Joined May 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
190.0 lb
Lost so far: 40.0 lb

Current Weight
150.0 lb
Performance: losing 1.0 lb a week

Goal Weight
135.0 lb
Still to go: 15.0 lb
During my high school years, I constantly struggled with my appearance, wanting to diet and be "thin". I wasn't really ever chubby, but I'm stocky, and have a lot of muscle naturally. I namely kept in pretty good shape because of marching band through all those years.

Then came college. Then came the internet. Also throw in an emotionally difficult relationship and break up into the mix.

I went from 145lbs to 195lbs over the course of about 5 years.

As of joining this site, I'm considered obese. I'm pretty out of shape... BUT my health is in good shape and I still have a good deal of muscle mass.

I'm not going to say that being my size is a horrible and terrible thing. I've learned a lot while being this size. Being this weight does not mean that you're a fat horrible slob. Fat isn't really such a scary or horrible thing as everyone makes it out to be.

What one chooses to do with their body is their own choice.

Namely, I'm on this site to get into shape and change my lifestyle into a healthier one. I just honestly want to get to a state which is healthy and maintainable for me.

My overall goals are:
- Get used to making healthier food choices. Find YUMMY stuff that's good for you.
- Gain a lot more muscle than I've had ever.
- Be able to jog / ride my bike and go up hills without getting winded.

I'm not so much concerned with losing x number of pounds or fitting into a set of numbers. I do have a few goals though:

- Lose about 30lbs of fat (or more, whatever happens to my body happens, I don't want to stress over 15-20 lbs that won't come off)
- Wear a size L.
- Go down 2 cup sizes.

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 190lbs
Bust: 45"
Waist: 40"
Hips: 42"
Clothing Size: Anywhere from XL-XXL / 14-16

I've weighed as much as 205lbs and I wore as large as size 18, but I've gone down a bit. I've also managed to go down to 175lbs a few years ago, but I didn't keep up with the plan.

tehrin's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 0.3 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 0.3 lb a week Down

tehrin's Latest Posts

Hate to admit this...
I've not been very active lately, sadly. It's mostly because I've been getting more hours at work, and I just don't feel like doing anything when I go home. Not having a real job (standing on your feet for 8-9 hours, dealing with customers) will do that to you. Thankfully, I've not gained pounds, but I feel much flabbier. :/

Anyway, the big difference I've felt lately is feeling lethargic, less energy, less motivation... and just feeling crappy. I've also been getting a lot of leg cramps, and really bad charlie horses in my calves at night.
posted 20 Sep 2010, 17:57
Sabotage from all angles...
That seems really ODD at a gym of all places. :/ I'm all for moderation here and there. But after working out, I don't think I'd want to gain everything I've burned off and then some.
posted 05 Sep 2010, 12:13
EEK! Five Month Plateau:(
I'm not going to talk or focus on weight since it's been discussed to death here.

But like stated earlier, I'd really suggest eating unprocessed healthy foods, lots of fruits and veggies, and drinking lots of water. See if that changes how you feel. I think it's more important to focus on how you feel than what numbers say about you.

I'm 5'4" myself, and I'm at 163 right now. But I never feel sick to my stomach or lacking in energy. This only happened when I wasn't eating enough calories when I started. I typically ate about 800 a day then. I was also really cranky and just miserable. My weight was going nowhere because I wasn't eating enough! I started feeling better and started losing once I upped it to 1200-1400. So that could be the cause of how you're feeling. You shouldn't be eating less than 1200, because your body isn't getting enough nutrients!

Also, what kind of strength training exercises are you doing, and what are you trying to tone specifically? If it's in the stomach area, it could be loose skin that may be making you think it's fat? Usually over time, (like a few years) that can go away, and building up your stomach muscles will help too.

But the important thing with strength training is that you need to make sure you're eating a lot of protein, your muscles need it! Stick with baked/grilled chicken or turkey since it's lowest in calories.
posted 26 Aug 2010, 20:16
Misleading Serving Sizes?
Those Nissin microwaveable chowmein noodles. My Fiance loves those. But one serving size is HALF the container and is about 300 calories or so. Okay, so do I split that up with someone? Do I put it in the fridge after I eat half and eat the leftovers tomorrow? (Eww).

When I go to eat out, I check to see what the serving size of a dish is online beforehand. :3 That usually works for most places. If it's something I REALLY like that has a lot of calories, I usually save the other half for later. (Like some of the dishes at Olive Garden, HUGE portions, but I really only ever eat half, and I'm stuffed for the rest of the day)
posted 15 Aug 2010, 00:25
Is it too much to ask...
Another thing that's pretty funny/sad.

In my college composition (writing) class back in 2000 or 2001, the instructor literally had to tell us NOT to put emotes in our papers. D: Scary thing is, 10 years ago, the kids that are in 10th grade now were in 1st grade and probably weren't talking much online. That, and nobody had phones with texting (I didn't even have a cellphone then). I can only imagine how much it's down-spiraled since then.
posted 10 Aug 2010, 12:52
tehrin has submitted 5 posts

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