Joined January 2010
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216.0 lb
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201.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.8 lb a week

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180.0 lb
Still to go: 21.0 lb

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  100 Burpees in 10 Minutes
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ended: 22 Mar 10
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Need a good 15 to 30 min workout
Glad I could be of some help. Good luck with the training!

posted 02 Feb 2010, 21:36
Need a good 15 to 30 min workout
There are tons of exercises to choose from (and variations thereof). For example with the pushups you're doing, try googling pushup variations and try alternating them within the same circuit to maximize your gains and keep it interesting (quick google on pushups variations had this http://www.break.com/usercontent/2007/3/19-Push-Ups-Variations-Without-Any-Equipment-243118.html ). Similarly, youtube etc is your friend when trying to change up your routines go on and search for body weight workouts or Tabata workouts (as previously mentioned) if you do have any equipment to hand such as dumbells etc then your circuit options are expanded even further.

I try to incorporate as many exercises that work a lot of muscles and I also love core strength exercises and adding an element of plyometrics to exercises can increase there intensity a ton.
Burpees are great so they have to be in every circuit I do. Push up variations, squat variations such as star jump squats (start off in a regular squat down then explode into a star shape - arms and legs extended out wide) squat jumps (regular squat with explosive straight jump) squat thrusts (just like a burpee but without the jump when you stand up). Ab exercise variations including regular situps & crunches, russian twists, V sits etc. I also work in planks (front and sides) but what I do because this is a stationary exercise is I'll hold the position for 30 seconds then after the hold is finished (in the case of front plank) I'll alternately bring a knee up to my chest then return to the plank position for 10 reps on each leg. For side planks I do the same then just bring the top leg out vertically to meet my hand at around waist height.
Other exercises which are really explosive and are (as suggested above) jumping variations so if you have a suitable elevated surface such as a step from step class (I use a weight bench) you can do 2 footed jumps on and off, line up parallel with the bench and place one leg on then explosively power up and over so you clear the bench and land with your opposite foot on it and your originally elevated foot is now on the floor. You don't need to have a platform to do plyo stuff though, you can do alternate lunge jumps, tuck jumps, plyo pushups etc etc etc...

The list goes on and on and is only limited by your imagination. As you research more and more you'll build up a database in your mind of exercises and eventually you'll be able to just do a circuit on the fly and keep it varied.

I know I sound like i'm sponsored by Google but search and you'll will find.. there are tons of vids on the net which are a great resource. Good luck.


posted 02 Feb 2010, 11:55
Do Fat Secret update, improve, expand the exercises available in the exercise entries?
As per title... Just wondering as it seems very limited. Been trying my best to tally my workouts to an activity which seems to best suit but the choice is pretty slim. For example there is only one entry for Weight lifting and it's moderate. Sometimes I'll do a weighted circuit which is very intense but nothing seems to apply to that type of activity. Thanks in advance for any input guys.

posted 01 Feb 2010, 01:00
Need a good 15 to 30 min workout
There are tons of ways you can work out with just body weight exercises. If you treat them like a circuit you can blast out 20mins of work and get a great workout from it, with strength gains as well as a good cardio workout. You can change things up and keep your body guessing, this will increase your metabolic rate and help burn those calories even post workout. Crossfit is awesome as it's the same sort of principle and a lot of the exercises you'll see on the website incorporating weights etc can be mimicked by using resistance bands as a cheap alternative. Google tabata training too. These are great ways of getting maximum results from a limited time working out. This type of training isn't easy and you should push yourself but that should be the case with any training if you want to get anything out of it.

An example of a great short time duration workout that I use often is the 300 workout. There are two ways to approach this, the first is that you select 10 exercises and you do 10 reps of each of the exercises and repeat for 3 sets giving a total of 300 reps overall (hence the name). The other option is to select 30 different exercises and do 10 reps of each. The idea that you blast your way through all 300 without taking a break. There are tons of options out there for you. DVD's are an easy option as they guide you through a set workout but once you're comfortable with planning your own workouts then change 'em up and keep them interesting and challenging. Good luck.
posted 01 Feb 2010, 00:37
ipodnev has submitted 4 posts

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