Joined April 2009
Weight History

Start Weight
152.0 lb
Lost so far: 6.0 lb

Current Weight
158.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
150.0 lb
Still to go: 8.0 lb
I'm a 39 year old man, 5'7" tall, with a weight of 152 lbs as of 4/13/2009.

I don't really have a weight problem, but I want to get a more firm and toned appearance. I play soccer 4 times a week which keeps me in shape, but it isn't getting me ripped by any means.

To do this, I just started the P90X fitness program today (4/13/2009). My hope is that FatSecret will help me track my exercise and food consumption while I'm on the program. There is a fairly strict nutrition plan included with P90X and I know it will be a challenge for me to stick to it.

tauren's Weight History

tauren's Latest Posts

Adding a Recipe to a specific date
It seems there is no easy way to add a recipe that I haven't already recorded in my food diary to a date other than Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, or 1 week ago.

I just created a new recipe that I ate 3 days ago, and I cannot go to that date on my food diary and add it because there is no way to select a recipe on that screen. Nor can I go to my cookbook and add it there because "3 days ago" isn't an option.

The only way I've been able to get it added is to first add it to Today (or Yesterday, etc.). Then go to the correct date 3 days ago and add an item. It will show my recent meals, and I can pick it from there. But then I have to go and remove it from Today.

Am I missing something? Or is this the expected behavior?

posted 25 Apr 2009, 01:26
add new recipe problem
i agree, this just bit me too. i created a recipe and submitted it. then realized i had a mistake in it and couldn't edit it. there should be a way to edit these. i remember being able to edit them before, but this time i submitted it for sharing. I guess that is the problem?
posted 19 Apr 2009, 13:47
I just started P90X on Monday, so I've now completed the first three days. I'm actually really liking it, but man am I sore. My abs are killing me -- I had to sort of roll off the couch tonight after watching some TV!

I created a new group called P90X Fitness Program, and encourage anyone else who is using P90X to join it. Here is a link to it:

My hope is that we can get a group of P90Xers together for encouragement as well as help each other figure out effective ways to use FatSecret for tracking exercise and nutrition progress.

Hope to see you there!
posted 16 Apr 2009, 03:26
tauren has submitted 3 posts

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P90X Fitness Program
Group for discussing topics related to the P90X Workout system and how to best utilize FatSecret for tracking progress.

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