Joined January 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
275.0 lb
Lost so far: 55.0 lb

Current Weight
220.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.3 lb a week

Goal Weight
150.0 lb
Still to go: 70.0 lb
I'm 26 turning 27 in September. I'm planning on going to Mardi Gras again this year and retake all the pictures from last year when I weighed my highest... 275.

goals are as follows:

March 3rd: 227
May: First 5 or 10k
September 28th: 180 (weight in high school)
December 31st: 150 - goal...

My rewards:
Feb 28th: shopping spree for NOLA at 227
Easter weekend April 24: spa day.... at 200
May 5 or 10k completion: Shopping spree...

Devilshorses's Weight History

Devilshorses's Latest Member Challenges

  First Day to 5K
status: Completed
ended: 30 May 11
view progress
  Be Slim By Summer!
status: Completed
ended: 10 Jun 11
view progress


last weighin: losing 0.6 lb a week Down

Devilshorses's Latest Posts

What are some of your embarassing/emotional/eye opening reasons for loosing weight?
I have always been athletic, There wasn't one thing that someone else could do that I couldn't, it may have been slower, but I wasn't always last. I was 180 in high school and a size 16, I wasn't fat, I was chubby, and a few years out of school I lost even more weight.

Then came fast food and boyfriends... I gained easily 100 pounds from 2003-2010, that's total gain... add gain/lost I've probably gained 300 pounds total.

I didn't realize that I had a serious problem till last year when I went to New Orleans. I got in the backseat to take a nap (we drove), and couldn't put the seatbelt on... it wouldn't fit... That made me feel horrible. Like I know that I wouldn't be able to ride a roller coaster again (haven't ridden one in 5 years) and flying that was out of the question. The shirts that I had to wear that were 2x... I was like wth they are making them smaller now... None of that bothered me really... Until the trip. My feet hurt so bad from walking around. I was crying I was in so much pain. For the first time in my life I wasn't able to do something everyone else did.

I lost 20 pounds that summer, not even really trying, just being normal again. Clothes fit better... I was able to wear something other that a hoodie... Now I'm back on the train. Two months today, and almost 20 pounds later, I feel great. 180 back in 2002 is not the same 180 of today either... fat people clothes are much cuter and there is more of them (albeit more expensive) and 180 isn't a 16 anymore... it's normal..

Here are some things that are my reasons to lose weight:

I want a better pool of boys. Boyfriend-wise I've always run through them. I want to expand my pool to that I can start looking for someone that fits all my wants and needs, and that I'm not just settling with what I got.

I want to buy an outfit for under 30 dollars. I want to purchase a shirt without florals or some Disney character on it. I want to be able to wear a tank-top, that I paid 5 dollars for, ruin it, and not feel bad if I never wear it again. I want a pair of pants that fit perfectly on me, Not ones that are too long because they only have one length in "fat" for that style, or ones that are too short because they don't carry normal lengths in "fat"

I want to wear a two piece swimsuit.

I want sexy lingerie.

I want to not have to worry about where my pants sit and if they are covering up the monster-truck tire that is my stomach.

I want to run a 5k, 10k, and maybe a marathon

I want to walk into a store, spend 500 dollars and have so many clothes that I never have to wear the same thing twice.

I never want to buy drinks at a bar again.

I want to go ski-diving, and scuba diving.

I want to marry a well-off man who will take me on exotic vacations, and have children that will never want for nothing. I want to be a mom that does everything with my kids.

I know most of these I'm able to do now, but I have such body image issues, and low self-esteem that some, I feel will never happen.

I want to be in a small space and someone needs to pass me and I don't have to turn and suck it in so they don't think I'm fat. I work in small places with servers and computers... so this happens alot.

I don't want to be the funny fat-girl anymore.
posted 19 Mar 2011, 07:55
Stalled and need help.!!
I change something to the extreme, and I find that it kick starts something in me. For instance, I'll go to the gym for a week straight and watch my calorie loss, and I won't leave until I burn 800-1000 calories. (Which is honestly like an hour on the elliptical) It sounds extreme, but with such a huge switch in a normal routine works. Also, protein is key after a workout, half hour to an hour, grab some protein to munch on so your body doesn't freak out. I have honestly lost close to 10 pounds in a week from working out 7 days hardcore, and eating nothing but healthy food.

If you force your body to move, it's going to burn calories like there is no tomorrow... and by the end of the week, you'll burn 3-4 pounds in fat alone, not including the muscle your adding.

Also, I don't know how much truth there is to it but it has worked for me: I did this weight-loss boot camp and we had to drink 70+ ounces of water a day, the theory is that drinking 8 ounces more than the required 64 means that you will lose 1 pound in water weight a day. I lost 20 pounds in less than a month drinking that much, it kinda greases the wheels so-to-speak, and I cheated like 1-2-3 times a week when it came to food intake.

posted 28 Feb 2011, 05:12
Devilshorses has submitted 2 posts

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