Joined August 2012
Weight History

Start Weight
233.0 lb
Lost so far: 16.0 lb

Current Weight
217.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
180.0 lb
Still to go: 37.0 lb
I have been struggling with my weight since I was 19 and diagnosed with PCOS. Since then I have had a set of twins and trying to figure out the right metobolic balance for me. With the help of a Complete Women Health provider I have successfully lost almost 70lbs.

I recently had several life changing events that stalled my success but I am determined to get the last 50lbs off before my husband and I go on a cruise next spring (2013).

I have a wonderful support system, my husband recently lost 100lbs and supports me 100%. I keep in mind that I do this to live for myself and my children, they need me and I need them.

twinmommaoly's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 1.5 lb a week Up
last weighin: steady Steady

twinmommaoly's Latest Posts

Just Started Today - Can't wait to see the results!
This is an actual detox program by Xyngular that I am on. It is a kit that you buy and follow. It is sustainable and acheivable. I have a friend who lost 120lbs and has kept it off for 2 years now.

Even without this product if I cut carbs out of my diet only eating small amounts of whole grain at my mid day meal I can lose on average of 3lbs a week. I have already lost 80lbs doing this and kept it off for a year. I am insulin resistant so this diet is perfect for my disorder.

posted 07 Sep 2012, 15:06
Just Started Today - Can't wait to see the results!
Just started the Core4 program this morning. I actually feel like I can do this! My goal is to lose 15lbs in 2 weeks, wish me luck Smile
posted 06 Sep 2012, 13:30
Who wears biker shorts under dresses? (can we talk about chaffing?)
I personally like the spanx or knock off brand... they provide tummy control as well they have them with legs on them that help with the chaffing issue. I particularly like wearing them when I exercise.

They do have a liquid powerder available in the feminine section that is amazing.

You shouldn't be ashamed to talk about it with your BF, it is totally normal, the first time might be a little awkward but after that you will be free to talk about anything.

search on youtube for the "barrier" video.. its about a young couple who figure out how to "share" embarassing things and it is quite funny.
posted 22 Aug 2012, 17:09
Back on the wagon is much harder than it was the 1st time
I am so excited that my provider shared this site with me. I keep it on my desk open all day to remind me why I am doing this.

December 2010 I had reached 292 lbs and knew I had to do something. I have been battling with PCOS/insulin resistance since 1998 with roller coaster weight loss/gain.

I started an intense workout program along with the low carb high protein diet with my husband (much easier I must add than doing by yourself). By default my children were on the diet as well (8yr old twins). Within 8 months my husband lost 100lbs and has since kept it off and I lost 70lbs and kept it off until recently.

I have gained 16lbs back partly because I lost focus with some life events that have recently happened. Both of my parents are insulin dependent diabetics and my father just recently started dialysis and is waiting for a kidney transplat (both are in their early 50's). My father has been hospitalized twice now and had several near fatal events in the past 6 months that have caused them to come and live with us. What a wake up call to get myself on track!

I just went back to my Women Health provider who has helped me reach this goal and she put me back on track. I know I will feel better shortly but right now going through the detox process is worse than I remember it from before. I remain inspired since I have lost 6lbs in 4 days and I know what I am doing is going to save my life.

For all you newbies out there, stick with it and cling to any support you have. It is a lot of work and frustrating at times but well worth the battle.

Thanks for all the support out there!

posted 22 Aug 2012, 16:23
twinmommaoly has submitted 4 posts

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