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06 August 2009

Hello All
This week has been crazy, I've been trying to get prepared to lauch off my new business so I'm a little nervous & haven't been eating right. I hadn't log anything in my journal cause of no time. So I'm combining all three days. Yesterday was a bad eating day cause I ate really late into the morning. (DARN) the day before I didn't eat enough. (DARN) CRAZY I tell you. But I weighd in today & I dropped another 5 Lbs (YEAH!!!!!) & Praise God! I have good & bad eating days but my creator keeps me healthy & strong for another day. I still want to go to a gym cause I really, really need to tone up. I still bike ride Mon-Fri but I need more than that. I didn't go bike riding today cause of a meeting I had but, yesterday was crazy wheather. It was so windy & so hard to ride against the wind that I really didn't think I could make it the whole way, but I did which was good cause I made up for not exercising today. It's 12 midnight so I gues I'll head for bed (yeah right) I still need to shower, so maybe by 1:30am I'll head for bed but until next time. CHOW

03 August 2009

Hello ALL
I did a little better today although I could of eaten a little more. I was in front of my laptop all day & as usual I forgot to eat. I've been so busy trying to get my new business off the ground that I just don't stop until my stomach tells me to,& by then most of the day has gone by. I haven't weigh in yet but I'll try to remember to do it tomarrow morning. I didn't bike ride Fri,Sat,or Sun so when I did today,OMG! I felt like my legs were going to fall off. I was so tired & I felt like I couldn't breath without a burning feeling. It was crazy! It almost felt like when I first started exercising. (You know when you have no energy or strength what so ever when you 1st start.) I guess thats what happens when I take more than a weekend off. It's late so off to bed I go, until next time. CHOW

02 August 2009

Hello Buddies & potential Buddies
I'm so excited, I just found out that I can also put the time I ate any of my food right next to my food item. I have a personal log that I right by hand of what I eat,time I eat it & the mood I'm in. But when I discovered this site & started entering my food intake, I didn't even think to try adding my times. I just did it right now & it worked. Hooray! now everyone can see not just what I eat but the time I eat it. I know some folks may not give a hooters butt, But I think its important of not just what I eat, but the time I eat it. Cause that was my main weight gain habit. I still have the habit but not so bad & now not with foods like Mac n cheese, full sandwiches, you know dinner meals? @ 11pm or 12midnight.but if I do eat that late I'll eat string cheese stix,watermelon or some kind of fruit if I really need to eat. I have to say I'm very proud of myself. (pat pat pat)on my back. ha ha ha. well I'll input a little later before I head for bed until Later. CHOW

01 August 2009

OK, I'll have to journal for today & yesterday because I didn't have time to input for yesterday because of my girls night out. OMG! 1778 cals for yesterday, lets just say it was worth it. I had such a good time. We ate at chipotle grill in fresno, I only ate a taco,which I didn't even finish, the think that gave me all my calories was the margarita, but boy was it good & just what I needed. I got a little tipsy cause I don't drink,but I wasn't driving. I really think I burned most of my calories with all the laughing I did. Thank goodness I had protection cause I think I peed my pants. hahaha I spurged on myself. Now today I had Sabbath lunch after church but I didn't eat to much cause I had a wedding later that evening so I knew I would eat then. So today wasn't so bad except for the cake with the butter cream frosting YUMMY my favorite. Anyhow back to norm tomarrow,until next time. CHOW

30 July 2009

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