ATrueStarGoddess's Journal, 20 August 2008

Please read my journal? lol I need some support, please! :-p

Err, Seeing as how I'm really REALLY broke, I've only been eating 1-2 times a day... Usually PBnJ on wheat and soup. It sucks, sometime soon I'll have more money so I can change it up finally. I just signed a lease for a new apt, so all of my money went to that. *sigh* it's hard being a poor college student haha. Anyways, I've been walking to work which is 1.4 miles away from me, it usually takes me 40 mins, seeing as how I don't walk to fast (I don't want to be too sweaty when I arrive at work). I have NOT worked out... pretty much all summer. It's really pathetic... I figure walking 6 miles+ a week will keep me in check, so long as I'm not eating outrageously, But I also walk around at work for houursss (4-8 hours), so I'm sure that helps a lot. When school start's I'm sure my weight will drop... All I'll be doing is going to class, going to work and sleeping. I'll have to learn to make my lunches and dinners early in the week so that I don't have to worry about cooking anything during the week (and forgetting to) or BUYING anything (God knows I don't want to spend money on campus! It's wayyy too expensive). Anyways, I'll be really busy and always on the go, so I'm sure the weight will drop and I'll be around 220 or 200 lbs by my 21st birthday in december!! I'm so excited! :-D
253.0 lb Lost so far: 37.0 lb.    Still to go: 93.0 lb.    Diet followed reasonably well.
losing 2.2 lb a week


wow! You are such a responsible-sounding "kid"! My daughter is 20 and she isn't half as ambitious as you. Pat yourself on the back for all the things you are doing right. It is sooo easy to get discouraged. My other daughter weighs about what you do and just dragging around all that extra weight is tiring! So hang in there! You have a great attitude of being positive. 
20 Aug 08 by member: drmcdougaller
You are soo adorable! I am proud of you for realizing the importance of a healthy body so young in life. It really is a choice to keep at it. No one can do it for us. Your exercise sounds good. Maybe on your way home you could step it up a bit and get your heart pumping more. (It doesn't matter if you come home sweaty right?:) Your diet sounds tough although you can buy healthy soups that are broth based and not high in calories. Look for the ones that have high protein counts. Peanut butter is a great staple in your diet, but watch out for the jelly. If it's really high in sugar than that won't be so great. Maybe try for one veggie or fruit a day depending on your budget. At least than you will get some nutrients. Are you a pop drinker? If so, try to replace it with water. That will save $ too. Anyway, enough "shoptalk" I wish you the very best and will pray for your success. Keep at it!!! Blessings... 
20 Aug 08 by member: dihann
Thanks sooo much for the feedback!! I really do appreciate it, it means a lot and keeps me going! I'm not a soda person... unless it's free haha. I usually only drink water, and I refill bottles and don't BUY water... that just seems stupid to me. I never thought of myself as starting early in age, in terms of weight loss. I thought i was overweight since.... well... elementary school. and I HATED it. So now that I have more control over it, I figure, why not? I have to live with this body and NO ONE else, so I should be happy with it and take care of it! Good luck with your weight loss ladies!! You're doing great so far!! <3 
20 Aug 08 by member: ATrueStarGoddess
You are doing great! Remember, slow but sure! You really do have a positive and realistic attitude about all of it:-)  
15 Sep 08 by member: CowGirlAtHeart


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