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03 April 2014

29 March 2014

Back from AWOL:

Busy stupid month. Many doctor's appointments and life issues. I am still not losing, however I have successfully brought down my insulin level with my diet and exercise. That was my main goal. I did run my 4 mile run with my sister over St. Patrick's Day. I rehydrated with two bloody mary's not the best idea and I suffered for a week drinking lots of water. I also had a foot problem and didn't get back to my routine until Thursday of this past week. My neck has been bothering me more than usual. I am not eating any different. I still fast most of Monday through Thursday and I eat large salad Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I didn't gain. I felt like I shrunk a size, but again no weight change. My doctor's office showed I lost 16 pounds from December to March. My weight was 170 in March. So, I must have been up when I was in during December and came back down. Because I don't remember once being close to 186 when I was weighing in. If nothing else I am taking from it that I have managed to stay down. When I way at my doctor's office I am always fully dressed and I never look at the numbers. I honestly think what I have been eating is the reason for my shrinking because I have been staying away from processed food and sugar/salt combos. And, the boozing is almost non-existant. I have two months to swimsuit season. That will be my next goal. The suit fits I want it to look better. I need to add strength training back into my workout. I am back. I will do the food miserable as that is for me!

02 March 2014

"Thou knowest I am blind," said the angle, "because mine eyes still retain the light of the Lord's glory, I can perceive nothing else." ~Paulo Coelho

Each step forward in our practice is a step inward. To practice is to draw ever closer to the truth. As we learn to relax into our truth moment by moment, breath by breath, posture by posture, the need for pretense starts to fall away. We find that we are shedding the layers of armor we've created to protect the false self we present to the world. But as the armor falls away, we are confronted by old fears that created the armor in the first place and that have held it in position for so long.

Chances are we will be unaware of the moment when we shed a layer of armor. We may simply wake up one day to find than an old fear has reared its head, or that it seems harder to get to our (mat), and harder still to attend to the other aspects of our practice. Suddenly, chocolate chip cookies and Haagen-Dazs are on the menu, gossip fills an hour of the day, an unhealthy relationship appears more attractive. At such times it's important to understand that a resurgence of old behavior often accompanies growth, that such regressions are, in fact, signs that we are drawing nearer to our truth. We see this in the stories of Jesus and the Buddha. Both men were beset by their demons even as they moved unerringly toward their dharma. And both were able to meet their challenges and move on. Their lives are universal examples of the human potential for growth. We all share this potential, and we awaken it each time we practice. Confronting fears we encounter along the way is an aspect of the practice itself. As the darkness of our fears is dispelled, we become like the angel in Paula Coelho's tale. Our eyes are filled with the light of love, the love that is ever present beneath all our temporal, earthly loves.

When we do feel lost or uncertain, drifting away from our practice, blocked from our own truth, it helps to remember that darkness and confusion, too, are part of the path. The hero's journey is a journey inward. In the Tao Te Ching, we read that the only real movement is return. And this is the point of spiritual practice: to make us teachable, to open our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know, and who we already are.


This is completely borrowed. I read it this morning. I have a friend I send this stuff to and I think it relates to many areas. This is from Meditations from the Mat with Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga by Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison.

I had a friend in town and I drank a few too many alcoholic beverages and then ate nachos and a philly cheese steak out of street vender truck! So, I have been drinking water like nobodies business. I did have fun though! What a mess! I don't think I was much for sharing my food either...terrible. I ate 5 pounds worth of vegetables earlier in the day. I don't think that was helpful for the drinking/sober part. I hadn't been out in over six months. Clearly not a habit. Clearly an old one. Which, I used the above reflection to help manage my disappointment regarding my consumption. It's all good, right?, right (I will answer that for myself!)

28 February 2014

I have been told I look like I lost a bunch of weight three times this week. I still am not moving in numbers. That's lovely. I think it is crazy that I can drop in size and not in pounds. What the HE##! Anyway. Today I am not anemic and my protein is too high. Can your protein be too high? And I am dehydrated. Which I hate drinking because I am too lazy to go to the bathroom that much. I do notice I sweat more too. Sweating I don't mind....peeing? not so much. I am back at work today so I have access to a salad bar and a water machine. I use both while I am here and then when I am off for four days I try to drink a pitcher of water a day and each eggs. I did eat a box of cookies over a few days instead of real food. I had one bad day on the food. I kept up with my daily gym activity and I have planned a 5k for March 15th with a random friend. I changed up in the gym using three different machines to avoid getting bored. Which is a huge struggle for me. I be brave and step on the scale this weekend for a more accurate weight. I am hoping by June 1st I can be swim suit worthing without the belly bulge. My legs are never the issue. I am grateful for my legs. I am not grateful for my abdomen!

28 February 2014

Weigh-in: 169.0 lb lost so far: 11.0 lb still to go: 29.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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