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12 April 2015

Yay!!! I've smashed the 10stone barrier at last! Now 9stone 13lbs and that means I've less than a stone to go. Yippee!!

I've been extremely good this week and done lots of exercise - swimming (5km 250m altogether) and walking (at least 5km/day according to my Pacer) - and it's obviously finally paid off! :)

I hope I can keep this up, as I want to look reasonably slim for a spa trip with friends in two weeks time and I want to be in those tight jeans by my birthday BBQ in June! The good result this week has spurred me on to keep going with all my efforts and I have a renewed sense of determination to get to my goal of 9stone 2lbs by the 21st June.

I now need to start doing the sit-ups with my exercise machine that I've been meaning to start for at least 3weeks now, cos my stomach needs work!

My next mini-target is 9stone 10lbs by 26th April. That's 2wks to lose 3lbs - wish me luck!

Weigh-in: 139.0 lb lost so far: 19.0 lb still to go: 13.0 lb Diet followed 100%
   (3 comments) losing 3.0 lb a week

05 April 2015

I am soooooo disappointed today. :( I haven't lost any weight this week. I've stayed the same, which means I've not hit my first mini target. :( And I've not passed the challenge I'm on - even though I've swum almost 5kms and walked every day!

I have been sooo good this week - not perfect,because we had lunch out on Good Friday, but even then I counted everything in and I only went over my calorie allowance by less than 100 and that was after I lowered my calorie allowance from 1600 to 1400 anyway!

I don't know what else I'm supposed to do to shift this extra weight. I'm determined to keep going, but I'm so disheartened.

My fat percentage on the scales has gone down from 33% to 31%, but that's not how things are measured on here, so it's very annoying that I haven't lost even half a pound.

I'm now going to have to revise all my mini-targets or I won't reach any of them. :(

My mini-target for the 26th April will now have to be 9stone 12lbs.

Fed up!
Weigh-in: 142.0 lb lost so far: 16.0 lb still to go: 16.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) steady weight

29 March 2015

Just about lost 2lbs this week - the scales were fluctuating between 142 and 142.5lbs, but settled on 142, so I think it was touch and go! :)

I have followed my diet exactly and have stuck to under 1400 calories every day this week - apart from yesterday, when we had family round for drinks and nibbles. I did go slightly over, but I figured that since I was under my calorie allowance on several other days, it wouldn't matter that much to be slightly over on one day.

I went swimming and did another 2km last Sunday and I have been out for several 30-40min brisk walks this week, so I have definitely passed my mini challenge of exercising for 30 mins at least 4 times a week.

I am on track to get to my mini-target of 10st by Easter Sunday, but I will have to be very rigid and determined with myself this week, as I have to lose 2lbs this week to get to that target. Wish me luck! :)

Weigh-in: 142.0 lb lost so far: 16.0 lb still to go: 16.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) losing 2.0 lb a week

22 March 2015

I am very disappointed that I have only lost 0.5lb this week, as I have stuck to my diet rigidly. I have however lost 2% of fat, according to my scales, so I'm very pleased with that.

I have not been able to do the level of exercise that I had done the previous week, due to having migraines all day on both Monday and Wednesday and my daughter being ill off school on Thursday and Friday - both have meant that I couldn't get my usual mid-week swimming session in and I've not been able to get out and walk as much as I usually would. Hopefully, next week will return to normal and I'll be able to do all the exercise I am planning to do.

I will reduce my daily calorie allowance this week - but I can't see it making that much difference, because I have been well under my daily allowance on at least 4 out of 7 days this week and on the other 3 days, I have still not gone over my limit.

Still very determined to keep going and lose these stubborn pounds! :)
Weigh-in: 144.0 lb lost so far: 14.0 lb still to go: 18.0 lb Diet followed 100%
   (2 comments) losing 0.5 lb a week

15 March 2015

Weigh-in: 144.5 lb lost so far: 13.5 lb still to go: 18.5 lb Diet followed 100%
   (2 comments) losing 24.5 lb a week

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