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20 October 2017

WHOOP! What the heck, WHOOP again! (I'm a Texas A&M grad, we say that)

This happened yesterday, but I've been really busy and haven't had time to post. My cardiologist had me go in for a blood draw to see where I'm at with all of the potential nasties that can cause a dude with heart disease to have issues....

Drumroll should be inserted here!

Triglycerides, down from 434 to 109!
Total cholesterol, NORMAL range for the "normal" person. I'm far from normal!
Good cholesterol, 2 points up and within the good range!
A1c levels, mid range on the good chart! NOT pre-diabetic! The good Dr is AMAZED at that!
Everything else he tested for is A OK!

It gets better, 6 pills a day, now down to 3, keep going with the weight loss, and the MAIN thing I wanted to hear was, "if you keep going like this, I don't want to see you for a year."

Yeah man, I'm as giddy as one can get!

I'm 50# down, and have at least 40 to go, but the heart doc doesn't want to see me for a year? That's just sweet news to me! I was also given the go ahead to do ANY type of exercise I want to! He only requests that I keep sending weekly reports to his office for review! Ha, EASY!

Perfect NSV for me this week!

I want to thank ALL of my FS friends that have provided support, a$$ chewings, and guidance thus far in my endeavor to lose weight... This place has truly helped to keep me on track and plugging along in this journey! You folks ROCK!

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and keeps on plugging along in the marathon we've chosen to take on!

19 October 2017

Well, I've geeked out once again and decided to try and solve the latest plateau issue the way I solve a lot of other things, by using math, data, and charts... If I can visualize it, I can better understand it.

Since October 1st my average intake for fat has gone down while my average intake of net carbs has risen. Protein has dropped off as well, but on a good note my average daily calorie intake has dropped quite a bit, almost too much according to my Dr's office when I sent this over a little while ago, but I really haven't been hungry outside of my normal eating times...

I've also been doing a lot more strenuous tasks on a daily basis, and I have seen some firming in my arms, legs, and chest area. Not muscle bound by any means, but the skin isn't as loose and even my wife has pointed it out, so some lean muscle mass may be in play as well for the plateau in my weight.

The geek out part was me putting together the chart below. Blue would be the daily averages from Aug 01 through Sept 30, 2017. The orange line is my daily intake averages for Oct 01 through yesterday. I did make changes to my macros once I hit the 300 mark, so that has also been taken into consideration.

Dunno if anyone is really interested in my stuff, but it's another tool I'll use in the journey I'm following so I can better understand how things are working for me...

19 October 2017

Weigh-in: 295.4 lb lost so far: 44.6 lb still to go: 45.4 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) losing 0.8 lb a week

16 October 2017

I've been the SAME weight for a few days now, so I figured I'd measure my "parts" and see what was really going on.... Well, I'll get scolded for this, but I've not measured anything prior to tonight... I measured once for the Dr's web site that helped to establish my BMI, but I don't remember what those measurements were, and I haven't done it since....

So, figuring I didn't have measurements to go off of, I went to my closet! The bride wasn't home tonight, so I could play dress up and no one would know about it!

4x shirts that were the norm in July are way too big
3x shirts are almost too big
2x shirts, well, almost fitting right, but not quite yet

46" waist pants from July are falling off and look BAD, even with a belt!
44" waist pants, too big (whoop!)
42" pants, loose, but not too bad of a fit
The pair of 38" waist shorts were CLOSE to being buttoned, but I still have a ways to go... yes, that was quite ambitious on my part, but I had to try them! LOL

Overall, I determined that I've come a LONG way since I got serious on August 1st when it comes to clothes! My "fancy pants" that I wear when I have to visit the corporate geeks, are now way too big, I may need to buy stock in Docker's brand soon!

My belt is in the last hole, and no, I haven't made me a new one yet... But I've cut the leather for it.... I'm just damn near giddy! I see my self in the mirror daily, so I don't "see" the changes, but getting into clothes I haven't worn for years; now that just made me giggle! They may be out of style, but they fit again!

Ive never been a fashionista anyway, I may bring back the wide collars and bell Bottoms! LMAO!

14 October 2017

Hey there!

This morning, I talked about "falling off", binge eating/drinking, caving in, or whatever you choose to call it.

Now, to bring everyone up to speed that's not aware, for the last 4 weeks my bride and I have been planning our annual fish fry event. This gathering solicits some of the most awesome side items one could ever wish for, not to mention, fried fish is NOT on my daily/weekly/monthly plan for my WOE...

I'm still very new to the LCHF lifestyle, but I think I'm doing pretty good... However, I knew that this weekend would present me with some amazing things to eat. However, I knew I would have a few choices I could go with regarding my new way of eating...... Eat like I used too, only eat what I brought with me, or pick and choose from the menu at hand and go forward...

I chose the latter of the 3. Prior to the event, I researched a bit here on FS to see just what I could, should, would eat!

I ate well today! I enjoyed every bite! I had KETCHUP, and fried stuff!!!

But you know what, I didn't ToTALLY derail myself! Yes, I had around 4x of carbs that I usually want on a daily basis... I had them in ONE meal, but it isn't gonna kill me, it's not going to break me or make me revert to my old ways! I had a great meal with my family! I had a BLAST talking with folks about HOW I was doing this on the DIET I'm "following"....

Once again, I explained, it isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change.... one day doesn't kill us.... I was asked why I was so accepting of fried things and potato salad today, when last week I refused them at a restaurant....

I broke it down like this....

Me, in June (and prior) of this year...

Chicken fried steak - 32g carbs
Mashed potatoes - 33g carbs
Cornbread muffins, that come with lunch, - 43g carbs
Let's not forget the gravy! - 17g carbs

That's 125g of carbs, +/- a few, each day at lunch! Is it going to really screw me over to exceed 20g once a month? No....

I just need to get back to where I want/need to be for MY way of eating and MY choice of a weight loss plan! That means tomorrow, I'll be back at high fat, lowcarbs, and watching the calories overall....

So, like I said this morning, it's a bump in the road, a blip on the radar..... Chill out, things happen, it helps if you can preplan, but even the unplanned won't derail you.... It's up to the person as to whether or not they shall be derailed...

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