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04 January 2010

So, I'm maintaining, which is all I can ask for right now. Went back to the gym last evening after a week away! Gotten into running and such now, so I'm not sure if maintenance vs. loss is a product of building muscle, or well, just the process of weight loss in general. All I know is that I am working VERY hard at reshaping my body, and I am DETERMINED to make a change for GOOD! When I started this thing, I looked differently, acted differently, and thought differently than I do now. I am so grateful for that!! When I think I can't do it, I remember that, not only CAN I do it, but I WILL do it. I see my goals ahead of me and run toward them. Yesterday, I ran a little over a mile (doing intervals with walking) and I did it uphill on the treadmill. As soon as I felt myself giving up, I picked up my speed and I picked up my legs, and I pushed harder, telling myself "Push Jenn, Push!! Do it, Do it, Do it!!" I said it over and over again, and made myself go farther than ever before. I haven't run a mile, or anywhere near a mile since I was a child. Well, I'm an adult now, and it's time to think and act like one. I don't have time to waste, or any more excuses to make. There is no TRY.. ONLY DO!!! Trying to lose weight, Trying to reshape my body, Trying to think differently, Trying to exercise... all of this Trying keeps open the door, and allows for the possibility of failure. So, now I WILL lose weight, I WILL reshape my body, I WILL think differently, and I WILL exercise! I WILL SUCCEED!!!
I thank this community for being such a support over the last 6 months! You all ROCK!!
Weigh-in: 199.0 lb lost so far: 42.0 lb still to go: 29.0 lb Diet followed N/A

01 December 2009

Weigh-in: 200.0 lb lost so far: 41.0 lb still to go: 30.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment losing 0.5 lb a week

03 November 2009

Weigh-in: 202.0 lb lost so far: 39.0 lb still to go: 32.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment losing 0.7 lb a week

15 October 2009

So it's been a couple of really busy weeks...throw in a fabulous wedding (of my best friend)and being sick... and you get little time to exercise and not the best of food choices. I think, under the circumstancs, I chose pretty well, and I got in exercise when I could. Stayed out of work yesterday and left a little early from work the day before. So, no gym either day. I'm still feeling cruddy but I miss the gym soooo much!! I figure I can do a little walking tonight at the gym and maybe it will help with the old immune system! It's been really weird for me to have 2 weeks where I'm going to the gym only 1 or 2 days. I liked my routine of 3-5 days. So... with any luck, I'll be back on that horse starting back this weekend.

I've been really bad about tracking... having trouble eating during the day for the last month or so (personal issues manifesting themselves into tummy troubles...) so I have to work on that some more. Anyway, my focus has been to simply take in less than I expend. Tracking is important, but calories-in vs. calories-out is the bottom line. And I honestly expected to gain weight during this last 2 week period, so I'm hoping I'm doing something right. It's 1 pound, but it's 1 pound closer to my goal!
Weigh-in: 204.0 lb lost so far: 37.0 lb still to go: 34.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment losing 0.5 lb a week

01 October 2009

Weigh-in: 205.0 lb lost so far: 36.0 lb still to go: 35.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment losing 0.8 lb a week

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