KayBuckaroo's Journal, 18 May 2018

Throw back to 25 pounds ago! I weighed 195 for 3+ years. I enjoyed all things beer, cheese, meatball related! I was checking in with hubby, asking him if he is missing the old food choices He told me absolutely not, in fact he said our salads are the shit!

Diet Calendar Entry for 18 May 2018:
1417 kcal Fat: 30.17g | Prot: 82.17g | Carb: 190.98g.   Breakfast: Bananas , Coffee. Lunch: Friendly Farms Greek Nonfat Yogurt - Vanilla, Bertolli I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Light, Cooked Carrots (from Canned, Fat Added in Cooking), Cooked Cauliflower (Fat Not Added in Cooking). Dinner: Eating Right Peeled Baby-cut Carrots. Snacks/Other: Great Value Strawberry Orange Banana Drink Mix, Gummy Bears, Coconut Meat. more...

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Thanks for reminding me that pounds go away, that this process is doable.  
18 May 18 by member: Damaris Berdut
Nice work! Let's go! 
18 May 18 by member: jimmiepop
Absolutely! I gave up food that made me feel tired. I feel so energized and I never have indigestion anymore. It is doable and I’m actually enjoying my new life  
18 May 18 by member: KayBuckaroo
I wanna succeed!!!! I am struggling! Great job to you though! 
18 May 18 by member: Mrs Rancor
Dear Mrs, I am not perfect. Check out my profile. I just got over a couple days of binging. I speak in generalizations because it makes me feel better about myself, so when I say I gave up those foods/behaviors, it means for the most part. I too am struggling. I believe that we all are. This is certainly not easy. Eating chips and cheese all day, that was easy. Being conscious about what I put in my body and when and why is hard. Start congratulating yourself on what you do, no matter how small the success. Remaining positive will help you Continue to succeed 
18 May 18 by member: KayBuckaroo
Great job 
18 May 18 by member: eatolive4life
Way to go - It is great to have a supportive partner on this adventure.  
18 May 18 by member: tahoebrun
Clean eating is my new love language for my family! I was an avid baker, but I have an obese 12 year old, so the family is on this journey together. It has taken 6 years to get everyone on board. The 15 year old and the 4 year old require higher fat/protein/calorie foods than myself and my 12 year old. So while it has been exponentially more work to cater to everyone’s needs, it is so worth it. And yes I am lucky that my husband is supportive. For a long time I didn’t even attempt to make any changes because I felt guilty........like I was depriving everyone of the high fat /high calorie foods. 
18 May 18 by member: KayBuckaroo
Very pretty in both pictures. It is a struggle compared to just putting something in the mouth. It is really great you have a wonderful supportive husband. Your kids will appreciate the extra work you are putting into their meals. Though sometimes, it may be later than sooner :) 
18 May 18 by member: kattay
Great Work, your on your way when you can get family support !!!! Very cool, the other half appears to support your health endeavor. Go get it !!!! ;)  
18 May 18 by member: wright2018
Nice one! 
18 May 18 by member: jengetfit123
Thanks guys!! The kids notice a huge difference in Moms happiness, and I certainly still buy them treats. I’m not encouraging anyone but my little food addict to join me in my endeavors but they all got on board. Can’t believe it! I am lucky. So, temptation still lurks around here, but I have a saying “Mom quit cake!” And it’s sometimes what I cry out as I run away from the crazy snacking happening with the boys. 🤣 
18 May 18 by member: KayBuckaroo
You’re on your way! All you need is time, now. Love the pic - very cute! 
19 May 18 by member: GardenOfHeeden
Ahh, time. Isn’t that the truth? Seems to be the same hang up for me over again... I’m recovered from my last slips, and now it’s slow and steady wins the race  
19 May 18 by member: KayBuckaroo
I keep saying it every time you post and gonna say it again. [bleeping] awesome things you are doing and getting the fam on the train on top of it all to boot. Rocking it! Have to laugh at your cake saying, told my son and daughter both 'begone you foul bringers of temptation!' @Mrs Rancor... Kay is spot on. We all struggle. I call this a battle, a war, for that very reason. Some days we 'win', some days we 'lose' but you keep up the fight, keep struggling forward even if its only a little bit at a time. 
19 May 18 by member: JLente
I’m sorry your 12 year old is having to deal with obesity issues so early, but clean eating and increased activity with good nutrition choices with the family support will hopefully make a positive difference. 🙆🏻‍♀️Being from a hypoglycemic and diabetic family I was pretty careful to teach my kids a reverse food pyramid and how to balance starches with proteins and fats and the choices they needed to make throughout the day about their sugar consumption. LOL Nowadays that seems to be a huge one with pops and juice and juice concentrates and all the processed junk foods. 🙇🏻‍♀️No wasn’t so much the word as your choices can be this or that, that and that for these reasons. LOL Didn’t work too bad. My son went through a tough time but lost the 30 lbs he was over and is trim again. My daughter swings through 2 sizes on the upper end of normal looking like a pocket venus. So they are both happier with themselves then I ever was!🤷🏻‍♀️LOL Good luck with the menu changes. And I think you’re the one who was talking about switching the carrots for the cereal? Good job!🙋🏻 
19 May 18 by member: smprowett
@JLente: thank you for the wonderful praise and support! It’s connecting with people such as yourself that makes this app truly work for me. @smj: I love your story of motherhood, and I’ll have to use your wisdom with my boy. I am his stepmom technically (had him longer than bio mom tho) so that damage is redone every other week he is away from me. Especially helpful tips for educating HIM. For my macro test: I’m going to opt for highest protein, lower carbs, lowest fat. And, I’ll take notes on how I feel. Probably try a 60/30/10. 🤙🏻 My biggest challenge is cutting down on fruits (carbs) and increasing my lean protein intake.  
19 May 18 by member: KayBuckaroo
You might be interested to know that if someone eats more protein than their body needs, the extra is converted to carbs. Berries are pretty low in carbs. I've been eating strawberries and blackberries quite a bit lately. Actually, since i began to eat this way again, I eat fruit more often than i used to. 
19 May 18 by member: cjodyssey
@cj: whoa! That’s pretty awesome to know, I will keep that in mind!! 
19 May 18 by member: KayBuckaroo
Cj’s right! Your body will only process 30 g of protein max per meal. LOL and @ Mrs. Rancor, we all struggle or we wouldn’t be here, we would be out enjoying a magical fantasy life as slim sexy bitches with no problems and no pressures or eating disorders or addictions. LOL 😆 ALL of us are here to support one another in any way we can to get through this, one day, one hour, one second at a time to be the healthiest we can be. Those Non-Scale Victories quite often are the ones that make for the most satisfying. I had a really crappy pain day the other day and I KNOW I’ll have days like that. They are a given in my life. In the past, I would have grabbed whatever food I could have found at hand in the kitchen that was easy. 🙅🏻‍♀️I now keep a bin in my headboard of snackage that is legal for my WOE (way if eating) and I eat that and make small forays to the fridge as I’m bed bound. It’s not totally clean and unprocessed food which I prefer to eat. But it’s SO much better than the crap I was able to feed myself before thatwould just keep me sick for a longer amount of time. 🙋🏻‍♀️ 
19 May 18 by member: smprowett


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