Joined January 2014
Weight History

Start Weight
201.0 lb
Lost so far: 13.9 lb

Current Weight
187.1 lb
Performance: gaining 0.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
165.0 lb
Still to go: 22.1 lb
I am a Type II diabetic, and have diagnosed so for at least 10 years. I have a sneaking suspicion that I have been so since at least 1987. I say so, because although I was extremely active in high school, when in college, I showed many signs. Both my mother and maternal uncle discovered that they were diabetic after I was diagnosed (and my family always blamed me for my issues).

Over the years, I had attended a medically-supervised weight loss program at The City of Hope, in L.A., and had been exercising a lot (running at least four times a week) when in Cali. However, after moving to Florida in 2006, I have been quite sedentary, and have been on-and-off in regards to managing my diabetes.

Last year, it was my goal to stop ignoring my problem, and start going to doctors again. I attained this goal, and have been seeing an endocrinologist for a year. Although I have been taking my meds religiously and being somewhat good about my diet, I still cannot get my blood sugars lower than 160.

So, this year I am adding diet and exercise into the mix. I have been looking for a good Android appo to track all my needs: diet, exercise, and glucose levels. I have found apps out there to be lacking in an app that is in-depth overall. So, I found that FatSecret has a great programming API, which then led me to look at the site overall. It seems pretty cool.

So, that's about it. I hope that this place gives me enough motivation to keep on track!

daveofthedogs's Weight History


only visible to followers
Craig Tanzy
last weighin: gaining 1.2 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 0.2 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 1.3 lb a week Down

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