Joined May 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
180.0 lb
Lost so far: 5.0 lb

Current Weight
175.0 lb
Performance: losing 5.8 lb a week

Goal Weight
165.0 lb
Still to go: 10.0 lb

amexnikki23's Weight History


last weighin: steady Steady

amexnikki23's Latest Posts

How Do I create a Favorites list on my Blackberry Curve OR on the website?
Question Hello! I am fairly new to and I see a choice of "Favorites" when entering food via my Blackberry but no option to actually add food items to the list. So, my "Favorites" list is empty until I figure how to create one. Anyone know how to create a Favorites list on the Blackberry Curve or on the website? THANKS!
posted 16 Jun 2010, 11:37
Question about the "net" cal amt in Diet Calendar
I emailed FS and they said it's the difference between caloric intake and output, and that really doesnt answer my question either. Ive decided to do it this way. I know based on my heigh weight and activity level that I should be around 1600 calories per day. After having maintained those calories and activity for the past three days, I have ended up with a -800 in my net column, which is about what I am doing in exercise (not including the resting and sleeping), so I am just going to have a daily of goal of -800 in my net colum and I should be good to go. Whether that makes sense or not doesnt really matter, as long as I keep that net # the same every day. THANKS Smile
posted 19 May 2010, 11:12
Question about the "net" cal amt in Diet Calendar
It does help, thanks. I just wonder if there is a better way to quickly check the remaining calories allowed for the day. Like, I know this is a free app, but I just want something simple like.. this is the amount of calories you are to consume to lose weight by your goal date (ie.1600), here is the amount of calories you've consumed thus far today (ie. what i've eaten less those burned in exercise [not including the sleep and rest], and here is what you have left to eat! Is that so much to ask for?? THanx again!
posted 18 May 2010, 13:55
Question about the "net" cal amt in Diet Calendar
corrections: first line s/b "recording my daily energy intake/expenditure; last senteance s/b "in "dumb" terms, not "is""
posted 17 May 2010, 13:44
Question about the "net" cal amt in Diet Calendar
Hi. Just started today. Dieting, joining this site, recording my daily recording, etc., exercising, all that fun stuff. My question is this: on the Diet Calendar, it shows a "net" amount of calories. I surmise this this is the amount of calories I've eaten today subtracted by my overall amount of calories allowed. Where I am confused I where this amount came from. I only want to intake about 1600 calories per day, and it's showing 1198 left even after I've eaten over 1000 already today!
Now, where it says "exercise" does this mean all energy being burned in the course of the day (ie. exercising, resting, breathing, etc.)? If so, I am confused because I thought my regular amount of calories/RDI (with energy expediture already considered) was 1600. This is now making me think I can consume twice the calories! I will never lose weight this way.
Can someone please explain this is "dumb" terms because I feel like I am missing something here. Thanks!
posted 17 May 2010, 13:42
amexnikki23 has submitted 5 posts
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