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12 October 2014

Well, it's official, Folks... I've reached my ideal goal weight! 71 lbs lost, and I've gained so much; self-confidence, boundless energy, and a joy for life that I couldn't have imagined was possible. And most importantly, I'm the healthiest I've ever been - inside and out! All of my health problems have completely vanished and I'm excited to share the knowledge I've gained with others who want to change their life! I'll be launching my health coaching business soon, and I can't wait to help people! You kind people have helped me a lot along the way as well and I thank you!
This milestone really couldn't have come at a better time. My 40th birthday is only 5 day away, and I can do things I couldn't do when I was 21. I'm ringing in this new birth year with running a half-marathon next weekend and I couldn't be more proud to tell the world I'm FORTY. I feel like that Molly Shannon Saturday Night Live character, Sally O'Malley, who likes to "kick, stretch, and kick 'cuz she's 50... 50 years old."
Well, my gorgeous friends, I must get going here. I have a TEN mile training run to complete today and those miles aren't going to run themselves!
Go make this day extraordinary! You deserve it!
Weigh-in: 134.5 lb lost so far: 71.5 lb still to go: 9.5 lb Diet followed 100%
   (42 comments) losing 0.8 lb a week

06 October 2014

I finished my 6 miles on Saturday and 10 miles on Sunday with ease! I ran TEN MILES on Sunday!! I can't believe I'm running TEN MILES! I wasn't even winded and ran it at 9:58/mile, which is 20 seconds/mile faster than I ran two weeks ago. It would have been even faster if I hadn't run into a cold head wind for 2-3 miles of the run. My long Sunday runs have quickly become the highlight of my weeks! While I was running, I spent a lot of time doing some positive visualization techniques, picturing myself running the half-marathon in 2 weeks. I'm feeling really confident about my ability to be successful at this goal and I can't wait to do it!

This past weekend was pretty wonderful, I must say. Autumn is in the air, and I've been quite busy with harvesting the rest of my herbs and veggies from my garden before we get a hard frost. I have mountains of drying herbs in my kitchen and it smells amazing! I have many pounds of Swiss Chard to freeze for green smoothies and piles of beets and radishes to ferment. I also have a few large batches of soups to make. This is definite soup-eating weather!

I think I might drag the Sig-O to some farmer's stands this weekend for some pumpkin, apple and squash shopping! We have a bunch of great farm stands near the house, and had so much fun last year. In fact, I still have some butternut squash in my fridge that I bought LAST year! I'll be using it to make my curried red split lentil, carrot, sweet potato, and butternut squash soup. It's to-die for!

Hope you're all having a great start to the week! Go make it extraordinary!

03 October 2014

03 October 2014

So, I made a decision to postpone my trip to the indoor trampoline gym until after my half-marathon in 2 weeks. I would totally hate it if I ended up injured from some dingbat smashing into me or have some freak bouncing accident that would make me miss my race. It's not like the trampolines won't still be there in 2 weeks, so I feel good about my decision to postpone, even though I REALLY REALLY want to go!

Today is yoga day and grocery shopping for me (Wow, my life is boring!). If you're interested in starting a yoga practice and don't know how or where to begin and don't feel like spending money on classes, a pile of clothes to "look the part" or a stack of dvd's you'll never use, Youtube has a ton of completely free yoga videos to get you started. I'm partial to a specific channel called "Psychetruth", and all of their yoga videos are lead by certified instructors and quite easy to follow. I used to do them a while back and still do them with the Sig-O in the evenings sometimes.

This weekend I have 16 miles to run (6 on Saturday and 10 on Sunday), which will bring this week's running mileage to 32 miles! It's amusing that I now consider a 6-mile run to be my "short run" of the week. Oh, how times have changed!

When I'm not running, I have a lot of fermented veggies to prepare this weekend and I'm going to try to squeeze in time to prepare as much food for the week as I can. Even if it's just pre-cutting vegetables because that always seems to take so much time each day! I'm perpetually "choppin' broccoli", as they say!

OK, enough of my musings for now. Have a fantastic weekend, Everyone! Go make it extraordinary!

02 October 2014

I'm soooo excited to hear about a brand new indoor trampoline gym which opened near my house this week! I HAVE to go!! It sounds like so much fun, and quite frankly, I don't give a crap if I'm the only adult jumping around like a lunatic in a sea of children! Ever see an (almost) 40-year old jumping on a trampoline? Well, it's going to happen, Folks! The Sig-O and I saw it on the local news two nights ago, and the Sig-O turned to me and said, "We're going to have to go do that, aren't we?" I turned and said, "You bet your ass we do!!" It feels so good to be able to do fun things like this now! I would have been too self-conscious or scared to do it a year ago. But now, I say, "Bring it!" Hopefully, I'll have a chance to try it out this weekend. This will be in addition to my other scheduled workouts, which includes a 10-mile run on Sunday, so it probably won't be Sunday! Maybe I can drag the Sig-O out on Saturday night. We shall see.

Oh, and I discovered a new health/fitness app for iPhone called "Argus", which tracks all sorts of things like your heart rate (if you wear a heart rate monitor that syncs with bluetooth), workouts, food, how many calories you've burned, glasses of water per day, and acts as a pedometer too! It's pretty fun and I've had a good time playing around with it over the last 2 days. Give it a try if you're interested.

Hope you're all having a fabulous week! I'm about to jump on the treadmill and knock out another 8-mile run!
Ciao for now, Friends!

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