08willbegreat's Journal, 10 July 2009

Yesterday was bad. We won't talk about that. Let's just say that some chips, crackers, and goldfish crackers were involved..and a pizza at a restaurant. Oh, and a cocktail. Also, no workout. But I wrote that off to a day of de-stressing...went to a comedy club with friends and had dinner out in the pretty summery street patio..so all's ok.

Today has been pretty busy at work. Got a lot done, and yet feel so weighed down because there is SO MUCH MORE TO DO!!! And the emotions are up and down too...at times, I look at my finished product and think, "yeah, this is pretty good!", and then at other times I feel this is awful and it's not going to see the light of day! No, it's not just my self-conjured negative thinking, but rather I look at what's needed in the field, what I can deliver, and what else is being delivered out there...and it seems like such an uphill battle to be ahead of one's time and finding there's no open forum for my work...that I have to actually carve it out! To be working hard all the while fearing that this could all go to naught..every..single...piece!!! sigh.

Oh well. I tried to put one foot before the other and not think of what ifs, and when...just gotta get these off my desk, and then rest will work itself out later. By 5.15 pm I was beat and wanted to just go home..or go somewhere and chill out..but instead, somehow, miraculously I dragged my butt to the gym and started my cardio there. Did 20 mins on the treadmill of which 7.5 mins were running, and then I just didn't feel like doing anymore. So I told myself I'll go do some weights and then finish up again with a 10 min cardio after getting warmed up from the weights.

Did the following routines:
calf machine: 15 reps, 3 sets
leg presses: 12 reps, 3 sets
chest presses: 12-15 reps, 2 sets, and then 2 more at 5-6 reps! (started to feel like I was being a wimp!!Then called my friend who managed to keep me motivated, so then I did the below..)
Bicep curls on bozu ball: 4 sets (hold and isometric), 10 pound weights
Ab curls on big ball: 50 reps (upgrade from 25)
Ab obliques: 50 reps each side with 8 pd ball (shd upgrade to 10 pds later)
Lower back machine: 15 reps, 2 sets, broken down by a longer break

Final cardio on bike: 20 mins, 4.18 miles (80-90 rpm on average)

Final analysis: 2 hours in the gym, and a good all-body workout, even though my initial thought was to wimp out!! Glad I didn't!!!

Meals: Have been good..(?)
Breakfast: protein shake (6 pts): protein mix 1/2 scoop (1.5), banana (2), soy milk (0.5), yogurt (1), strawberry (1)
lunch: coffee with half and half (2)
spinach tortilla large (6 pts?), with hummus (4?), and veggies
Dinner: chickn strips (3) with bit of oil (.5) and veggies
strawberries (1)
Total: about 22.5 pts

Tomorrow I HAVE to go to the spinning class!! Although all kinds of voices in my head are talking against it!


Funny how it's easy to be nice to someone, see their merits and accomplishments, and cheer them on when they're feeling down on themselves or doubtful...and yet, why is that so hard to do or say to oneself?! I just wrote all kinds of motivational things on my buddy's journal..and then wondered, hah! all this can apply to me too..so why the heck am I not giving the same encouragement to MYSELF?! 
10 Jul 09 by member: 08willbegreat
One of the key points to putting an end to negative self talk is what you just wrote about. You would never speak to loved ones the way you speak to yourself sometimes....keep that in mind next time you're beating yourself up! 
11 Jul 09 by member: kimbulie
Yeah, stop being so hard on my buddy (you)! Fabulous job not wimping out on your workout! Oh, and I just got in your head and beat up the voices talking against the spinning class - was I in time? Hey, how do I get out of here? 
11 Jul 09 by member: amryk
LOL, amryk! Still stuck inside 08's head? I'll just yell from the outside: DON'T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF! Whenever things get frustrating and depressing it is a good idea to make a pros and cons list. Write down all of the positive things about your work and then all the negatives. Most times, the positives far outweigh the negatives and it gives us a new perspective on why we're in this. If the negatives far outweigh the positives then some serious thought about finding a new direction is in order. Great job getting in such a fab workout. I'm sure that helped your frame of mind, too. Now go to that spinning class! (I hope amryk gets out before then!)  
11 Jul 09 by member: evelyn64
OK. So you got off track one day. Take a deep breath, put it behind you, and move on Girlfriend! Your work situation does sound difficult. Try to get your frustrations out with exercise. Looks like you have just done that during your last gym session!!!!! Kudos to you for getting to that gym. :) 
11 Jul 09 by member: mbhpro
You KNOW that when you're doing well and things are going well there are tendancies to SELF-sabatoge! I do it also! Think about why! You DESERVE all of this, you deserve to have everything you want. No more guilt! You will and can do this! Don't even think about the spin class put your gym clothes by the door and just go as if it was a class you are teaching. Comedy club what a great idea! Hope you had fun! 
11 Jul 09 by member: JulieC


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