers and tomatoes from my neighbor's garden, (a delightful 93-year old lady named Sheila), that she left on my doorstep this morning. Of which I, sadly, can not partake, and the Sig-O gets to enjoy them without me. (*insert sad pouty face here*) Normally, I am not bothered by my lovely little inherited nightshade sensitivity, but today, it irks me.

It was really difficult to change how I eat so drastically. It didn't happen overnight. It wasn't without its freak-out moments. It wasn't without tears and anger and denial and resentment. I do recall throwing a bowl of food across the kitchen in a fit of rage because I couldn't just eat "what normal people eat". I felt like I would be forever missing out on a fantastic world of culinary delights and I'd be stuck with my bowl of brussel sprouts. It took a long time to realize that the only thing I would be missing out on would be an unbelievably amazing quality of life if I kept eating those foods. I realized I'm not "missing out" at all! In fact, THIS is living! And those who think healthy eating means "missing out" on foods which just excite the pleasure centers of the brain like a drug, addict you to foods which can prematurely and painfully end your life, and don't promote healing and wellness... well THEY'RE the ones who are missing out!

I've finally come to grips with which foods heal and nourish my body and which foods don't promote my health and well being. It hasn't been an easy road, and it took a bag of peppers and tomatoes on my doorstep this morning from a kind old lady to remind me of how far I've come. Thanks, Sheila. :)

Be kind to yourself, Folks. You deserve it. Now, go make this day extraordinary! :D

02 September 2014

Hello there, FS Friends!
Things here are going well. The training plan for my half-marathon in 7 weeks is going splendidly! Sunday was another 7-mile run and I somehow managed to knock 30 seconds per mile off last week's pace and the run was much easier than last week too! These longer runs on the weekends, are really helping to build my confidence that I'll actually be able to complete a half-marathon in less than 2 months. And I'm also really learning to thoroughly enjoy running. I don't listen to music when I run. I just listen to the peace and quiet and singing birds while I encounter so many friendly, smiling faces on the path. It's almost a meditative time where it's just me, in nature, alone with my thoughts, and a gift of time to visualize all of the things I want to accomplish. Yesterday was a "rest day" from running, but I found myself just itching to run! I'm so glad today is a run day! 2 miles, 2x(1:00, 1:30, 2:00) Aerobic Intervals, then another 2 miles. Weekday runs are on the basement treadmill, so they're not nearly as "meditative". I just have a running playlist of fun songs for the treadmill to keep me motivated.

Foodwise, the soup and salads I prepped this weekend have definitely lightened the kitchen workload for the rest of the week, which really frees up time for studying, thankfully. I'm hoping to get through another 2-3 chapters this week. *fingers crossed* Yes, I have an entire week of lentil & mushroom soup and marinated beet salad, but at least I don't have to spend 2+ hours a day in the kitchen! I also think I'm getting a handle on the increase in my appetite from running without going hog wild and devouring everything in the pantry at the end of the day!

Have a fabulous week, Folks! :)

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