Joined May 2007
Weight History

Start Weight
147.0 lb
Lost so far: 0 lb

Current Weight
147.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.5 lb a week

Goal Weight
125.0 lb
Still to go: 22.0 lb
I am a single 50 year old women, with a weight problem all my life. I have tried different diets, too numerous to mention. And I have finally been happy with my current weight. That is until now.
I have been doing well for about two years, lost the weight and been able to keep it off. Now for some reason it is starting to creep up on me. I am going to try the weight watchers diet, and as of this date know nothing about it. I am hopeing to get some kinds of pointers from this site.

jeanmutzie's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 1.4 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 0.4 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 0.1 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 3.5 lb a week Down

jeanmutzie's Cookbook

cals: 594kcal | fat: 4.11g | carbs: 116.84g | prot: 23.75g
Navy Beans with Brown Rice
Delicious side recipe to which you you can literally add anything.
cals: 417kcal | fat: 17.84g | carbs: 2.23g | prot: 58.73g
Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops
Pork chops with a flavorful parmesan coating.
cals: 295kcal | fat: 10.69g | carbs: 38.62g | prot: 12.78g
Fried Rice
A traditional favorite side dish with brown rice and vegetables.
view complete cookbook

jeanmutzie's Latest Posts

I too am having problems losing weight. I am 50 and have been struggling for months with this weight. I joined WW in July and here it is November and I am only 1 pound lighter. The scale goes up and down constanly. I work out at our local Curves 3 x's a week, and I have this girlfriend who also is trying to lose weight that helps motivate me into walking 3 miles two nites a week. I get plently of exercise but it is not helping with the weight loss. I try to keep track, but my problem is that I don't have the appetite that I had 20 or 30 years ago. I just can't eat that much, and I can't seem to tell my head that I need to eat to lose. I do eat my points for the day. I always end up with my daily points, however I never use the extra points for the week, or even balance out my exercise with more points. It's a B____! getting old.
posted 13 Nov 2007, 14:52
What does your DIET shopping list look like?
I get lots of different types of fresh fruit. Then when I get home I cut it all up and store it all together in a big tuperware dish. Then when I make my lunch in the morning for work, I just scoop out some fruit to take to work. Those rice cakes are also great, always have some of those on hand when the muchie cravings hit, only 1 pt. per rice cake and they come in so many different flavors.
posted 26 Jun 2007, 09:46
I need a buddy so bad!
I will also be your buddy.
Remember, your weight gain didn't happen over night, so it isn't going to go away fast either. All good things come to those who wait. Have patience and perseverance; and it will happen. Keep telling yourself that you are worth it, and keep reaffirming yourself once a day that you can do it. And if you need a boost, just call on me.
posted 18 Jun 2007, 15:36
Crystal Light
I am not sure what Chrystal light's affects are on the Atkin's diet. I know on Weight watchers it would have no points. Acually I love the tast of Diet Lipton green tea with mixed berries, it is really good. On WW it is no points.
posted 14 Jun 2007, 16:27
Each person has a different number of points they can eat each day. It depends on your sex, how old you are, how tall you are, how much activity you get each day and your weight. They just changed how you figure your points this year. It used to be based totally on how much you weighed. Most people get somewhere around 25 points a day. I myself have to have 20 points a day. And then for every 25 lbs lost you subject another 2 points from your daily points you can have.
It is free to go to a meeting and you can buy the starter kit pretty cheap, it will have all the points for every kind of food imaginable. You also can get some points for your exercise for the day, and then subject from your total.
I don't go to the meetings, and am trying to do it alone so we will see how it goes. Just remember how important it is to keep track of what goes in your mouth and drink lots of water.
Hope this helps, good luck to you. Very Happy Very Happy
posted 14 Jun 2007, 09:53
jeanmutzie has submitted 5 posts

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