Joined April 2011
Weight History

Start Weight
155.0 lb
Lost so far: 5.0 lb

Current Weight
150.0 lb
Performance: gaining 3.0 lb a week

Goal Weight
135.0 lb
Still to go: 15.0 lb

squallette's Weight History


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last weighin: gaining 0.4 lb a week Up

squallette's Latest Posts

HIIT on treadmill and stationary bike
I'm looking to start on HIIT since steady state doesn't work out so well for me...what are some good HIIT workouts I can follow? I'm a bit of a slow runner, seeing how the fastest I can run at a shortened time interval is 8mph. Thanks Smile
posted 12 Jun 2012, 22:21
I need help...
I'm about to try carb cycling...basically 1 day of eating carbs and 3 days with very little...your body needs carbs to give you energy so giving up on it completely isn't the best thing. Also, the switcheroo in the diet pattern throws your body's weight equilibrium off balance, preventing a plateau.
posted 02 May 2012, 22:47
Those stubborn last 10lbs + HIIT versus steady state training
Very tasty ideas, both of you, thanks Smile
posted 26 Apr 2012, 14:21
Those stubborn last 10lbs + HIIT versus steady state training
kanan123 wrote:
What it comes down to is calories in vs calories out. You will have to start tracking calories and arming yourself with information in order to figure out what you need. The new food choices seem healthy, but on any given day without tracking you will have no idea if you need more carbs, protein, or fat. For example, what is the purpose of switching cereal for oatmeal with fruit? If its a pack of instant oatmeal, it will have just as much sugar as your cereal. If you are thinking fruit will help you cut back on carbs, it won't because fruit is mostly carbs. I would say you are on the right track of getting more protein, but I can't be sure with limited data. Honestly for as much exercise as you are doing, I can guarantee you are eating more then 1500 calories. I challenge you to record everything you eat with a food scale and then you will see where things are off. If you put the extra time into recording, you can spend less time at the gym. Diet is 80% of the battle.

I'm positive that the carb to protein ratio is probably my main concern. I've been counting calories for over a year now, with the help of my school's dietitian and calorie counting iphone apps. And yes, I have done the whole measuring cup thing too. My typical day would have been:

-1 and 1/2 cups of honey bunches of oats - 195 cals
-1 cup almond milk - 60 cals

-Bowl of prepacked salad - 260-290 cals

-Bowl of light progresso soup - ~200 cals

Snacks throughout the day, OR eaten with meals:
-Banana - 105cals
-special k protein bar (after workouts) - 170cals
-nature valley granola bar - 190cals
-light yogurt - 80cals
-a serving of cottage cheese before bed - 80cals

So all that totals up to ABOUT...1340-1370 cals per day. And seeing how my workouts are usually around 300-400cals, that leaves a net amount of 1040-940cals. Unless I'm calculating and/or inputting things wrong, I can guarantee that I have not been going over 1500cals with what I have been eating.

With that being said, it's apparent that the above list includes a lot of granolas, carbs, possible excess sugar, etc. and very little protein (I did have meat in my salads and soups, but they were typically very little). My current plan to modify my list would consist of removing granola/protein bars and replacing them with more yogurt, MUCH more chicken and seafood, and as for the breakfast...without oatmeal or cereal, or anything else with carbs, I'm not really sure what else is there to eat...an omelette perhaps?

But as soon as I ease into this type of diet, I may try carb cycling since it seems to work for most of you.
posted 26 Apr 2012, 00:58
Those stubborn last 10lbs + HIIT versus steady state training
Thanks for all the input guys! Smile I've started to make changes to my diet by switching out protein bars for yogurt, cereal for oatmeal with fruit, and eating either chicken/salad/tofu/seafood meals for dinner. I'm currently on the lookout for recipes that are quick and simple, but can get the job done. So far I have chicken tacos/wraps, chicken breasts in lemon sauce, tofu in miso soup, lemon broccoli, avocado omelettes, and crispy catfish. Does that sound like I'd be on the right track?
posted 24 Apr 2012, 15:31
squallette has submitted 5 posts

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