Joined January 2011
Weight History

Start Weight
260.0 lb
Lost so far: 68.0 lb

Current Weight
192.0 lb
Performance: gaining 0.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
150.0 lb
Still to go: 42.0 lb

chasidy114's Weight History

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ended: 19 Mar 11
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last weighin: losing 0.4 lb a week Down

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Hello, looking for support and buddies!
@kedria, what kind of foods are you eating when you try? And how long has it been bothering you... At 600 calories you've probably put your body into starvation mode, that is probably why you not seeing much weight loss... There are a lot of foods, foods that I like and really want to eat, and when I take a bite or two I literally get so nausated I have to throw it away and go brush my teeth!
posted 26 Jul 2012, 00:22
Hello, looking for support and buddies!
@ktred12, thank you for the wonderful compliment... I have been a yo yo dieter for years the last summer I reached my heaviest at 260... Last Aug. I started Nursing school, I vowed that I was going to lose no matter what, it became easily as I learned how our bodies work on a cellular level.. No matter what you call your diet. We all know deep down inside the way we should eat ( no processed foods, fresh veggies ect) and what everyone calls exercise, when in reality it's just not leading a sedentary lifestyle. I believe a little bit of anything won't hurt but a lot of anything will kill you. Tuesday I will walk down the isle in my pinning ceremony 70 lbs light almost one year ago.. I make mistakes and sometimes I do eat what I'm not soposse to but were human. It's when we make a conscious effort, AND stick with it, is when we see a change.
@serinitydiva- I hope you do get a chance to read it, it's truly inspiring, as for the website any one who needs to but a book that's where you should check first I bought almost all of my school books for 3-10$ when at the college bookstore they run100-200$!
posted 26 Jul 2012, 00:16
Hello, looking for support and buddies!
@ inhisimage , I thought I would share this with you I also suffer from heals spur and have been taking NSAIDS, but I really would love to come off them. I recently got to observe a new procedure called a cobaltation topaz procedure, it basically heal spur surgery it's outpatient then a boot, here is the link, insurance should cover it
@SerenityDiva, I feel in love with Atkins but found it very restricting since I just don't like many of the foods on induction I was eating chicken and broccoli every day then I came across a new book called the metabolism makeover and I m hooked! It's similar to Atkins with a few different rules... My weight has just been melting off! I got it for cheap too on, there's also a version of the book which includes a cookbook, I bought both.
posted 25 Jul 2012, 05:56
Hello, looking for support and buddies!
What is the simple diet?
posted 24 Jul 2012, 12:54
decreasing carb intake are all right, y'all just don't know why.... Insulin resistance isn't why we get fat. It's what happens after we get fat. We initially get fat because of high caloric, sedentary lifestyles, and heredity. Once we get there is when the problems occur ( this is true for everyone, except type I diabetics) when we get fat we have adipose tissue ( fat cells) that work with receptor cells in your body, receptors are what allows your body to use insulin the way it is intended, the adipose tissue creates enzymes that block the receptor sites ( they literally disappear when we gain weight) When the receptor are gone, the glucose stays in your blood, glucose is what sugar and simple carbs turn into once in the body, all intake including fat will turn to glucose or glucagon if not used, when the glucose stays in the blood, you have proteins called albumin, albumin are like buses they carry whats needed to the cells, now with glucose the buses get full at about 180mg/dl ( that's the # you get when you test your blood glucose )... So once the buses are full your body has to fiqure out what to do with the extra sugar. This is after it uses all it needs for your energy. Some of you say your body works different than others. And I'm sure they do, because you choose what you do to your "body" but all of our cells work the same.(ex: if the skinny guy gets fat his receptor cells will turn off and he'll gain weight too) #1 the brain only uses glucose #2 your liver stores about 70G, back up for your brain #3 glucose stored in the cells,again back up for the brain... See a trend here, if you put it in your body, your body wants to save it for your brain. Ok so the difference is sauger and carbs are already glucose, so use them or they get stored. Proteins, fats get used by the body, but still if you have an excess they too will turn to glucagon ( a secondary form of glucose) and be stored. That's why you need a caloric deficit to lose weight, so see y'all are all right... Low carb= less glucose in the blood, so your body is going to use whatever you have, it just has to works harder to do it. Caloric deficit= 3500 calories - 1 pound, eating low carb will give you a caloric deficit, your basically just doing your math differently. All that being said hereditary does play a role, don't have time to get into all that. For type II diabetics, it is reversible, you simply have to get your body back to were the cells can function the way they need too. Glucafage ( # 1 type II diabetic pill) works by forcing the receptor cells to open and use the glucose which takes it out of the blood. So the ultimate goal is to keep your bg at a low level 80-110mg/dl, without spikes, eat every couple hours, eat complex foods to maintain bg levels. If you go about 5 hrs without food your liver gets scared the brain will go hungry and release it's stored glucagon which will cause a spike, ever went to bed hungry and woke up not hungry? It's because half way through the night your liver spiked your bg. I hope that this has cleared up some confusion, it is really neat to learn how our bodies work on a cellular level.
posted 24 Jul 2012, 12:39
chasidy114 has submitted 5 posts

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